

Soso an alien, tricked Affan the great into bestowing powers upon him. But, due to a mistake made by his minion robot, H.E.X.A., Soso lost the powers to the ocean. Soso thought that he had lost the powers forever. But, one day, a sailor found the crystal that contained the powers at the cost of his ship. Several years later, the powers ended up in a jeweler's shop, as a friend of his had sent it to him to find out what it exactly was. The very same day, a pair of twins mistook the crystal to be a 'priceless gemstone' and bought it as a 'birthday present' for their best friend 'Arman'. Little did they know that this would have a huge impact on the future of the entire world. Arman was taken completely aback, as a fiery red glow was seeping through the pores on his skin, into his body. The FLAME KING had descended to the surface, causing the other KINGS to be wary of him. Now, Arman must grow strong, as the KINGS are on the hunt. But, what Arman had taken to be a 'war for survival' turned out to be a feud between those who decided the fate of the world. So are you ready, to follow Arman, In his journey to restore peace in the space and have revenge for his lineage? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Jump in and add this to your collection. Important Notice: Many readers might have already noticed that the world background is not developed. There isn't even one percent of world development. But that is done on purpose. The world background in Flame Man plays a crucial role in its main story, which is to be kept secret till the time comes. But if you want, comment it and we will add the world border right away. Extra Tags:- WEAK TO STRONG, RATED 12+, DUNGEON, MONSTER, MAGIC, MULTIVERSAL(SINGULAR- UNIVERSE, PLURAL- MULTIVERSE), MULTI-QUINTILLIONAIRE, HELL.

FlameBrothers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 24.

Many giants stood infront of Arman.

This many, were easily more than enough to kill Arman five times over.

But, for a reason not known, the giants didn't attack Arman.

Instead, they stood where they were.

And it seemed that they were prepared to attack if Arman tried to run away.

Most probably, they were waiting for someone.

And then, those in the middle either moved to their rights, or to their lefts.

At the same time, pale and colourless streaks of mana rose from the crowd of giants. As the giants were turning away from the middle, it looked like they were making path for someone to walk, someone important.

And from within the narrow path, a giant, more gigantic than others, could be seen coming near.

Arman was confident that in a fight against this thing, he would lose. But, Arman tried his level best to maintain a demeanor.

The giant came right to where Arman was standing.

"Did you kill our kinsman?"

The giant threw out a question.

But, this question didn't just contain words.

The giant had his mana even in his words, which pressed down on Arman.

The sole intention of this was to make Arman lower his head.

Even though Arman was just an ordinary in terms of self-esteem, it wasn't okay to kneel before everyone he saw.

Arman stood with his head high, not showing the slightest ammount of weakness.

Ofcourse, this had its own reasons.

If Arman let them know about his strength so easily, they might just kill him.

So, he had to do his best to make them believe that Arman was stronger than the combined strength of all the giants present here.

But unfortunately, that was not quite possible.

Because, Arman had already shown them his strength when he was killing the giant from before.

Arman cursed himself for the first time in his life.

Why did he have to take such rash actions?

Arman then said in a proud voice.

If anyone would hear this, they would think that the leader of all Humans and the leader of Giants were having a meeting to decide the future of the Universe.

"Yes, I did. But your men came asking for trouble first."

The giant seemed to be thinking about something. The expression he made, was that of when someone was reminded of some awful things in the past. And the expression was indeed in alignment with what he said after that.

"Yes, I do understand. He indeed was the kind to trouble others."

Arman was relieved at the words of the giant.

From the words of the giant, anyone would infer that the latter didn't have an intention of fighting. Instead, they were indirectly asking for forgiveness.

And Soso, who was watching on the monitor was rather angered by what the giant said.

He crushed the cup of coffee in his hand.

"What the F**k!"

Soso shouted.

But, Soso was the one at loss.

The cup he crushed made his own hand get injured.

"Ahh! Mommy! My hand!"

Soso cried like a toddler.

Arman had a lot to do, so he decided to take his leave.

He pursed his mouth.

"Okay, I forgive you. I shall now take my leave."

The giant was startled by Arman's words.

And he also showed a sign of anger.

The way he looked was reminiscent of the look of a person, who is falsely accused of doing something wrong, which he didn't even know that happened, even till the point of accusation. In other words - confused.

"Excuse me, what do you mean by 'forgiving' and 'leaving'?"

Arman was left speechless at this.

What kind of an idiot would behave so rudely just after asking for forgiveness? Of course, such a person would be beyond a scum.

"Hey, didn't you ask for forgiveness just now?"

The giant let out a cold laughter.

"Who is the one asking for forgiveness?

I said that he was always rash, I never said that we will let go of you or that we are the one at mistake."

A cold chill ran down Arman's spine.

His face revealed a sense of being scared.

Arman gathered his wits.

No matter what, Arman could never let these guys know that he was weaker than them.

"If you don't let me go, I will kill you all."

All the giants started laughing heavily.

"Do you really think that we don't know how vast is our diffrence in strength?"

At this, Soso became cheerful.

Now the real game would start.

Arman was getting the same feeling as a goat, which was being fed, so that it could be sacrificed.


