

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 11.The deity of Rakshasas

Someone from the sky is flying towards the way Advait is.

Yes he is the same guy with the buffed body, thick black beared, with a mustache, wearing a pony tail and with green silky sleeveless dress. He reached . He saw Advait just standing on the pillar ground from above. He gives a badass smile. He jumps on the pillar ground from the sky.

Advait sensed that someone is approaching. He looked above and it was too late. The man jumps on the pillar ground, the pillar ground got completely destroyed by his strength only. He was around 7 foot way taller than Advait.


Advait fell to the ground, he got a little injured on his neck. Advait was trying to see who did this but due to the smoke he couldn't. Soon the smoke disappeared and he notices that one pillar remained unharmed and didn't even crack a little bit. He sees that someone is standing on that one pillar.

"What are you even doing in our Sokura Lok human kid?"

Advait was little feared by seeing him. He looked him from up and down. Advait somehow sensed that he can't mess with someone like him.

"Can't you talk or what? Didn't your mom teach you how to talk?"

He said it in a mocking way.

Advait replies "i.. i have been bought by someone "

"Looks like you can talk. Tell me is he the kid with a sword and has silky hair?"

Advait says "yes.."

The man went fast near Advait, Advait couldn't even feel nor see when he came so near. He grabbed Advait's belly, squeezed it very hard.

"haaaaaaaaaa!" Advait screamed in pain.

"No doubt you are my target. You are the owner of Red demon i suppose to kill!"

He was squeezing his belly even harder and lift him with one hand and threw him way ahead of him. Advait falls to the ground and his stomach was in pain. Advait coughs a lot. The man came in front of him.

Advait says "i... What! Red demon? No.. I am the owner of some red angel if i remember."

"Exactly. That Red Angel is called a demon by Rakshasas. Now even we call it."

Advait asks him "what do u mean by that?"

The man runs towards Advait , kicks him on his chest, Advait went flying and crashes on one of the small house. Advait gets really wounded this time.

Advait thinks in his mind "who..is ..he? He is..too strong! One kick and i am having a hard time to even breath! It's like the same with that Baldy! No it's even more strong and painful! This guy is not to be messed with."

Advait tries to escape but the buffed man comes flying and spots him. Advait still ran as fast as he could.

"Atleast this kid can run fast I have to appreciate it. But how far can you.."

Advait runs fast and tries to escape from him. The buffed pony tail man comes flying.

Advait says "he is flying very fast, i have to find a hiding or run fast as i can."

"Do not think just coz you can run faster than me you can escape"

The man jumps in front of Advait, Advait still kept running. The man tried to grab him with his left hand but Advait slide himself down and went ahead.

"What the.."

Advait kept running .

The man teleported himself ahead of Advait. Advait was shocked how did he reached in front of him. Advait again tried to slide but the man knew it coming, he released a green aura around his body. Advait felt it. As he felt it he stopped running, it's like he couldn't. The aura of the man was so immense that Advait was shivering.

Advait:"what.. i can't move! My body is shivering from this thing! I can't handle it huuuh!"

Advait bends to his knees!

The man then gave a tiet punch on Advait face. Advait falls.

"who.. are..you!"

Advait asked

"Me? Why do I always forget to introduce myself."

"I am one of the 8 Sorcery Knights Gabara Khaar"

"I have been ordered to not allow you to use your angel powers and also to kill you"

Advait asks "but..why? And who told you?" Gabara replies "you really don't know anything . Everyone fears you! Have you not noticed something odd when you entered here?" Advait recollects everything and understands it. But he didn't knew why is this happening. He tries to get up slowly, and says..

"I was told that if I will be in Sokura Lok the normal world would be safe from those monsters. I have also been told that i will know more about this angel which is connected with me and also i can use this powers to save our world from monsters." "i just want to know about this red angel that's why I came here with Porus" Advait says

Gabara replies "you better not. Infact you don't need to. I have to either eliminate you or to avoid you to awaken your powers. This is why i have been selected to kill you!"

Advait stands up and says..

"I want to know the reason why I am being hated so much that I don't deserve to live. I don't mind hearing the truth of being hated I just..want to know why i am being treated differently compared to others! So that I could change on that. I want to know about this "

Gabara replies him in an arrogant way "idiot even if u know the reason u can't change it. It's something you can't. " Advait says "I don't know about it. But I want to learn it for the sake of the people who accepted and appreciate me for who i am!"

Advait goes and lands a punch on Gabara's belly. He kept on punching him on his belly. Gabara didn't feel a little pain with it. He said.. "you are weak as pussy kid!"

Gabara moves his right hand upwards and hits on Advait's shoulder. Advait left shoulder bone got cracked and Advait got knocked out with that one hit.

Its now midnight time in Sokura Lok . Advait has been kept in a prison. Advait wakes up and finds himself trapped in the prison. He got scared..

"what the hell! Where.. aaaaa! My shoulder! It's like i got hit by some huge rock or something on my shoulder"

"Why are you screaming!"

Advait looks ahead and sees two people approaching towards him.

They were the guards .

He asks the guards "where am I? Why Am I here?"

"You forgot? Remember who you are. You are the demon's owner take responsibility. Sorcery knight Gabara khaar was the one that bought you here."

The other guard says..

"I think you should enjoy the night coz maybe tomorrow you.."

Advait says in anger "me what! What is your problem with me! What did I even do to you all! I just came here to know who I am!"

"Ok, u know who you are right. So now you just keep quiet and don't wake the warden up!"

The guards leave and Advait was still clueless.

Meanwhile in the normal world ...

