
Flames of Desire

‘His very existence would send the world she knew into blazing fury!’ He was a ruler of the dragons, one most feared among the ancient races. All it took was a single mistake that sent his world to hell, causing him to be sealed. Thousands of years passed, and he remained sealed in a valley, with no hope of seeing the light of day but everything changed when she ventured into his prison, unleashing the terror within. Raven Drake, daughter of the strongest warlock, finds herself and the world in grave danger when she awakens the ancient beast – a sealed terror that would wreak havoc. Free, Xavier would stop at nothing to resume his ten thousand years goal… burn all to the ground. He is stopped when he meets her again, capturing her to satiate his maddening thirst for blood. What happens when a forbidden love springs forth amidst the clash of swords, blood and pain? Several conspiracies come to play in tearing the lovers apart with mysteries waiting to be solved and secrets revealed. Can Raven face all odds, keeping her sanity intact while bringing her closer to truths she wished had remained lost? Can their love transcend time or would fate prevail, this time, bringing them to ruin?

BaeVida · Fantasy
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206 Chs

She's Alluring



She had soon forgotten the time and that a minute was over but she listened still.

A part of her wished she could deduce the thoughts running through his mind but no matter how she listened to his heartbeat, she could not carry out that task.

Ultimately, Raven lost herself to this newfound search, loving the calm such a task brought her.

After a while, Xavier breathed out sharply, stunning Raven with his actions and bringing her mind back to reality.

"It is more than a minute already," she reminded him.

"I know."

"You said I…"

"Stay, Raven. I wish to remain like this, please."

Having him use the magic word, she found her resolve to crumble, specifically after she had just enjoyed listening to his heartbeat.

For the next few minutes, she threw caution to the wind, forgetting the position she was in and allowing him to do what he wanted.