The only difference was that he wasn't being fed, unlike the scapegoat.

Arman made a plea.

"Please forgive me, there is someone who relies on me for living. And might die if I don't reach in time."

But, the giant wasn't moved to the slightest by the request from Arman.

He then made an assertion.

"Right now, I and this human kid shall fight.

And the if he wins, he shall leave unscathed.

And shall he lose, he shall serve me on the dining table!"

The words were no different than an antimatter bomb for Arman.

He didn't have a chance against this guy.

If Arman rejected, he would die just like that.

If he agrees, he will die on the battlefield.

Ofcourse, of what Arman was thinking, martyrdom wasn't included.

Because, there was none to glorify his fight.

But, if he considers the special effect of the <Death's Grip>, he might have a chance of dragging this thing with him to death.

And obviously, it was better to kill those responsible for your death than to die just like that.

"I Arman, accept your challenge."

No, he wouldn't be dragging this guy to death with him, but he would live and kill this guy, if <Pathogenism> activated.

It was a given that if he killed the giant, his strength would rise astronomically.

Then, he might be able to run away from the remaining. As for one or two pursuers won't be a pain.

And the giant seemed to have been greatly delighted by the decision.

The giant needed to organise no challenge to kill Arman.

He could do it just like that.

But, if he did that, Arman wouldn't come in his plate directly.

Even after a long fight with his advisors, he would have to share this human boy with others.

But this way, Arman would easily be found on his plate, only to be his.

Even though there was a minority of those who saw through the trick of their leader.

But, there was nothing they could do infront of brute force.

And hence, all other giants formed a circle around Arman and the leader of the giants.

Even though Arman had already decided his 'most likely suicide plan', it was easier said than done.

The chances of <Pathogenism> activating was four percent.

And for Arman, he had observed in the Duncan temple raid that the chances were far lower than that.

So, he once requested to the Flame king.

[Gimme a boost, quick!]

No response came.

Arman knew that this guy won't help him, so he braced up his body and sumoned the armour, helmet, vambrace, gauntlets and etcetera.

The fight began.

Arman charged out with full speed.

Unlike what happened with the maskedman,

Arman was very agile this time.

But, the gap between his and his opponent's strength was wider this time.

With that in mind, Arman shifted his center of mass to the left, this made him turn in mid-air.

And using this force and adding his strength, Arman striked the giant.

But, the attack seemed to have missed.

No, it was dodged.

Arman couldn't see when the giant dodged his attack.

The giant then prepared a punch and aimed it at Arman's solar plexus.

"Grug!" The explosive force from the punch released a loud blast on Arman's body.

The surging force could have caused Arman's internal organs to shatter. But, thanks to the armour he was wearing, the damage was minimal.

[You have lost twenty percent of your HP.]

Arman, who had shot out like the wind in the start of the fight, tasted dust in an instant.

He was shocked that so much health was lost in a single blow.

'If he hits me five times, I die.'

Grabbing the hilt of the <Death's Grip> with his right hand, Arman's body suddenly sprang up in a ghostly manner.

Even though the giant was way too stronger than Arman, the difference in strength wasn't that great that the giant would easily be able to dodge Arman's sneak attacks with ease.

Arman thrusted the dagger into the giant's chest.

Blood dripped from within it.

Arman had now got a faint smile on his pale and cold face.

Even though the skill <Pathogenism> didn't activate, but still this injury was too grave.

The giant was extremely angered by this.

For someone like this giant, who had taken lives of people lightly, this was humiliating.

He looked at Arman angrily.

The huge hand smashed vertically towards Arman.

But, Arman saw that coming.

Instead, he knew that it would happen.

Because, even though mental intelligence had no connection or proportion to body strength or size, giants were one with low intelligence.

So it was a given that the giant would freak out and lose his already low reasoning sense.

Arman quickly dodge it and appeared from the other side.

He then used the opening, which was caused by the unwise move made by the giant.

He firstly sprang up and landed on the broad arm of the giant.

He then jumped up on the shoulder of the giant and he started to dig in the neck.

The giant then got Arman by his waist.

And threw him away, intending to smash him on the ground.

But, Arman used the fire as a rocket booster to prevent himself from falling.

And then, he used the Fire Vines to support himself.

The giant was completely dumbstruck by this.

For the first time in his life, the giant was feeling sorrow to why he was one from the race of giants?

Had he been of some other species, he could have had some intelligence and a reasoning sense.

In the first round of exchange of blows, which lasted for less than four seconds, the giant due to Arman's smartness, lost the upper hand.

The matter was not of winning, as for the giant's victory was assured from the beginning.

It was about his reputation before his kin.

They would now start to feel that their leader is incompetent.

No matter what, he couldn't let this fight to go till a fourth round of exchange of blows.

raised his eyes as he saw avoiding the attack. His feet once again violently stepped on the ground. With an explosive sound, his body appeared behind the retreating back like a flash of lightning. He smiled, pulled his right leg back and heavily threw a kick that carried a violent force onto b


Having once again received another heavy blow, face turned much paler. Another mouthful of blood was violently spat out. Like a gourd, his body rolled on the ground for over ten meters and was in an extremely terrible state.

<chapter 24> Fin.