
Coming To Light

Looking at the corpse in front of him, the unfamiliar man sighed sadly, "What a shame," He muttered, his expression completely opposite of his words. His face was hidden under the small but dark hood of the black trench coat he was wearing. The sleeves were pulled up just a bit higher than the man's wrist. Underneath the trench coat, is a deep red collar shirt with a dark blue tie.

On his lower body, black jeans, neither loose nor tight. Instead of an expression of sadness, the man had a toothy grin on his face, gently kicking the now cold head of the smart gorilla, "You would have made a good soldier." He spoke, turning his head and walking away, cracking the bones in his neck by stretching it. His hands were in the pockets of the coat he had.

"Oh well, I want to have a turn with this spider myself now." The man spoke excitedly, the hood falling down from his head, showing his half-scar face under the street lights, his blue eyes shining ominously, and with a toothy grin, he looked the most charming man to the ladies even with the right side of his face being blistered and red, while the men around him were a bit uncomfortable. "Kind of underestimated him. Oh well." He shrugged and released a sigh, dropping his head sadly.

Realizing that everyone was looking at him, his smirk vanished, and a carefree and charming smile replaced it. Throwing a gentle wave at the surprised people around him, he started walking away from the dark alleyway, before replacing his hood back on his head. "Rest well, Spiderman."


A couple of days later:

<Pov Change>

It's been almost a week since Caitlin's kidnapping. She was knocked out for two whole days, making me panic. Though the doctors in the hospital and everyone else were trying to calm me down, I was ready to call in a favor from Justice League.

Thankfully, I didn't need to do anything since she woke up on the third day, her head bandaged and everything else taken care of, including the baby inside her. Though when she woke up, I was surprised because she was calm, way too calm.

I was by her side and had been for the past 3 days, not moving and holding her hand. For some reason, even my Spidey sense was a bit late regarding this, but I didn't care as long as she was fine. "Cait?" I called out to her quietly, her right cold hand still in my hand.

Slowly standing up, I put my left hand on her forehead, clearing the hair that was there, "Morning, sleepyhead." But it looked like she hadn't even heard me or felt my touch because her eyes were still on the ceiling, a bit dazed as if she was staring at something that others couldn't see.

Her brown eyes didn't have a reaction to the bright light in the room, staring directly at it. "Cait?" I called out to her again, concern slowly creeping in. Thankfully though, this time I got a reaction out of her, her dazed look turned a bit clearer, her head turning on me, staring at me as if she didn't recognize me for a bit before the realization came in, "Miky?"

Her eyes slowly opened wide for a moment before getting back to normal, her blank stare turning to a tranquil smile, "Morning, honey." She greeted me even though behind me, the curtains of the window were pulled to the side, the sky dark, and the clock on top of the door showed 8:23 PM.

Gently bringing her right hand to my lips, "I hope you had a good nap." I spoke, lowering her hand while she was looking at me with eyes that looked like she had fallen in love all over again, though I could sense that there was something else, not with Spidey Sense, just... Feelings, a hunch.

Giggling at that, she had a calm and relaxed smile, all the stress gone from her head, "Yeah, I did..." She spoke, and something broke out of that smile, something sad before it was gone, behind the smile. Though it wasn't a mask. It wasn't a facade that she was showing me, it was genuine, I could feel it. Her smile looked like she had nothing to worry about anymore.

"Yeah... I did. " She repeated, her eyes looking dazed for a second before the light came back on them. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, not being able to contain my worry. Her eyes trailed off a bit and came back, resting on my own. Her giggle came back for a second, confusing me for a second with all these mixed signals that I was getting. "Of course, honey." She answered, freeing her hand from mine, and bringing it to my left cheek.

"I dreamed about us," She spoke her eyes slowly unfocusing from my blue ones, probably remembering about her dream. "It was a beautiful dream." She continued, her smile slowly decreasing. "Want to hear it?" She asked, a weird edge to it, but when I shook my head, her smile widened a bit, "Good dreams should be kept a secret so they can be safe from jealousy" I shared with her something that I had learned on my travels before all this superhero stuff.

"Well, let's keep it a secret from everyone else then." She spoke with a giggle, making me chuckle as well. When I sat back down on the uncomfortable chair, she took that as the signal to start.


She was back there, back to being surrounded by thousands, if not, millions of screens, the black throne empty this time as well. The single chair in this whole... Place. But there was a difference now other than the screen. The seat had a bit of blood on its seat white cushion, and even the back cushion had a bit of scarlet liquid, but the worst place was the gold armrest.

But another difference was with Caitlin herself. The last few times she had come here, she was feeling an immense panic attack coming, but this time, she was calm. Way too calm, which made it easier for her to observe the chair in front of her.

Behind the black throne were multiple bird feathers, almost like a peacock's tail, with the same color as the tail of the bird. Shaking her head away from these thoughts, she focused back on her goal. To not waste time and find a way to save her husband from his doomed end. An end that she desperately was fighting back to change.

Searching for the monitor that she had seen last time, it didn't take her long before she was now looking at the screen that had Barry right in front of the person Mike wanted to kill the most, after Eobard Thawne.

