
Flames of Justice (Completed)

Ryu came to the Naruto World with one goal and one goal only! HE WILL DANCE WITH THE BEST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Aino's problem...

Truthfully, Ryu didn't think it would be so easy either…

Shikamaru was SUPPOSED to support, alas…

Pain was really too weak…

Naruto was drained at the moment and couldn't even stand up.

Sun Sage Mode took too much Chakra and Toad Sage Mode didn't help either.

Finally, Hinata stood in front of him, smiling "I'll protect you Naruto-kun…" Naruto shouted anxiously "Hinata! Get out of the way! Ryu! Protect her, damnit!"

Hinata took a stance and sucked in a deep breath, "Don't worry, Naruto-kun. I trained for this very moment because… Well, because I love you, Naruto-kun!"

Naruto was dumbfounded, as was Ryu.

What the hell!

There's a time and place…

Hinata activated her Byakugan as the giant black orb fell towards her.

Suddenly, black wave-like marks lit up on her face and she exhaled visible air, shouting "Vacuum Pulse!" while slapping her Haki coated palms at the black orb.

The air vibrated from her palms and a horrifying blast of air and destruction power collided with the orb!

Just as it stopped for a moment, Hinata seemed to be shocked and coughed up blood.

The orb fell down and just before hitting Hinata, she spun around and punched out with a watery Lion Head over her fist!

"Shattering Waterfall!"

The orb froze and slowly started cracking before exploding!

Yahiko stared at Hinata with wide eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Ryu's jaw dropped and he stared at Hinata in shock.

Naruto hugged Hinata with strength he didn't even know he had.

She coughed up blood and looked at Naruto, smiling gently. Her hand reached out and touched his cheek before falling to the ground as she slumped in his arms…

Her life and death, unknown…

Naruto hugged her and cried, trembling as fangs grew out of his mouth.

He screamed to the sky and a massive pillar of red light exploded from his body!

1, 2, 3, 4 tails shot out from the pillar, then 5!

Then 6!

The pillar disappeared and a 6 tailed, red monster with bones growing over it appeared!

Hinata was laying underneath it and the best seemed to be shielding her.

Yahiko stood there and said "So you're finally angry, eh? A fair warning…" his eyes narrowed, "My Pain is greater than yours."

Naruto lunged at Yahiko, roaring in rage as he condensed a Tailed Beast Bomb in his mouth blasting Yahiko with it.

Yahiko dodged and muttered "Weaker than just normal Naruto… To be expected, it's a wild beast after all…" as he ran away.

Naruto chased after him like a wild animal.

Ryu walked over to Hinata and touched her neck saying "Hey! That's crazy, she's still alive!" Sakura ran over and started treating Hinata but Ryu said heroically, "Don't bother! I'm here!" as he threw a Senzu bean into Hinata's mouth.

They just harvested and he sto-... was given 5 more.

Now there were only 4.

Ryu waved to the rest saying "Alright go back, we won." Shikamaru said "But what ab-" Ryu yawned and said "It's over. Pain doesn't understand that he lost when Kura- the Nine Tails appeared… I wonder if all nine tails will come out this time! Gets me excited thinking about it!" as he disappeared with Aino.

The group looked at each other and sighed helplessly before returning to Konoha…

Ryu caught up with Naruto and Yahiko, watching the excitement as Aino asked curiously "Daddy! What's that Fox thing?" Ryu smiled "That's the Nine Tails, Aino. A big fox guy that pretends to be a tough guy, but he's really soft on the inside."

Aino nodded and said "Oh! A cute fox friend!" Ryu smiled and nodded as the duo looked at the huge muscle Fox beast with 8 tails coming out of a Super Mega Planetary Devastation.


The 8 Tailed Kurama disappeared, replaced with a Double Sage Mode Naruto.

Aino pouted "Where did Foxy go?" Ryu asked in shock "Foxy? You already have a nickname?!"

While speaking, Naruto charged at Yahiko and stabbed himself with a Chakra rod before blowing away Yahiko with a double Rasenshuriken Sun Style.

But Yahiko jumped!

Suddenly everything around Yahiko turned into Naruto and attacked him but he exploded out with Shinra Tensei!

Naruto then threw himself and fired a Rasengan, blasting Yahiko in the stomach!

Yahiko collapsed to the ground and Naruto removed the Chakra rods before turning to the distance and running off as his Double Sage mode ran out.

He ate a Senzu bean and went for Nagato.

Ryu followed after him, jumping on the air as Aino cheered "Otouto did it!" Ryu said speechlessly "You know otouto means little brother, right?" Aino looked at him as though he was an idiot and spat out her tongue, "Of course! Big dummy."

Ryu opened his mouth and shut it, deciding not to take the abuse…