
Finishing Business


"Central City is getting bigger and bigger," Cisco spoke, looking at his screen, at all the projects the mayor has taken into expanding it. "Well, not only do you guys have a Speedster, you have another superhero, not counting yourself and Caitlin." Jesse, who was next to him answered with a shrug.

"And crime is still all times low..." Mike commented, exiting Caitlin's workshop, and walking up to them. "At this rate, I'm going insane, I need some action."

"What happened to training?" Cisco shot back, making Mike sigh, "Any normal exercises don't give me any results at this stage." came the answer. "Cisco, can you open a breach to earth 2 please?"

"Uhh, why?" The metahuman asked back and stopped himself from biting the burger that was in front of him. "I need to finish some business there, plus, this Central City is too calm right now and even when something happens, Barry can take care of it," Mike answered with a shrug, making Cisco sigh, while Jesse was a bit tense regarding this topic.

"What about Caitlin?" The teenager asked, freezing Mike for a bit before he let out another exhausted sigh even though it was noon. "It's... not safe for her, nor the baby. So, I'll just drop it, see if Zoom's lackeys are doing anything before I pop back in."

And before Cisco could speak, "Plus, I gotta try and clean my debt as soon as possible." Mike continued, a tranquil smile on his face, his eyes dazed just for a second before looking at a sighing Cisco.

"Fine, as long as Caitlin won't have my head on a pike."

"She won't," Mike answered back with a chuckle. Nodding at him, Cisco got up from his chair and went to his workshop, coming back in under 10 seconds, "I'll breach you back as soon as Caitlin orders me to or if she doesn't, well, you have 6 hours of playtime." His gauntlets were equipped with his goggles.

With a bit of concentration, they had a breach open in front of them, "If you need anything, breach me back no matter what." Mike told them before jumping into the gate, the wormhole-like portal gone a second after.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jesse asked unsurely. Giving her a comforting smile, "he'll be fine,"

As soon as he was gone, Caitlin came back from her workshop, her head a little messy and tired looking, she let out a long yawn, rubbing her eyes before staring at Cisco's hands and then back to him. After a second of awkward silence, "Hey, had a nice nap?" Cisco greeted her.

"Where's Mike?" She asked, ignoring his greeting, her eyes turning sharp, glaring at her friend. "He, uhh... Went to Earth 2?" Cisco answered while Jesse slowly stood up from her chair, intending to get away from the ice metahuman's incoming wrath, only for Caitlin to glare at her, making her sit back down.

Turning back to Cisco, "He did what now?" She asked him, her previous cute face gone with fury. "Earth 2? He went to... earth 2?" Cisco answered her hesitantly, afraid and taking slow steps back from the woman. "He ran away?!" She asked, her tone getting ice cold, making the duo in the room with her shiver just from that.

"If you want, I can bring him back."

"No, it's no need. He can spend his entire life there for all I care!!" She shouted, turning on her heels and getting back into her workshop. Meanwhile, the duo, Cisco and Jesse had their breathing resumed once she was gone from the room, both sighing. "She's more terrifying than her doppelganger..." Jesse commented.

"I'm more concerned with what did he do to make her that mad?"

Letting out a sigh, Cisco turned towards the teenager, "So, is Harry still adamant on leaving Central City?" Giving him a nod, "Yeah, but please don't misunderstand, he really likes it here but for my safety and with the Eye and all-"

"Jesse, it's fine, I get it." Cisco interrupted her, "Well, actually I don't, I don't have a daughter or a kid, but I can at least understand his worry." He told her.

After almost a minute of her looking at the ground and with Cisco deciding to give her some quiet time, "I really don't want to leave." She spoke up, bringing the engineer's attention back to him. "I really like it."

"How so?" Cisco wondered, mostly because of them, other than Iris, Joe, and Mike, everyone's face that she was seeing was people that were her captors, especially his doppelganger and Caitlin's.

