
End of a life

It was a clear night, and the streets of Konoha was buzzing. Civilians going around, drinking isn't bars or at home eating and talking with their family. However, to the Shinobi, they felt unease in the silence of the night. Not a single bird chirped, sky devoid of clouds, it seemed, too perfect.

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, near Konoha,

A woman with flush, silky red hair lay down on a bed, clutching on to some grips down by her side. Next to her a man with spiky blonde hair stood anxiously waiting as he paced around the large room. The screams were echoed through as of the pains of childbirth. These were of course Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. The couple were having their first child and as of Kushina's Jinchurriki status she had to give birth outside the village of Konohagakure. After an arduous process, the small baby, with spiky blond hair and 3 whisker marks on each cheek. Minato and Kushina look at them with confusion, before realising that since Naruto was developed in the same place of the Kyubi, it may have had some effects on him. Nether the less the two were happy as Minato reached out for the child, before the midwife stopped him, saying "Mother first". Minato complied as Kushina held her newborn child as she thought he was so cute , and the image of Minato and Kushina combined. The midwife then proceeded to take the child for some tests, mainly blood and dna. Until, a loud thump could be heard, and Minato and Kushina got in guard, however Kushina was tired from childbirth so nothing could be done from her. Out of the shadows, a man with a mask appeared in a swirling vortex, holing baby Naruto with a Kunai at the child's neck. Minato stuttered, " p-please stay calm, we can talk about this". The masked figure spike in a monotone " I am perfectly calm, Yondaime Hokage, now hand over the Jinchurriki, or your child, who has not been alive for even a minute, will die". The two now parents shuddered. However before anything else could happen, the Masked man seemed to ponder, before taking the baking and placing it into the swirling vortex and it disappeared. Minato looked with horror as Kushina shouted " Where have you taken my baby!" To which the masked man ignored, and gripped onto Kushina with blinding speeds, as even with the Yondaimes incredible speed, the fact that he paced through the room for hours on end made him slow, to the point where he missed it, and they both disappeared. I. A new location Kushina was tied up by seal chains, as the extraction process began. After a moment the Kyubi no Kitsune was standing In front of the masked man, now under the genjutsu from the Mangekyo Sharingan. Minato appeared and saved Kushina from getting stabbed by the Kyubi's nail as then the masked man disappeared once again.

In Konohagakure,

The masked man appeared in an empty street, and slammed his hand on the concrete, shouting, "Summoning Jutsu!" And in a huge puff of smoke the Kyubi appeared, and began ravaging through the buildings of Konoha.

1 hour later...

Minato and Kushina were standing in front of the Kyubi, they were inside a four corner barrier formation, and Kushina tied up the Kyubi with the Uzumaki Chakra chains. As a few feet away, the Msked man appeared once again, with his right arm severed but he carried a small baby naruto In his arms. Minato glared, "Madara Uchiha.." whilst Kushina began to beg for Narutos saftey," Please. Don't hurt my baby, please!" The now Madara Uchiha simply chuckled, " You have defied me, Yondaime, Kushina, I may not be able to defeat you but your newborn child can not defend itself.." as he pulled out a Kunai "This is your punishment." Minato and Kushina ran forward, screaming "NO!" But it was of no use, the Kunai Madara held was now embedded into the child's chest, and the wailing baby now fell silent, as it's body has only been in the world for an hour a best, but now it was taken out of it. Madara disappeared as Minato and Kushina fell down to their knees, the blanket that the Baby naruto was In was now stained red, as they began to sob intimately, but they picked themselves up as the situation hasn't fully winked in yet, as they sealed the Kyubi back into Kushina, as they both passed out.

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