
Chapter 17 Fancy His Face or Money


"My wife, the spouse column on our marriage certificate was written with my name. With your small arms and calves, you cannot change this situation in the short term. Go according to my arrangement and let our parents discuss our marriage."

Elisa's eyes did not know whether to stay in the word "wife" or stay in that long passage for a long time.

William didn't send anything after sending that long paragraph.

Elisa read it several times and finally deleted them.

She thought about many ways to get married, but never thought she would get married in that way.

She was not a person who would belittle herself. She knew that her appearance was not bad, her age was not old, her job prospects were quite good, and her family still had some savings.

On her terms, she could find a nice person to marry.

She could only get married because of love, not because of the sudden marriage.

She didn't even know when she got married.

That way was not only unacceptable to her parents, but also difficult for her to digest.

Without her knowledge, she was already the stepmother of a five-year-old child.

Why did she accept the teasing arrangement of William?!

Emily served the food and saw Elisa in a daze with her mobile phone.

"Hey, go back to your soul and eat."

Elisa hurriedly put down her cell phone and saw that there were only two simple dishes and one soup on the table. "Where's Dad? Will he not come back to eat?"

"Your grandfather is not feeling well. He went back to take care of your grandfather."

"Grandpa is ill?" Elisa took chopsticks with her hand.

"It's still his old illness, gout."

"Let's go and visit him in the afternoon."

Emily glanced at her. "You usually don't like going back to your hometown. But this time you are so active and conscious. Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"I am a doctor. Grandpa is ill. It is not appropriate for me not to take a look."

"You're right. Then eat quickly. After eating, you have to pack the new cotton-padded trousers I bought for your grandfather."

"Mm-hmm." Elisa vaguely answered and began to sweep the food on the table.

After dinner, Elisa quickly packed up the things that needed to be taken back to her hometown, and then urged Emily to go quickly.

"Elisa, are you being hunted down, or is someone going here to collect your debts?"

"There are both. In order for your daughter not to be turned into dead meat, you must hurry."

Emily flew her a supercilious look, then she followed Elisa downstairs.

When Elisa's car turned out of the community, she caught a glimpse of the familiar Maserati.

Her feet were shaking, as a result it stepped on the accelerator directly.

The car went so far that it almost caused a traffic accident.

Elisa did not care to get off the car and apologize, so she quickly drove the car out.

Emily squinted at Elisa and gnashed her teeth and said, "Be honest, what have you done again? Say it, I promise not to kill you."

"It's nothing."

Emily was angry. "Do you think your mother is blind or stupid? Elisa, I tell you, if you don't come say the truth, I won't help you say a word in your father's place!"

"Oh emperor's mother, please forgive my life..." She was chanting. 

"It's no use calling names. Is it related to William?" Her mother hushed her.

"How do you know that?"

"Do you think I bought those magazines for decoration? Is that William's Maserati across the road just now?"

"Mom, it's a pity that you don't be a detective."

"Don't change the subject for me. Just tell me what happened to your meeting with William!"

"He asked me to marry him."

Emily was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly reacted to what Elisa White said, she screamed, and then asked, "You promised to marry him?"

"Not yet." Elisa said, scratching her head.

"Refuse it!" Emily said decisively.


"Businessmen are cunning and treacherous, and you can't play with them. What more if it is at the level of William, and you can cry to death in the future."

Elisa was silent.

Emily looked at her. "Do you want to promise?"

"I think he is quite good."

"Did you get attracted to his face or his money?"

"What do you think?"

Emily said, "Mom is not surprised that you have feelings for him. But can you be sure that he has feelings for you? Are you prettier, better-built, or smarter than the women around him? Why does he like you?"

"Mom, can you not poke my wound?"

"I'm just stating facts and reasoning. I never care about your affairs. You were happy, but you didn't handle Brandon's affairs correctly before. I am not confident in your handling of emotional problems."

Elisa scratched her head, thinking about how to pave the way for her marriage with William Brich.

