

Soso an alien, tricked Affan the great into bestowing powers upon him. But, due to a mistake made by his minion robot, H.E.X.A., Soso lost the powers to the ocean. Soso thought that he had lost the powers forever. But, one day, a sailor found the crystal that contained the powers at the cost of his ship. Several years later, the powers ended up in a jeweler's shop, as a friend of his had sent it to him to find out what it exactly was. The very same day, a pair of twins mistook the crystal to be a 'priceless gemstone' and bought it as a 'birthday present' for their best friend 'Arman'. Little did they know that this would have a huge impact on the future of the entire world. Arman was taken completely aback, as a fiery red glow was seeping through the pores on his skin, into his body. The FLAME KING had descended to the surface, causing the other KINGS to be wary of him. Now, Arman must grow strong, as the KINGS are on the hunt. But, what Arman had taken to be a 'war for survival' turned out to be a feud between those who decided the fate of the world. So are you ready, to follow Arman, In his journey to restore peace in the space and have revenge for his lineage? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Jump in and add this to your collection. Important Notice: Many readers might have already noticed that the world background is not developed. There isn't even one percent of world development. But that is done on purpose. The world background in Flame Man plays a crucial role in its main story, which is to be kept secret till the time comes. But if you want, comment it and we will add the world border right away. Extra Tags:- WEAK TO STRONG, RATED 12+, DUNGEON, MONSTER, MAGIC, MULTIVERSAL(SINGULAR- UNIVERSE, PLURAL- MULTIVERSE), MULTI-QUINTILLIONAIRE, HELL.

FlameBrothers · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 37.

"How long will it take?"

It was the same figure in the hologram. He was wearing a large chestplate which seemed to be made from a metal not from earth, for it showed an unusual lustre.

and on top of his head was a helmet which covered his head but didn't cover his face as the face cover was lifted.

"Probably one and a half week, Milky way is quite far away from here. Not to mention that earth is on the side of Milky way which is farther away from our side."

"No worries, I can wait till then, afterall, I am soon to become the strongest person of the universe."

He said with an eerie smile on his face.


Vroom Vroom.

Arman rapidly accelerated his car.

He was very excited, for he had found himself his very first girlfriend.

Ofcourse, this excitement won't last long, as he knew that Ali was waiting for him at home.

He just returned from his first 'half-date' with his GF and didn't want to spoil his mood arguing with his brother.

But it couldn't be helped, his brother was too possessive.

As Arman opened the door to enter, his breathing seemed heavy. He decided that he should tip-toe before either of Eveline or Ali would come. As it is already implicit, Arman would meet a doom, if he met Ali. As for Eveline, it was very unlikely that she would be calm after returning from her first date. She for sure would stir it up. And Arman didn't want that.

He bent over and removed his shoes, and tried to walk with a minimal noise. Only for it all to go in vain. Ali, who had been waiting for Arman all this time, was standing infront. of him ('him' refers to Arman).

'Darn, it's all over!' Arman swore inwardly

But contray to his expectation. Ali was rather silent. And ofcourse the somber expression on his face was not a good sign.

"You think of me as a nuisance, don't you?"

Ali threw a question at Arman.

"Ofcourse not.." Arman spoke in a shrinking voice, trying to hide his nervousness.

Ali hit his forehead and subtly shook his head.

"I can see it, you think that I am overpossessive. But I am actually doing it all for your good. I for sure am younger than you, but I have eaten more salt than the ammount of rice you have eaten. And I can tell that you are being played by that girl. Men should never fall for such things, or they will regret later, after being dumped. So correct your mistakes while you still can."

"Come on, those sort of things exist only in movies. And you are saying this because you are jealous that I got a girlfriend before you could, aren't you?"

"Just think about it, what malice could I contain against my own brother? Don't neglect my advice, or you will be left devastated!"

"Ali, I am tired and want to sleep, so please get out of the way."

With a low grunt, Ali stepped back.

"Remember, you will become a complete loss, once my prediction comes true. Then, you will never be able to get out of that abyss of darkness, which all men fear."

"Oh whatever"

Ali saw Arman climbing the stairs in a rush.

He sighed in vain.

Then, he turned around to see Eveline.

She gave a smile at Ali, with her head slightly tilted to the right.

