
Flash Marriage: The Domineering Wife

#Nominated in Webnovel Spirity Awards 2020. (Completed) Trigger Warning: Novel contains mature content and explicit scenes only intended for adults. {R-18+, No rape and No misunderstanding} *Nothing can come between my husband and I,not even death.* ~She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess, a monster who was slowly fading in her dark, lonely world until he came along. Like a twinkle little star, he brightened her horrid world. He was no one but her happy pill~ (Couple 1) "Tell me Wifey, has any man ever made you feel the way I do?" Lei Zhao asked. "Will it hurt if I tell you someone has?" Yan Mei inquired. A cheeky grin appeared on Lei Zhao's lips. "It wouldn't because I am sure no one has done it, especially the way you scream with pleasure under me." -------- Yan Mei, an aloof CEO known as the devil strongly believes love is a scam because she has experienced the joy and sadness of it. Now her heart has turned into a piece of stone encased by steel. Lei Zhao only has time for one thing in his life: work, after the death of his brother, which made him devastated and broken. After a chance encounter with a woman in a red suit at a club, he finds himself drawn to her. Something about the mysterious woman has him determined to make her his and unlock the mystery of the pain that flickers in her eyes. ~But will the devil give him a chance? Even though at times, the devil needs love too.~ ***** (Couple 2) ~She became the monster, parents told their kids to run away from, but she was far from a monster. She was just a lonely girl who wanted a friend who would always be there for her, who would check up on her and ask her how she was~ "This isn't a fairytale or a teen fiction where the bad girl falls for the good boy and tries to change for him, and then they live happily ever after. This is real life, and well, life is fucked up." Ying Sheng said, and she gulped the beer she was holding, loneliness flickering in her eyes. "But I-I won't ask you.. to change or want you to change. I just want you to be my bad girl. You --can tie me up in bed- and fu…ck me until I forget my name." Liam stammered as he turned crimson red. Ying Sheng heaved a sigh, "Cutie, you're supposed to look for a trophy wife who can cook and do chores. Not a monster like me who will destroy your perfect life. Also, we can't be together." Liam's heart nearly stopped in his chest when he heard her. His shoulders hunched, and he took a deep breath. 'Why?" He queried. "Because I love someone else." ~At times you have to choose between the one you love and the one who loves you. Ying Sheng learned this in a hard way.~ Two broken-hearted women, each broken in their own way.....with two determined men, ready to fix their broken pieces at all costs. This is a story of betrayal, love and second chances. Ready to enjoy the journey and learn along? *No evil mother-in-law, step-sister or cheating bestfriend *Not your usual cliche flash marriages novel *Bad girl X Good boy Tags: Flash Marriage #doting husband, #smut, #bad girl, #good boy, #betrayal #second chances #Strong female lead #Spirity-awards 2020 #Supernatural Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. ^I'm not the owner of the cover. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. if the owner wants me to take it down just leave a comment. Thank you! Discord server: https://discord.gg/FXdVxp6 Join to chat with author, fellow readers and make friends.

Chichii · Urban
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446 Chs

Wang Lu


"Close your eyes and give me your right hand, Meimei," Wang Lu whispered into her ear, standing behind her. Feng Mei smiled softly and closed her eyes and stretched out her hand.

She felt him softly massaging her wrist. She felt a cold object on her wrist and touched it.

"Open your eyes." 

She opened her eyes and looked at the object on her wrist. Her eyes became moist when she saw the beautiful bracelet on her wrist. 

It was a stunning customized hand-woven rope bracelet with a gold nameplate with the words "Together forever LM", a combination of their name Lu And Mei. 

She turned to look at him and wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Happy anniversary, Meimei. I love you." 

He kissed the top of her head and she smiled shyly at him. Wang Lu laughed when he saw her shy look. They had been married for a year now, but his wife was still shy of him.

Feng Mei glared at him when she saw him laughing at her. She ignored him and touched the bracelet. Even though it was a simple bracelet, she really liked it!

"It's beautiful," Feng Mei said with a smile on her face. Wang Lu tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Yes, beautiful." 

Feng Mei didn't know whether he was talking about the bracelet or her. Wang Lu leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss. Feng Mei wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him back passionately. 

She moaned slightly when she felt his hand on her breast. He plucked her nipple gently and it sent tingles all over her body. She pulled away with a blush on her face and leaned her head against his.

"I'm on my period, Hunny. We can't." 

