
Flames of Destiny

Soukou Shuosai is a young boy, whose entire family and village were killed, he had everything taken away from him after the fire he ran away until he found an old man who taught him magic. Now Soukou must live in this world, get stronger, make friends, start a family, and hopefully change this corrupt world for the better.

Salty2974 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Akame Clarindra

"But how do we know that the vision is true?" I asked Gozan

"We don't, but we have hope. Our world is falling apart and it's up to her to save it."

"I hope I'll be able to help her."

"That's a noble cause you have there, Soukou."

"Heheheh" I laughed playfully

"Where did she go?!" One of the guards yelled.

"The princess is missing!"

"Hmm, this may be your perfect chance Soukou."

"Perfect chance for what?" I asked with a confused look on my face I have no idea what he was talking about.

"Well to go talk to her of course! You may never get another chance if you really want to help her."

"But I don't know where she is..."

"She's that way" Gozan said while pointing his finger northwest.

"How do you know?"

"I used nature magic to converse with the birds and found her."

"Wow, you can do that?!"

"Yes, now hurry up." He said while pushing me in her direction.

"Okay, okay!"

I ran in the direction of where his finger pointed until finally, I found her.

There she was sitting by the river throwing rocks into the flowing water.

That one bounced five times.

I came up from behind her. "That's not how you throw it you take your arm back like this and bam!"

I noticed that she threw it underhanded so I went and "corrected her" my rock went for 7 skips.

(Authors note: Just so you know those are the thoughts of Soukou not mine there's nothing wrong with throwing underhanded.)

"Ah... who are you?"

"My name is Soukou! What's yours?"

"You'll probably just call me princess anyways..." She whispered under her breath.

"Hm? What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing."

"So what's your name?"

"It's Akame Clarindra." She said while smiling softly.

"Akame huh? That's a really pretty name!"

"Huh? Oh uh, thank you!"

"So Akame what do you do for fun?"

"My father doesn't really let me play so not much.."

"Why not?"

"He says it's a waste of time for a princess."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that you were one."

Akame thought to herself: Here it comes all the special treatment that everyone else gives me...

"Whats so special about princesses anyways? Your just a girl."


"Oh no I didn't mean that in a bad way. Your fun to talk to I just don't get why everyone treats you like your some goddess."

Akames face lit up "Yeah!"

"So why are you out here?"



"I don't want to go back..."


"Please don't make me go back..." Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Please! Save me..." She said this loudly while jumping into my arms and giving me a huge hug.

"Okay, I understand. Everything will be alright I promise." Of course, this was a lie. I have no idea what's making her act like this, but what I do know is that she's scared, and I'll do anything to help her.

"You promise..?"

"Yes, of course, but I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"Well...father never lets me outside, and when he does im always surrounded by guards."

"That's lame."


"Hmm, why don't you come and stay with me and Gozan?" I had a huge warm smile across my face as I said that.

"With you and Gozan...? Whos Gozan?"

"He's my master!"

"I bet he would just turn me in..."

"No trust me gramps isn't like that!"

"Well... if you say so."

"Yeah! Come on!" I took her hand and started to lead her in the direction of our tent.

"Ah! But are you sure this is okay?"

"Of course it is!"

"But father will get mad..."

"It's okay! Gozan has a spell casted on where we live, so no one can find it."

"Woah! Really?"


"He's in the village right there. Hold on wait right here, let me go get him!"

"Are you sure? What if some of those guards find me?"

"Um just hide here in this bush!" I pointed at a nearby Roseberry bush.

"In this?"


She squatted down right behind the bush trying to hide herself. She kinda looked like a preadetor stalking their prey. Scary but kinda cute.

"All right I'll be right back just wait right here!'

"Okay! Be safe!"

"I will!"