
Chapter 116: Rescue Succeeded (Start from Here)

'Yeah... We have to level up our resistance against sound...' The symbiote suggested, only for Mike to nod. 'Maybe, but the delay from the Spidey Sense... it's like back then...'

'I don't know it either, but someone or something in this universe can bypass it... we have to be more careful here.'

Nodding to Toxin once more, the unconscious form of Jesse was covered with the symbiote once more before they both went invisible. This time not risking it, Mike started flying high toward the sky and away from all the tall buildings.

Finding the location of S.T.A.R Labs, the spider hero flew towards it silently.


"Jesse, wake up." Mike quietly shook awake the girl, only for her to groan and hold onto the person carrying her tightly. "Sigh... Jesse... I need your help." Mike tried again, and thankfully, this time, the girl struggling opened her eyes.

Zooming in on the man's giant white lances staring at her, Jesse freaked out, ready to scream, only for Mike to place a hand on her mouth, stopping her from it. "I need you to calm down and open the S.T.A.R. Labs' entrance for me."

It took the teenager a bit of time before her eyes widened again, remembering what had happened before she was knocked out. Once he got her silent nod, Mike took his hand away from her mouth and Toxin freed Jesse from his hold.

To any bystanders, the girl looked like she appeared out of nowhere in front of the gate, but thankfully, no one was at the entrance because of the metahuman attack. Everyone from the lab was safely tucked away in the bunkers inside the lab, with the doors locked from any intruders.

Entering the code of the place, the doors just buzzed once, signaling them that it was open. "Lead me towards the basement," Jesse heard the Spider's voice. after giving him a nod even when she was invisible, she ran into the building.

After a bit of venturing, they finally came to the breach room. Turning off his invisibility, "Okay, you're gonna go in there. You might meet my team first before your dad since he might be too focused on his projects." Chuckling at that, Jesse nodded, 'That's dad alright...'

"In case, you get attacked by someone." Mike told her, making Jesse freeze in surprise, while Mike hoped that wouldn't happen. "Just mention Ryan and Diana." He continued "She'll stop... Probably?" Hearing the uncertainty in his voice, Jesse did not want to take that chance.

"Can't you just come with me?" She asked, only for the hero to shake his head. "I have a team here to take care of. I'll follow after in a bit." Mike replied to her and motioned for her to jump into the breach.

Nervously gulping her saliva, she nodded and followed his instruction, jumping inside the breach. Finally free from the babysitting job, Mike exited the room, tapping his earpiece once, "I'm on the way to help."

"At this point, I think you don't even have to!" Barry replied and the spider could basically hear the huge smirk on his face. Nonetheless, Barry was ignored.

Getting out of the lab, with the help of his wings and swing, he started heading towards the last location of Bruce and Diana. "Bruce, Diana, how's everything over there."

"They got away with the help of Firestorm and another metahuman with wind abilities," Diana replied, though her voice sounded as if she didn't care much about them, the annoyed tone could still be heard through the coms.

"It's fine, focus on ending this chaos. The main priority is to sho all of them away and stop destroying the city."

"Got it/Roger that." Came everyone's voice.

Seeing some metahumans destroying their way toward the lab, Mike dropped on top of them, knocking them all unconscious with several bone-cracking punches and then webbing on the ground for the cops to take over.

Thanks to Barry, all the citizens near or in the town square were gone, leaving only the main players. Continuing this for a while, rapidly, the number of metahumans dropped down. Though they were small fries, people that only tapped into the surface of their powers.

While on his way to join the team, a familiar woman stopped Mike from continuing on. "Ashe, we meet again."

"I heard what you did to Zoom." She replied, her eyes having finally some light in them.

"I told you, I'm here to end him."

"But you didn't yet, he's very much alive." She replied, making Mike tense. 'Already? The things I broke should have taken even a speedster months to recover from' The host thought, and Toxin also agreed with him. 'Maybe their trying to keep it a secret?'

'Maybe, but there were enough metahumans that could gossip.' Mike disagreed.

"Only a matter of time before I do... So, why don't you switch sides?" Mike suggested, his posture seemed calm and without worry. But that was just a disguise, he was tense and ready to knock the woman unconscious if he had to.

"Unfortunately, I can't..."

"Can't or won't?"

"I Can't..." She replied, running a hand over her forehead. To Mike, that was enough information to know why. The same reason that giant metahuman exploded inside the antimetahuman cell and the same reason, Jay wouldn't talk or wouldn't even help for freeing himself.