Wang Lu could hear the smile in her voice. He groaned in annoyance. How can she get her period on their fucking anniversary?!

"I love you, Hunny."

Wang Lu swallowed his bitter complaint and replied softly.

"I love you, Meimei."


Wang Lu sighed and buried his head into his hands. The memories of his ex-wife had been haunting him for years now. He wanted to forget her, but he couldn't.

Why can't he forget about her? Why is it so hard to let go?

She had fooled him. She had shattered his heart into pieces. God, he loved her—no, he still does. He felt his head spinning. He loosened his tie and sighed. He opened his drawer and removed the bracelet. He still remembered her tears that night and the last words she said to him.

"I hate you," she whispered. She stared at him with disappointment written all over her face. "Once you realize your mistake, it will be too late," she added as she threw the bracelet at him.

Wang Lu felt his eyes becoming glossy as he held back his tears as best as he could.

He shouldn't be remembering the past. It had been five years now and he had never seen her again.

He wanted to hate her for what she did to him but as they say, it is never truly easy to get over your first love even when you convinced yourself that you've moved on.

Wang Lu felt his heart constricting with pain. He snapped his eyes shut and leaned against his seat.

Memories of her consumed his thoughts and he felt a tear escape his eyes.

"Why did you hurt me, Meimei… was my love not enough," Wang Lu whispered in the silent room with no one to respond to him.


Yan Mei and Lei Zhao settled together on the couch while watching television. His hand rested on her shoulders while his finger smoothly played with her hair. They looked like an old couple hanging out right now.

Yan Mei turned to look at him and he pressed a kiss on her forehead gently. That simple action caused her to feel shivers along her spine. She reverted her eyes to the screen.

"Wifey, are you ready to meet my parents tomorrow?" 

Yan Mei froze when she heard him.


She knew that sooner or later she will meet his parents so there was no need to delaying it.

Lei Zhao squeezed her hands gently to comfort her. 

"Don't worry… they will like you."

Yan Mei nodded as they continued watching the television.

"Wow, that guy is so hot," Yan Mei said referring to Yang Yang. They were watching Love 020.

A frowned marred on Lei Zhao's forehead. 

"Hotter than me?"

Yan Mei rolled her eyes at him. 

"Don't insult my male god, okay? How can you even compare yourself to him? Look at his smile. So perfect!" 

Yan Mei cupped her cheeks in her hands as she said with a soft smile.

"Wifey, how can you say that? What makes him hotter than me?"

Yan Mei giggled. He sounded like a whining kid, and she loved teasing him.

"Look at his sexy bum, it looks so yummy that I wanna bite it." 

Lei Zhao widened his eyes and placed his hand on her forehead. He refused to believe the person who just said that was his wifey.

"Wifey, is it you? Or you have a fever?" 

Yan Mei heaved a sigh when she heard him. The fact that she was a domineering CEO didn't mean that she doesn't appreciate beautiful men. She was a hardcore fangirl before becoming a CEO!

"I have told you, there are a lot of things you don't know about me," Yan Mei said, tracing his chest with her finger. She liked touching him like this.

"Wifey, I will wait for you to let me in," Lei Zhao said as he kissed her forehead. 

Yan Mei smiled and stopped tracing her finger on his chest. She kissed him passionately and he responded fervently. Yan Mei ran her fingers through his hair and pulled away.

"Thank you." 

She knows Lei Zhao was curious about her past and her nightmares but he never forced her to tell him. Those scars from the past are too much for her to bear. She didn't want to talk about it yet, and honestly, she is afraid… afraid that he will leave her once he knows her past. 

Can he accept a divorced woman? That is Yan Mei's biggest fear.

She knew she was being selfish, but for the first in a long time, she was actually happy. Happy with a guy and she didn't want a tainted past to ruin this moment for her.

Lei Zhao smiled softly.

"I'm always here, once you're ready to talk." 

Yan Mei nodded and turned her attention back on the screen, to hide the emotions brewing in her eyes.

Hello. Hope you're good.

Okay, so I know a lot of you are curious about Yan Mei's past and identity.

And you want her to accept Lei Zhao quickly but you should know she and Want Lu had a fairy tale love story.

Their own love story can be a stand alone book.So it will be a little weird for them to move on quickly. They even had a child.

So please kindly have patience.

don't worry YM can defend herself and protect herself..

Wang Lu - Yan Mei's ex husband

Feng Mei- Yan Mei's past name

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