After thinking for a long time, she stumbled and said, "But, mom, I seem to like the banquet a little. Can you help me talk to Dad?"

"Talk to him about sincerely, your father and I have no objection, we love to talk."

Elisa drove with one hand and took out a small notebook from her pocket with the other hand.

Emily saw the small notebook and her face changed greatly.

"Elisa, what is this?!"

* * *

William sat in the car, watching the small POLO disappear into sight, and his mouth evoked a pondering smile.

He dialled his phone.

"You can go home, your daughter-in-law just ran away with her mother." He told the old man and old lady who were waiting in front of Elisa's house.

"You little bastard, are you making fun of me and your mother?!" Edward Brich roared.

"Your father has not had time to play with you two. All the certificates have been received, and it is two days later to meet her in-laws. Looking at it, my daughter-in-law does not like me now. You really have to think about how to solve this problem." His mother stated.

"You cannot even handle your wife. What's the use of earning so much money?!" Edward roars again.

William took the mobile phone away for a short distance until it was quiet inside, and he said, "Isn't it reserved for you and your daughter-in-law to solve it?"

"Bullshit, did you say that to your mother?" Edward said angrily.

"Did I say anything?"

Edward was swallowed by William's words and hung up the phone angrily.

William put down his cell phone, only to realize that his tone of talking to his dad  seemed to have returned to five years ago.

William pursed his lips.

That woman had such a great influence on him.

Elisa stayed at his grandfather's house for two days in fear, she was trembling, and deliberately avoided the sight of her parents.

She knew that she could hide from the first day, but not the following days.

But at least given her parents two days to accept the fact that she was married, she would be less criticized when she came home.

The family of three was silent all the way back to their home.

Elisa tried to find a topic several times, but no one supported her.

She finally got home, but she unexpectedly met two middle-aged men and women who were dressed magnificently and didn't look like ordinary people at home.

Chapter 18 William Brich's Parents Come to Propose Marriage


The middle-aged man came up with a smile. "Are you Mr. and Mrs.White?"

Emman answered and asked politely, "We are... and you two are?"

"I am Edward Brich, the father of William Brich, and this is my wife Rebecca, I am very sorry to take the liberty of visiting without prior notice?"

Although Emman's face had not changed, his tone had become a little cold. "How do you know that we will come back at this time?"

"We don't know. Since the day before yesterday, my wife and I have come every morning and left at seven in the evening."

Emman and Emily looked at each other, and Elisa opened the door. "Please come inside."

After the elderly sat down, Elisa poured tea for the four parents.

Edward and Rebecca had good etiquette and manners, which were cultivated in a good environment for a long time.

Rebecca smiled kindly. "You must also know the news that William and Elisa registered for marriage. We think it is very inappropriate for marriage to be so hasty. Therefore, I came uninvited and hope that the two in-laws will not laugh."

Emily said bluntly, "We disagree."

"Mr. and Mrs. White, you are carrying something heavy in your hearts." Rebecca still said gently and softly, "I know the reason why the two of you disagree is that you are afraid that our family will not treat Elisa  any good after marriage, right?"

Emily shrugged, she did not respond.

"Elisa is kind to the Brich's. How can we be willing to let Elisa be treated wrong?"

"Really?" Emily was puzzled.

Emman's eyes also flashed with doubts.

Edward said, "Yes. Originally, these things were private affairs of the Brich family and should not be publicized everywhere, but our two families are one family now, so there are no scruples. You have probably heard of the news that my eldest son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident five years ago."

Emily  and Elisa both nodded.

"At that time, my daughter-in-law was about to give birth. In the car accident, my son, Wesley  turned the steering wheel in order to protect my daughter-in-law and the child in her belly, causing him to die on the spot, and his wife was seriously injured and in danger. At that time, Elisa happened to pass by and deliver the baby for my daughter-in-law, only to save the child's life."

Emily and Emman didn't expect to hear such news.

