

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 27. The Damayas 2

Arjun is coming to attack Hars he notices Arjun and feels excited to fight him or maybe kill him?

Pratik thickens his arms with his aura and punches Marcus Arjun clashes with Hars and uses his lightning aura and punches him on his face "you have a great mass and power on your fists" Hars compliments him Arjun shouts and again does a straight punch Hars gets happy and he also straight punches him both of them punched on each of their chins both looked at eachother while getting punched.

Meanwhile Advait and Sameer finally reached hospital they were right outside the gate of hospital Sameer says "huh..huh.. you go inside i..i ww..will look out here make sure that you nn..not oonly cc..cure your parents but also others in their second reason.. i can't walk more i nn..need to sit"

Advait says "are you fine? If you feel like you need rest but you can rest inside afterall it's a hospital " Sameer replies"no.. i can't run around and treat others with this as.. Antitode here tt..take this" Advait asks "you are telling me to cure others but we should be doing that together"

Advait sees the condition of him and realises that he needs to leave him here and go inside and cure others with antitode.

He splashes Antitode on security guard and runs inside he kept on running searching for his mother whomever he came in contact with he just splashes the antitode on them he asked certain people about his mother room "ok thank you here" he opened the bottle and splashes some of it on them which made them unconscious.

He then finally reached the floor where his doctors are doing an operation of his mother. Operation was on he sees his father outside sitting his father although was old but he looked young compared to the age

Advait went and asked him "hey whats your age?" His father slowly turn his head towards him and realised "it's you Advait!" Advait is shocked that his father could recognise him even though he shouldn't his father says "I am around 60s but yes I do look like I am around 40s but I am way older because I used to play and eat healthy food in my prime Era hahahaha you should do that too Advait" he looks at Advait and stops smiling he tells him "there is nothing to be surprised about how come a father can't recognise his own son cough"

Advait asks "how is this possible does it mean even mom can recognise me wait do I look older or have grown old ohh noooo! I am also affected by this weird virus!!" His father tells him "what are you talking about although I don't know what is happening but I got the feeling like something isn't right it shouldn't happen so soon..." He was going to tell further but Advait immediately splashes the antitode on his father his father gets unconscious and he was to fall down but Advait holds him and calmly puts him to sleep.

Arun is shocked to see Abhimanu on stage singing like a k pop idol (although he isn't) "I need to first put this antitode on this guy where it is.." Arun dropped the bottle and now is searching for it while Ronnie is totally vibing to the song and he notices Rohit he asks him "hey are you Rohit?" Ronnie asks him and he replies "yes" he removes his phone and calls someone Ronnie felt weird so he just moved far from him and started finding Arun on this crowd

Arun is searching his bottle of Antitode he finally finds it down and he was reaching there to pick it up but some random man picked it up he had black goggles and smooth hair he wore a black suit with white t shirt inside and black pant he took the bottle and threw it straight on the stage luckily it didn't hit Abhimanu but one of the co singer got hit by that bottle of glass and the bottle hit on his head and it broke too.

There was a silence in that concert Abhimanu really freaked out seeing this the man who threw the bottle says "shit it should have gone other side" Arun got so freaked out that his mouth and eyes was wide open

"What the fuck just happened!!" Arun says it in his mind

Everyone who is present in that concert is on shock and all are scared too then suddenly gun shooting starts from behind and some thugs entered out of nowhere and surrounded the entire place

All were bunch of thugs and all of them had machine guns with them and all of them wore same type of black suit with white shirt inside and all had goggles too.

Ronak makes an entrance by walking between those thugs those thugs game Ronak space enough to walk he walks ahead and Abhimanu sees him and says

"Not you again I told you I am not gonna work with you gangsters I am happy with my band and happy with my fans who love my music"

Meanwhile Ronnie and Arun are hiding in one corner and hearing there conversation

Everyone are cheering for Abhimanu Ronak's guards started gun shooting and everyone started to run and escape from there the moment they got chance

Ronak says "hush good thing those fans ran away now i can focus here so where i was yes I want you to sign this contract and become a member of of our party and don't worry I am not saying you need to be a gangster or join our party the thing is I got plenty of money due to my father you know he is retired so all his property are mine so I just bought a music company which isn't much known in today's date and we are looking for a singer a popular singer who could sing and also sponsor our company so that many other big singers will also join our company and we could earn millions.

So just take a look at it" Abhimanu takes the contract and reads carefully his eyes are of shock after reading the whole thing he looks at him...

In the fight between Arjun vs Hars victor is Hars.

Arjun is knocked out while his entire body gets buried under the ground only his head is stuck above the ground and only his head is visible to us rest of his body is completely buried to the ground and he is stuck there while being brutally injured by Hars. Hars is laughing at him saying "hahahaha look I grew a circular plant which looks like a human face without sand, water or seed hahahaha"

Pratik is also knocked out by Marcus and is laying down on the ground. Marcus steps on his back and says "why am I playing with bunch of kids I don't understand "

To be continued...