
Those sweet Konoha days...


At this moment, the war was over, Ryu lost count of how many lives were ended in his hands, not that he cared anyway, he already had the mindset of a ninja. The enemy is the enemy, to have mercy is to be cruel to yourself.

In short, the little bit of indoctrination changed him from a modern boy to a killer.

At least he had a heart.

Suddenly, there was a shadow over Ryu, he looked up and smiled happily, saying instantly "Are you coming to marry me?" Anko rolled her eyes and said with her hands on her hips, "Are you going to eat mochi here all day?!"

Ryu looked at the bag next to him and nodded seriously "Of course. Are you going to join me?" Anko rubbed her forehead and said with gritted teeth, "You're infuriating!" Ryu smiled and shifted over, patting the bench next to him, his grin starting to show.

Anko sat down next to him and dug into the mochi ball bag, starting to eat some.

They ate in silence for a bit before Ryu asked "How's Orochimaru-sama?" Anko smiled happily "Good!"

Ryu nodded and continued eating silently. Anko looked at him and wiped off the paste from the corner of his lips. Ryu froze and his grin widened drastically, Anko rolled her eyes and licked the sweet red bean paste, saying "Don't get any ideas."

Ryu's eyes twitched and his grin curled eerily "Are we dating now?" Anko blushed before looking away, snorting "In your dreams!" Ryu looked at the sky and nodded, "I do dream about it, you're right."

Anko froze and glared at him, saying angrily with a blush "You dare to say it! You shameless bastard!" Ryu turned to her and tried to close his mouth, but couldn't as he said with a strange chuckle "Anko, do you like me?"

Anko was startled and looked at him strangely, replying with annoyance "If I didn't, would I still be sitting here?" Ryu's eyes lit up and he asked 'seriously' in an eerie tone "Then can we go on a date?"

Anko looked at him and blushed, falling silent. After so long, she could basically tell when he was being serious, even when he was smiling like that. Ryu's micro expressions were small but not unnoticeable, at least not to her.

She looked at the hope and yearning in his eyes and felt extremely reluctant to refuse. After all, she had some ambiguous feelings for him as well. It was just that her parents vehemently refused to it.

They absolutely hated the waste of the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha clan didn't even recognize Ryu either.

How could an Uchiha be a Taijutsu master?

This must be a joke!

So really, apart from Kakashi, Guy, and Anko, Ryu didn't have any other friends.

Originally, Rin was his friend but unfortunately she died.

It also had to be said that Ryu never showed his eyes to his clansmen.

He had upgraded his Sharingan to 2 Tomoe during the war.

His flames had reached 1000 degrees at this point and his Garp template was at 36%

After 8 years of constant training, these were the fruits he had harvested.

Ryu was strong, but if he wanted to dance with Madara, he was a LONG ways away.

On the bright side, he unlocked 6 Powers and Observation Haki at 30%

He was basically proficient in all of the 6 Powers.

He also passed them to Guy, Kakashi, and Anko, letting them train in it too.

Then he got a visit from Minato the next day.

Minato praised him happily and asked him if it was okay for him to pass it to the Village.

Ryu showed him his devil's smile uncontrollably and agreed. Minato laughed and ruffled his hair happily, giving him Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu as compensation before leaving.

So, Ryu had a good impression of Minato.

Anko finally looked down and squeezed her hands together, whispering "Mm." Ryu gawked at her and shouted in shock "REALLY?!" Anko blushed angrily and pinched him, growling "Yes! You idiot!"

Ryu burst out into a cackling laughter and hugged Anko tight. She wanted to punch him, but she felt his trembling body and chose not to, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

She didn't realize she meant so much to Ryu.

Although she knew that he was extremely nervous and excited around her, his trembling body gave him away. This was either extreme excitement or extreme anxiety, either way, it showed how much he valued this matter.

Anko flashed a trace of a smile thinking about it…

The next day~

Ryu and Anko were walking on the streets of the village, people looked at Ryu with disgust and fear as he was smiling the entire time.

But he didn't care, he wanted to hold hands several times, but never mustered up the courage to actually do it. Anko looked at him and pursed her lips, grabbing his hand. She felt him freeze and giggled at him.

Ryu looked at her and chuckled strangely, squeezing her hand tightly, extremely nervous in his heart. But his eyes were full of happiness and love.

Anko looked in his eyes and turned away, blushing to the tips of her ears.

