

Shine is my favorite color…

When Eunice got to her room off campus, she opened her window and got on her knees to pray. Then jumped to her bed.

She thought back to what happened a while ago 'This is not the first time something of such will happen, but why am I feeling this way?'. Just then her roommate, Joy entered the room.

"How are you, babe??, How were lectures today", Joy asked.

"It was fine ma, Thank God ma."She replied...oy is a 400-level student studying Linguistics. We got to know each other through a friend in Lagos.

"Baby girl, I have told you to stop calling me 'ma', you are now in the higher institution not in secondary school again", Joy told her.

Just then, her phone rang. It was her mom as usual.

"Good Afternoon….I mean Good Evening mummy", she answered tiredly.

"I understand, Good everything my dear", my mummy answered jokingly. "How were classes today, Hope you listened very well, have you gotten home? Have you eaten??"

She laughed, "Aaahh, Mum!! Which one should I answer first".'Classes were fine, yes I just got home and no, I haven't eaten', She answered all at once.

"Okay, Kilo ma je"(Okay, what will you eat?)",My mum asked again.

"I don't know now, I will cook Spaghetti maybe"."How is Daddy and you know that girl", Eunice asked

My mummy knew I was referring to my over-pampered little sister. She wondered who will help with the house chores while she is gone.

"They are all good. Okay, don't sleep while cooking oo, make sure you pray and read your Bible before you sleep", My mum said.

Good night.

"Your mom as usual", Joy asked. They both laughed

"Yes, it was her", She replied

"Mummy's girl", Joy laughed. 'So, what should we eat??', she said while rubbing her stomach.

"If you don't mind, I prepared rice before leaving for classes in the afternoon", Joy answered.

'Thank you maaa…I mean Thank you Joy' She quickly corrected herself.

They both laughed.

She got along with Joy easily, so they chatted about so many things and realized they shared many interests.


'If a man, therefore purges himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work', Eunice read aloud from her Bible.

`Hmm!! So I can only become a vessel unto honor if I purge myself from every unwanted or ungodly thing`, She thought to herself.

"I purge myself for your use in this school, use me as your vessel, not to dishonor but to honor," she prayed quietly.

'Thank you, Lord, for your word tonight, even as I sleep, protect and keep me.....'.

Then she went to her bed to sleep.