Rebecca smiled with tears in her eyes. "In order to protect the child and let him grow up healthily and worry-free, the child is fostered in William's name. Therefore, the outside world thinks Bruce is the child of William. I understand your concerns. In fact, William and Elisa are all married for the first time. He had no marriage history before. But for Bruce, we will not clarify Bruce's identity to the society for a long time, and will let him live in the name of William's children. Besides, you don't have to worry that Bruce will treat Elisa badly. Something happened to Bruce before. He was prone to autism. He didn't allow anyone except William to approach him. Even my husband and I couldn't touch him. But Bruce accepted Elisa, which I think is a good phenomenon. "

Elisa looked at Edward and Rebecca and thought to herself, "How can two such educated people raise William to turn out to be a bastard?"

After hearing that, Emman said, "We also know your sincerity and purpose. Since the two children chose to get married, the parents didn't mean to object. This matter happens too fast on the whole."

"The marriage registration is really fast. The wedding matters require the two families to sit down and discuss. Our family will never do wrong to Emily. Please rest assured." Edward laughed.

The four people talked for a long time, and soon after, Edward and Rebecca left.

As soon as Emman sent the two people out, he wanted to sneak out too, and was flown by Emily for a few supercilious looks before he stopped.

Emman looked at his daughter who was sitting down again in front of him. "I listened to your mother and William Brich's parents. Now I want to hear what you say."

Elisa looked at her parents carefully and said, "Mom and Dad, I am married to William Brich."

"Good. If you say so, your mother and I will not say anything. In the future, your  parents will help you to whatever extent. We are just here for you. If you are happy, you will continue with your married life, and come back here if you are unhappy."

After Elisa heard her father, her eyes turned hot, she leaned over to Emman and Elisa choked, "Sorry, I made you worried."

Emman patted her on the back. "I believe you have the ability to make yourself happy under any circumstances."

"I won't make myself uncomfortable."


Elisa cried with her mom and dad in her arms. Those days, the backlog of emotions dispersed a lot, and then she went back to her room to wash her eyes red.

After lying in bed, she found that there was unread information on her mobile phone.

It was from William..

"I have settled the post, so can you be my bride with peace of mind."

Elisa was in a daze with her mobile phone for a long time before typing a line, "What kind of life will we live?"

As soon as Elisa White's message was sent out, William Brich called.

Elisa picked up the phone and didn't hear the voice of William. Instead, he heard a steady footstep and some faint background sounds.

Elisa waited with bated breath.

It was not until the other end of the phone became quiet that the magnetic lazy voice of William  came. "You can live any life you want."

"Is it?" Elisa asked indefinitely.

"Of course. If you are worried about getting divorced in the future, I can tell you clearly. With me, your probability of divorce will be much lower than that with ordinary men. At least none of the men in our family have been divorced yet. I have no plans to break this good tradition for the time being."

"Are you telling me in disguise that you want to live with me all your life?"

William chuckled a few times. "Isn't it good?"

Elisa listened to the nice laughter of William Brich, and the corners of his mouth also rose slightly.

"Go to sleep." William said.


They didn't hang up the phone, they just quietly listened to each other's breathing.

Elisa swallowed her saliva. "What are you doing?"

"Work." William paused and added, "By the way, sort some women who you want to be out of your married life."

Elisa was silent for a moment. "Are you showing off to me?"

"What is there to show off? A successful man is not measured by how many women he has slept with, but how he can make a woman willing to sleep with him all her life."

Elisa's reply was to hang up the phone directly, too lazy to pay attention to this kind of mental derangement.

Elisa hid gossip like an ostrich for a few days and didn't go to work.

After Edward and Rebecca came to visit their home, the string in their hearts finally relaxed.

She was not the kind of person who was afraid to face difficulties and rumors, but that matter was beyond her own control, and it was not her who tossed those things.

In essence, she was in a passive position in that matter.

At that time, people from her family agreed with her relationship with William Brich, and William also took out his attitude.