They walked along the road like this, ignoring the gazes of the villagers.

Ryu dragged her to a Mochi stand, ordering 2 dozen Mochi Balls, extra sweet of course. After paying they walked away, sitting on a bench, eating and talking.

Ryu suddenly asked, "What do you think about the village?" Anko stuffed a Mochi ball in her mouth and replied "I think it's great, why? You don't think so??" her face darkened as she added "Is it because of the looks you get? Ryu, you don-"

Ryu closed his mouth with great difficulty, making a straight face as he replied seriously "No. It's not that. I like Konoha, I'd rather not leave here at all to be honest with you. It's just…"

His lips curled uncontrollably and he suppressed it with great effort, frowning hard with furrowed brows, "The friction between my clan and Konoha itself is increasing by the day."

Anko slowed down her movements and whispered with an unreadable expression "What will you do?" Ryu looked up at the sky and sighed, "What can I do? I'm just a normal Jonin… Would anyone listen to me?"

Anko held a mochi ball and turned to him, suddenly asking "Ryu, if you had to choose between the village and your clan, what would you choose?"

Ryu looked startled and tilted his head, thinking about it. He frowned and ate a mochi ball silently as Anko stared at him.

After a few minutes, he replied honestly, "If I had the strength, I would choose my clan." Anko pressed, "If you didn't?" Ryu replied instantly, "I'd rather run away." She rolled her eyes and pulled his ear, saying angrily "The truth!"

Ryu cried out in pain, saying "Ah! The village! The village, okay?" Anko looked at him silently and stopped pulling on his ear.

Ryu stopped faking and sighed seriously "Even if Uchiha doesn't recognize me, of course I have to choose my clan. Even if they rebel. I'm an Uchiha, Anko. I never thought otherwise. The village has a special place in my heart, but my parents, grandparents, ancestors…"

A grin threatened to show on his face as he continued "They're all Uchiha. Uchiha gave me life, food, clothes, a place to live. Even if it's cold and rough, my blood belongs to the Uchiha clan! When I die, I'll be buried in the Uchiha tomb." after which he looked at Anko with an extremely wide and exaggerated grin.

Anko turned to look at the street, silently, eating a mochi ball without speaking a word.

Ryu was instantly extremely nervous. He said "Anko, I-" Anko cut him off and said "I know. You're sorry, right?" Ryu had pain in his eyes as he looked at her, he opened his mouth but nothing came out, he was really even about to cry.

Suddenly, Anko turned to him and smiled happily.

Ryu was startled and confused, staring at her gentle eyes with bewilderment. She held his hand and squeezed tightly "I didn't misjudge you, Ryu." Ryu was just confused, even his grin disappeared as he stared at her with his mouth agape.

Anko rubbed his palm with her thumb as she said softly, "I love the village. I was born and raised here. Just like you, I live and die in Konoha…" she giggled at him, "You're confused?"

Ryu nodded honestly, she smiled softly and continued "Don't be. If you were the type of person to abandon your family and blood, I would've left. You're an Uchiha and you should be proud of who you are. People who abandon their family and friends for survival and power are truly garbage."

She hesitated for a moment before shifting closer and adding "I really actually feel much better hearing you say these things honestly. I don't know if things will develop to the point where you have to make a decision but, I hope you will still feel the same. If you can abandon your blood, then can't you abandon me too?"

She leaned forward and kissed him quickly before backing away.

Ryu's eyes widened and he stared at her in a daze. Anko turned her head away with red ears, squeezing his hand, saying softly "Thank you for trusting me, Ryu. I… I'm really happy."

Ryu's head exploded and he rubbed her hand happily, "So you'll be my girlfriend?!" Anko froze and punched him, shouting in embarrassment "Idiot!"

Ryu giggled and they played around for the rest of the day.

Ryu sent her home at night.

He stood in front of her door, clenching and unclenching his fists, saying after taking a deep breath "Can we do this again, sometime?" Anko turned to look at him and smiled at his devil grin, "Mhm!"

Ryu's eyes lit up and he cheered in excitement.

Anko giggled and waved goodbye before walking inside.

Ryu turned around and walked away, patting his chest as he felt his heart beating like a drum.

Anko leaned her back on the door and a sweet smile appeared on her face as a pink blush appeared in her cheeks. Her eyes squinted with happiness as she muttered "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, idiot…"

Ryu was on his way home when he froze!

The system that had been dead for 8 years appeared again!

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