"It's just... you guys are really kind and... very friendly." She spoke, taking a pause before continuing. "Caitlin, even though she can be quite scary, she's super nice and gentle. Barry is nice too and cheerful, you are funny and very intelligent." She spoke, making Cisco smile proudly.

"And dad seems like he has so much fun here even though he tries his best not to show it." She stopped again, and Cisco noticed her expression turning a bit nostalgic, "Ever since mom, he has always been this... Grumpy and mean and rude to people around him, trying to distance himself from others except for me."

Noticing that her breathing was getting a bit out of control from the emotion, Jesse stopped again, calming her emotions, "But here, he's not like that even though he tries to. Caitlin reminds him to be kind, Barry reminds him to be content, and Mike... sorta controls him, but in a good way." She spoke making Cisco frown.

"What about me?" He asked her, taking offense for not mentioning him. Giggling at him, "You irritate and annoy him." She answered, only for him to protest, "Hey!"

Seeing her staring at him with a grin, "okay, fine, I like annoying him. But you can't say that!"

Shaking her head, "I guess it's mostly you that forces him to bring all these emotions out of him." Seeing his confusion, "When he tries to push your team away, you're the only one that pushes back." She clarified, "Caitlin, Barry, and others just think to give him space. While Mike, I think, as long as Caitlin is fine, he doesn't care."

"You're the only one that pushes back when he's trying to be grumpy and rude and all that." She answered with a smile, making Cisco chuckle and smile back. "Well then, I'll always annoy him in case that." Upon hearing that, Jesse giggled before nodding.

With the smile gone, Cisco turned serious, staring deep into Jesse's eyes, "I suggest making your dad stay here, Jesse. Bruce," Seeing the confusion, "The bat guy," he clarified, making Jesse nod in realization, "He upgraded our labs so the evil Cisco can't spy on you guys here. But if you run away from here," He stopped "He might find us and kill us." Jesse finished the sentence for him.

Giving her a nod, "Exactly, and if we try to convince Harry of this," "He might not listen at all." Jesse finished once again, "Right."

Deciding that the conversation end there, Cisco turned back towards his screen, working on something else while Jesse stayed like that, staring into Cisco's focused face and the words that he had told her.

But not long after, Caitlin exited her workshop quietly, walking towards the exit of the room. Seeing her, "Hey, where you to?" The young engineer asked just in case Mike had come back sooner and had asked about his wife. But the ice metahuman didn't answer her, ignoring the duo and getting out.

That's when Cisco's face got up from the screen, looking at Jesse, "That was weird." He spoke, having a weird feeling. "Maybe she's mad at you for easily sending Mike to Earth 2?" She suggested, making the engineer nod unsurely.

"Yeah... Maybe..." He spoke before focusing back on his screen, taking Jesse's idea and shrugging the weird feeling away, "Just hope she doesn't kill the father of her child when he comes back... Still don't know what she's mad about."


With Mike,

Swinging throughout the city, it was bizarre. Not because of the chaos going around, no, but because of the calm and peacefulness in it. If it was filled with violence and destruction, Mike would have felt more at ease but coming here and seeing that everything was normal was making Mike more tense than usual.

"Something's wrong." The spider muttered while swinging between buildings, meanwhile, the pedestrians had uncertain expressions on their faces regarding this new hero and his team that took care of Zoom.

'They feel the same. They are more on the edge.' Toxin commented, his senses focused on the tense civilians that were simply trying to live their life. "More like they are expecting something to go wrong anytime soon," Mike noted, shooting a web at a corner of the building, changing streets and still swinging, appearing as if he was simply patrolling the city, which he was.

'Completely different from our Central City.' Giving Toxin a nod, Mike shot a web at a skyscraper and pulled himself toward it. Instead of crashing into the window, he successfully landed without damaging the windows or his body.

With his whole body sticking to the building's side, he stood up on its side, looking at the street and surrounding under him. 'Let's pay a visit to Zoom.' Toxin suggested with an evil smile, something that Mike reciprocated, "Time to finish business."

But unknown to him, something else was happening back in his home, something that would bring make him unleash the monster inside of him after almost a year now.