"Fine then, why don't you stop moving for a bit," Mike suggested, confusing Misty a bit. But before she could say a word or do something, 'It's all you, partner. Focus on her head.' Mike thought, receiving a nod from Toxin.

Catapulting himself towards the water bender, Mike prepared a palm strike. Misty was surprised and reflex taking over, she raised her hands, commanding the surrounding water from the sewers to get out.

Though the water obeyed, it was too late. With Mike right in front of her and his palm right in her face, she closed her eyes. So she didn't see the slimy thing that was covering the Spider hero, a part of it jumped onto her face and got under her skin.

Feeling something weird happening to her, Misty opened her eyes and didn't see anything but darkness. "Relax." Came the voice of her adversary, but she didn't listen. Intending to struggle, she felt her whole body was incapable of moving, "what did you do to me?!" She shouted at the hero.

But instead of getting an answer from him, something or someone else answered her. 'We are saving you,' A gnarly, deep voice answered her, making her shiver in fear. "Wha... What is this?! WHO ARE YOU?!" She demanded.

"Relax, we're trying to take the bomb out of your head," Mike answered her, making her freeze. "Wha..."

'Her brain is filled with nanobots...' Toxin spoke, her shock extending now. 'Can you absorb them all?' Hearing another foreign but familiar voice, she got out of her frozen status.

"What... What are you doing to me?" But ignoring her, 'I am already doing it...'

Away from them a couple of miles away, a figure was looking at the chaos from the top of the roof with a happy smile, his laugh unstoppable. Next to him stood 6 people, the highest-ranked people in Zoom's army, all of them being cautious of him.

With a binocular in his hand, his laugh stopped for a moment and his smile disappeared. "oh, bad, bad Misty..." Seeing the Spider-Man in front of her wipe his arm and throwing away his hard work. He clicked his tongue. "Cisco, my case please." He asked, his back still turned towards the 6 metahumans.

With a word, the evil Cisco, with the hairstyle of a samurai, grabbed the case that was next to him and walked up to the man. "Thank you very much." He told him and opened it. Inside it was a modified revolver and a black CheyTac M200 Intervention.

His smirk returned, "Boom," He spoke, and the Nanos that Mike had thrown away exploded. Equipping his rifle, he took aim, the scope focusing on the blue-haired woman's head instead of the man in front of her.

"No one leaves without my permission... Not even Zoom." He spoke, and without any hesitation, fired. But surprising him, a red blur got in between the special bullet and his target. Confused, he look at the flying figure but his smirk disappeared again.

"And who is that supposed to be."

Before he could react, the flying cape man flew towards their roof with super speed, stopping right in front of the 7 men. Taking the rifle from the sniper's hand and crushing it into a ball. "I am Superman, nice to meet you."

"Huh... So, you have super hearing... Cool." The man with the mask answered. "I guess you're this universe's Deadshot," Superman spoke, taking in the silver helmet/mask.

"Ohh, Deadshot, that's a cool name. But no, I am... Killshot. Similar, I know." The man now identified as Killshot replied and turned towards his men, who were ready to fight the floating man. "You know, I never missed my target, but this is the first for me..."

"Oh?" "Yeah, I never had someone that wouldn't die or get hurt from my shots. So... you got iron skin or what?" Killshot asked, taking his revolver from his case and kicking the black thing away. Aiming it at the symbol of <S>, he fired without warning.

But again, nothing. In front of Superman's chest was his hand, smoke getting out from the palm of his hand. "Back home, they do call me the man of steel."

Ignoring his comment, "That's the second time my name has lost value."

"Why don't you stop this meaningless chaos and surrender?" Superman suggested, trying to talk to the 7 men in front of him.

"Heh, I don't think so. Cisco, Dente, he's all yours." Killshot ordered turning away from the floating man. The two brothers that he ordered stepped up, ready. "Cisco... Huh..." Superman thought, his mind racing with all the familiar figures that he had run up against while capturing or stopping the metahumans.

Using his x-rays, Clark tried to pierce through the silver helmet and see who was behind the mask, but Killshot had already turned away. Though he did glance once toward the flying man, giving Superman a spare second to look who was behind the mask.

Only for him to frown. This was the first time him to not be able to identify someone like that. The half of the face that Clark saw was the burnt side, making his attempt at finding the identity of Killshot useless.

But before he could stop the man and his men from walking away, he was brought down to the roof by a vibration attack from the two brothers. Though surprised, Superman only let out a smirk, "You're nothing compared to our Cisco." Clark commented with a smirk.