It was very unlikely that she had heard the conversation just now.

Ali just ignored her and moved towards his bedroom.

"What's with him?"

Eveline asked herself, to find no answer.


Later in the night.

"Hah! Today was an awesome day."

Arman jumped onto his bed.

"I am looking forward to what tomorrow has in store for me."

He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes.


'Buzz Buzz'

"Ugh! Who is calling me at this hour?"

He grunted and unlocked his Cellphone.


"What? Why is Dad calling me?"

A cold chill ran down his spine and his entire body was shivering. He got goosebumps and his face was covered in cold perspiration.

Normally, any child would be happy to talk with their parents. Even of their parents were very strong and used to slay thousands every day, for the children, they were a symbol of deep love and devotion. Same was true for Arman.

But this time was different.

He couldn't underestimate his brother, Ali.

He might have told Arman's father about his girlfriend.

And Arman didn't know what happens s father's would be. His father might embrace him and say things such as "I was wrong in worrying about you. Now I see that you have grown up" Or he might lash him with a whip and kick him out of the house.

Anything was possible.

So Arman decided that he would wait till the time was ripe and tell about this to his father when he would have a lighter mood.

But things never go as planned, do they?


"I shouldn't pick up the phone."

He just let the phone vibrate in the silent mode.

Arman's dad tried to call him a few more times, but Arman didn't pick up the phone.

Finally, the phone stopped vibrating.

But then, a message alert came.

Arman opened WhatsApp and checked it.

His dad had texted him.

[I know that you are not picking up my calls on purpose.]

Arman decided that he should atleast reply to the text messages.

[I'm sorry, I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you about this. But Ali spoiled my plan. I hope that you won't get mad over this. TTYL.]

Then, another message came up.

[Hey, we can't just end this conversation here. This is something very very serious. We need to talk face to face, to decide an appropriate punishment. By the way, it wasn't Ali who told me, I got a call from your teacher.]

Arman's brain was sent in a dilemma the moment he read this.

He asked his father.

[What? How did the teacher knew that I have a girlfriend?]

Arman combed through his memories.

He had been to the college for only two days and he was absent ever since. So, there was no way the teacher would know.

Arman was completely confused, untill The King of Heaven sent another text.

[Girlfriend? What Girlfriend? I was talking about you not attending college. Your teacher told me that you were absent for a whole week. It seems that it's not just one crime you were hiding. Two crimes call far double retribution. Return home, or I will come.]

"F***! I spilled my beans!!!"

Arman was very angry with himself. Afterall, his 'disgusting' self had dug his own grave.

The reason he was angry was not for losing his reason. It was obvious that even one of the most composed men would be surprised in such a situation. But, what was the need to type his astonishment? He could just have sworn, and freaked out a little. He wasn't talking to his father face to face!

Now then, what happened had already happened. He had to now deal with his father with his composure maintained.

[I am not coming!]

[Oh, seems that you don't understand. We are not a normal family. A snap and I will be sitting next to you. A final chance, come here. Trust me, you wouldn't want me to come there myself.]

Arman was now done for. Till now, Arman's dad was trying to talk to him like a normal father.

But now, he was back to business.

It had always been like this, Arman's dad would always force his will on his kids, especially with Arman.

And if they showed even a minute ammount of rebellion, he would deal with them as The King Of Heaven, not as a father.

Ofcourse, whatever he did, he did it for the greater good of his children, afterall, no father would wish bad for their children. The same rule applies even to The King of Heaven.

But kids often seem to not understand their parents' intention. So, Arman has always feared and resented his father. The King of Heaven does know about his son's fear for him, but it doesn't matter as long as his son becomes a responsible person.

[Dad, if you do so, Mom will be very angry with you. And trust me, you wouldn't want that.]

[Okay okay, I will let you go this time. But, if I ever again got a complaint from anyone, regarding you, even your Mom won't be able to save you.]

"Huff! I managed to save my a** this time."

Arman was completely drenched in sweat. So he fell asleep right where he was standing.

<Chapter 37> Fin.

TN:- In this chapter, where The King of Heaven is says "It is not just a single crime you were hiding" he refers to the fact that Arman didn't tell him about his girlfriend, as he had expected his children to always be true to him. But Arman thinks that the crime The King of Heaven referred to was having a girlfriend itself.

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