On the screen, it showed her husband standing in front of the demon speedster's army. An army of thousands and maybe even more. An army that he had amassed through the worlds that he conquered, with the speed that he had stolen from an old speedster resembling Henry Allen, before killing the said man.

Though the old speedster's speed force wasn't enough to cure Zoom's sickness and addiction. "You will pay," Her husband spoke, making Zoom chuckle. "Try me, insect." The blue speedster taunted and his army took that as the signal to start their assault, ignoring the broken and destroyed buildings and skyscrapers.

But before they could reach him, a wormhole appeared behind her husband, "So, in what kind of trouble are you now?" A familiar man asked Mike before his figure blurred in red with orange lightning and stopped in front of the said man, his right hand on his forehead, looking at the halting enemy army as if it was something so far away while whistling as well.

"You seem to be a trouble magnet," A robotic voice spoke up next, before other figures, familiar and not, get out of the wormhole. At least dozens of men and women appeared behind Mike, who now had a grin, ignoring the friendly jab the first 7 men and women spoke to him.

Seeing this, Zoom's army stopped in their tracks, their eyes wide with uncertainty, "I've got an army myself..." Mike spoke, his smirk changing to something predatory, "But mine's better." He spat.

Zoom, angered by the disrespect, "Kill them." He ordered before heading towards his target, wanting to take the head of the leader. "Hey, get in line!" Justice League Barry shouted, his figure changing into a red blur, and orange lightning behind him and meeting the blue speedster in the middle.

Before they could be in at arm's length, Zoom changed his direction to his right while Barry was right behind the blue demon speedster, a smirk on his face. With that, the battle of the speedster started. And soon after, Mike charged into the enemy's rank.

After 30 minutes, the scene had changed into something else. An older Mike is sparing with a teenager, who had an angry look on his face, while her husband had a carefree but proud expression. "Come on, Ryan. Is that all?"

Upon hearing it, Caitlin's eyes widened in surprise, the smile on her face widening proudly. "This! Is! Not! Fair!" The boy shouted with each punch, kick, or flip. Her husband's smile widened, "I know." He replied cheekily, making the brunette much more frustrated.

"Stop MOVING!" The pale boy shouted. "Oh, okay." Came the reply, but the teenager didn't buy it. With a white fog appearing in the boy's hands, he flipped away by double kicking his father's chest, "AH!" Ryan shouted, shooting at least 7 icicles at his sparring partner.

Without moving from his position, Mike's proud expression increased. With his eyes closed, just to piss off the boy even more by flexing, making the teenager snort when he saw that, Mike dodged them all by twisting his body and moving out of the way. "Show off," Ryan murmured in annoyance.

Though before he could do anything, "Since I can't move, why don't you come at me?" The old man asked, but Ryan couldn't answer. Because a web was stuck to his torso now, making the boy look at it with his eyes widened, and a moment later, his whole defense posture dropped as well, "Ah, fuck..."

Instantly, he was off of his feet, being pulled by his father. Though Caitlin's eyes twitched at that language, wanting to smack the boy on his head for it, thankfully her husband was there with him. "Language little man." He called out, chopping the kid on his head, making his face hit the floor. Though it didn't hurt as much as the chop on the head because of Mike.

"Owe" Ryan muttered in pain, making Caitlin's eyes twitch at her husband for hitting her boy and if she could, she would have gone in there and started smacking both of them. Mike for hitting her baby boy, and Ryan for his language.

With another scene change, my smile widened a bit more, looking carefully at the screen in front and ignoring everything else around me. My eyes were glued to the display monitor, sometimes giggling, which would turn to laughter, or other times looking at the future with a sad smile though pride and tears in me.

One of those moments was when my little boy, now turned into a young adult had decided to get out of the bird's nest and fly away from the house, heading towards college. I saw it all, mostly the important things. Even a new age of heroes led by Ryan, my little boy, and my Miky's last moment. I was there for them, and though it was a good future, it was bittersweet at the same time because I had seen it all now.

But I didn't care. I now knew how to save my husband, I knew where everything went wrong and I was going to make sure it didn't happen. It was time to dirty my hands a bit now. With that, when I opened her eyes, I saw Mike staring at me with concern, "Cait?" He called me out.

And slowly, I could feel all my worries vanishing, "Miky?" I called out to him, making sure I wasn't in a dream, but upon seeing and feeling his gentle touch, I knew this was reality. "Morning, honey," I spoke, even though I could see the dark sky through the window in the background, I ignored it.

"I hope you had a good nap." He spoke, making me focus back on him. For some unknown reason, all I could do was giggle at that question, before nodding. "Yeah, I did..." I spoke, remembering what he had gotten through to get that future. "Yeah, I did..." I repeated.

"I dreamed about us," I spoke after talking a bit, almost whispering to him, remembering the scenes again, "It was a beautiful dream." I continued, my smile slowly decreasing. "Want to hear it?" I asked. When he finally gave a nod with a relaxed smile.

"I dreamt about our future... With our-" I started, deciding to start after the war, after Mike's retirement.