
Return of Naruto!

It had been 4 years since Naruto left for training.

Konoha had changed drastically!

Around 2 years ago, Ryu finished improving all the techniques he had created. All Sage modes were available, every technique was passed to the populace and the only thing he was working on now was the Reincarnation Jutsu.

11 months ago, Aino turned 2 years old and Ryu started to teach her how to read and write. Had to be said, this little angel was a genius.

With Uchiha and Senju bloodlines in her, there was probably nothing that could stop her.

Ryu had taught her the Blood Surging Art when she turned 1 and she's been sleeping every night in those positions.

Speaking of which, almost the entire Uchiha clan had at least Sharingan.

Some even had Mangekyo!

Though Ryu had taken another step!

His Mangekyou were turning today, they changed shape and morphed completely! Changing into a new shape which was spoken about by the system.

The Blood Surging Art will change the shape of the Mangekyou if not implanted, losing the original pattern.

Now Ryu's eyes looked even more strange.

Sort of resembling a sun, but if the pattern before was a cute sun, this one was a sun that was burning with ferocity!

At any rate

Konoha flourished and the Uchiha clansmen meshed very well with the villagers who slowly put down their prejudice against them.

Something else to note was that Konoha's strength as a whole was elevated by a whole step! After the Barrier was established, not even a single Spy escaped Konoha alive.

So nobody knew that the Uchihas were back!

Which was good because Tsunade sat on pins and needles everyday worrying about people finding out.

The last thing she wanted was to face the 4 Villages together in another war.

Other than this, everyone was happy, Konoha was thriving and rich. Recent technological breakthroughs were made and everything was developing into a new age.


Ryu was sitting outside with Aino, saying "Aino's such a smart girl~" Aino giggled and patted Ryu's hands, saying "Okay, Daddy. You're so silly." her milky voice was like heaven to Ryu's ears, he couldn't get enough.

She sat in his lap and hummed to herself as Ryu gave her a Mochi Dango.

She gobbled it up and smiled at Ryu with stuffed cheeks. Ryu stroked her black hair and smiled lovingly at her, saying "Daddy only let you take one because he loves you." he got serious and said "If you don't love someone, you can't share Dango with them, understand?!"

Aino nodded her cute little face and said "Ah. I know, Daddy." Ryu melted and rubbed his cheek on her face, saying "You're so cute! Daddy loves you~" Aino giggled and hugged Ryu's head, smiling cutely.

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of the two.

Ryu and Aino looked up and Naruto was standing there, pointing at Ryu, saying "You didn't even come see me?!" Ryu held out Aino like a doll, shaking her, "Can't you see I'm busy?! You damn bastard!"

Aino bit her finger and looked at Naruto, asking "Who is this uncle?" Naruto froze and Ryu burst out laughing, putting Aino on the ground, pointing at Naruto's face "Uncle! Hahhahahaha!"

Naruto grit his teeth and punched Ryu in the face, shouting "Old bastard!" Ryu caught him, flipped him over and sneered "With just you?" Naruto shook his head like a rattle, saying "Dad, I'm sorry! Don-"

But what could Ryu do? He already winded up!

Naruto was sent flying into the sky, screaming.

Ryu looked up at the sky and smiled happily "A new record!"

Aino looked at the sky and gasped "Daddy, you sent that guy flying! Wow!" as she clapped happily, giggling.

Ryu turned to her, saying very seriously "If any bad uncles want to touch you, you have to send them flying just like daddy, okay?" Aino nodded seriously, "En. I understand."

Naruto appeared behind Ryu, saying angrily "You're ruthless, old man!"

Ryu turned around and smiled gently, saying "Welcome back, Naruto." Naruto smiled softly and hugged Ryu tightly.

Ryu patted his back and smiled, "I'm glad you're okay." Naruto froze and burst into tears, gripping Ryu tightly.

He separated abruptly and wiped his tears, looking at Aino with a gentle smile as he squatted "Are you my little sister?"

Aino wasn't shy at all, saying "I'm Aino! Who are you, big dummy?" Naruto coughed and said "I'm Naruto! Your big brother!" before magically pulling out a lollipop out of nowhere!

Aino's eyes lit up and she smiled sweetly "Big brother~" as she snatched the lollipop from his hands, squinting her eyes in enjoyment.

Ryu's face turned green and Naruto laughed happily, holding her in his arms as he walked with Ryu, saying "I want to see Anko! I have to tell you all about my training!" Ryu smiled gently and nodded as he walked with Naruto back home.

Naruto looked around at the Uchihas walking around, confused.

Ryu explained what happened a long time ago and Naruto gasped, saying worriedly "So then Sasuke…" Ryu sighed and replied "This was Itachi's idea… I didn't stop him." Naruto looked at Ryu speechlessly, saying with a somewhat angry tone, "How could you?!"

Ryu sighed sadly, saying "If Sasuke hates me for it, it'll be alright." he smiled miserably, adding "You and Sasuke aren't the same. For Sasuke to grow quickly he needs to constantly be in danger. When he comes back, he will be much, much, much stronger than he ever was before. It will all be worth it. I will be happy if he can protect himself and be strong…"

He turned to Naruto and smiled gently, "Just like how you became strong, I'm proud of you." Naruto swallowed his words, looking at Ryu's sad smile, not knowing what to say…

He just sighed and said softly "Knowing Sasuke… He will definitely hate you." Ryu looked at the sky and smiled serenely "I hope so, if he can surpass me and take my life I'll be even happier."

Naruto froze and Ryu passed him, walking to the house as he changed the subject, "Anko's been waiting for you for a long time. Come on, Naruto. A lot of things have changed since you've been gone."

Naruto glanced at Ryu's tall and strong back with a complicated expression before sighing and catching up.

Aino looked at the two and remembered the name 'Sasuke' in her little heart…

Naruto returned home and Anko ran over, hugging tightly, smiling happily and saying with red rimmed eyes "Welcome back, Naruto!"

Naruto teared up and smiled, "Yeah!"

They had a nice dinner and Naruto chatted endlessly about his training and how he was so much stronger now. He could probably blow up the planet with a single breath but decided not to because he still liked the planet…

Ryu tuned him out, feeding Aino, taking back the spoon as she pouted and coming close before putting the spoon in his mouth and smiling. Aino pouted sadly and tears bubbled in her eyes, but Ryu quickly stuffed her mouth with food, making her smile happily.

That night Naruto slept in his old bed as Aino slept with him, holding onto his shirt with her little hands, smiling happily.

A few days later

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