It's afternoon. Ronnie and others have started there training from Jack and now everyone are in a small thela shop for a little break.

Ronnie says "didn't knew Jack liked Vada pav!" Jack says "this is the main reason I come to normal world. Why did you think I was excited to even stay here for longer time? For my Vada pav!"

Parat says "I thought u were staying here in order to train us?"

Jack aggressively eats two Vada pav at the same time. Jack says


Arjun shouts at him "first finish that Vada pav then talk"

Sameer says "h..hey cc..cool down it's for you only don't need to..to gg..gobble it "

Jack was enjoying the Vada pav so much. The taste of the spicy chutney, along with the sweet one, the softness of pav, Jack was satisfied more than anything.

"t.,this.. is the best..best..best dish i ever had and best lunch i ever had in my entire life. I am feeling it in my own mouth!"

Jack was so into it that he had tears in his eyes. The shop owner looked and said..

"Hey why is this panda crying? Instead of being in zoo what's he doing here?"

Ronnie and everyone's eyes were wide open! They were making signs to the owner that not to say that word.

"Hey why are you all looking at me like this! Hey little panda I hope you enjoyed my Vada pav "

Everyone were like

"Nooooo! Noooo!"

Jack says "this is the best thing I have had in my life i traveled a lot to here only for this."

Vada pav wala says smilingly "no need to thank me.. wait what! A ppp..panda is talking!"

Arun puts his hand on his forehead "this is what i was worried for. We should have completed our training and went home instead of coming here."

Ronnie says " unlike you we didn't had to lie to our mothers that we have extra classes so instead of blaming him you should have said truth"

Arun says "what truth? U think they would even believe me! That I am going to train to save the world from those monsters!"

Ronnie replies "no you could have said I have joined dance class just like me"

Arun surprisingly says "what!"

Pratik says "say slowly u are little loud"

Arjun says "yes he is a robot for my science project"

Arjun somehow handles it and makes the Vada pav wala believe that Jack is a robot created by him for science project and from nowhere Vada pav wala believed it!

Vada pav wala says "ohhh so he is a robot I don't know much about robots but yes have seen robot movie that goggles man was really cool"

Arjun says "yea he is not as cool as him but yea he loves Vada pav."

Jack puts his hand on his pocket saying "how much is it wait.. i forgot my currency won't work in normal world!"

Pratik says "don't worry i have paid it."

Vada pav wala says "hey panda boy you can come whenever you want Vada pav I will be here"

Ronnie gets scared and says "excuse me don't say panda.."

Jack smilingly says "yes this panda boy will be there when I am in need for Vada pav"

Everyone were shocked.

Jack thentells everyone"we will begin our next training in Evening. It's too much heat now"

Parat says "shouldn't we go to Sokura Lok like Advait did and train there with other Shirankars?"

Jack remained silent.

Meanwhile in Sokura Lok sun has risen, Advait is sleeping in the prison

In the golden palace...

"Hey kid wake up, sleep time is over."

Advait slowly wakes up as he opens his eyes, he find himself surrounded by many Shirankars. He finds himself in a square shaped metal cage.

"now what is this place?" Advait says

" Finally red demon has woken up" an old age man with thick and little long beared says while sitting on his throne. He wore a traditionally thick white dress on top and a orange paijama down he also wore a gold chain on his neck.

The emperor was sitting on his silver throne, the other Shirankars were standing on side. The Sorcery Knights were sitting on there chairs. The golden palace is huge . The room where everyone is present is called as the Emperor room. The room has 4 chairs on right and left side where the Sorcery Knights sit and between them is a staircase, above that is the throne of the emperor. Advait was on the centre of all of them. All the Sorcery Knights who arrived sat on there chairs, emperor sat on his throne and beside the throne on the right side there was another silver seat for the Grand sorcery knight. Advait was kept in centre of all of them.

Gabara khaar bow down and says "as you said I brought him here."

Advait asks "what is happening? Wait I am still alive?"

Juvraj is the Grand sorcery knight who is fair looking with a lean physique and has a long hair which touched his shoulders. He wore a blue thick cloak on top with orange silky cloth tied on his neck which stretch to his legs and a paijama on his legs. He also had a silver pendent on his neck he gets up from his seat and says "you must have known that you are the owner of Red angel right, his majesty ordered Gabara to bring you here."

Advait asks "may I ask why I am suppose to be killed? It's not what's was told to me." Juvraj says "yes at first we thought that u just like other angel owners will be trained to unlock your Shathriki but ...". Narayana one of sorcery knight says"but then we knew that u have the power of Red angel or can I say red demon!"

Rozark says "according to myths the red angel is the strongest angel among all. Not only it was strongest but it was dangerous too!"

He continues saying "500 years ago red demon was owned by someone, from that day onwards we Shirankars prohibited the ownership of red demon."

Advait says "so it's all because of that angel or demon whatever it is right? It's fine u can kill that demon i don't want it if it's dangerous as you said but plz leave me"

Gabara khaar calls "hey jaggo, explain to this kid"

Jako nahordharan is a sorcery knight who has fair skin is handsome and good looking with a blonde hair long enough that it strech to his shoulders. He wore a red kurta on top with white paijama and a golden silky cloth tied on his neck which stretches to his back he shouts at Gabara saying :"learn to say it it's Jako not jaggo. My name is Jako nahordharan I am the Sorcery Knight of.."

Malika(Sorcery knight) interrupts him saying :"we all know that, we didn't ask just come to the point buddy" Jako says "Malika you know it's within my own royal blood to say it. Don't interfere." Malika makes fun of him "says the royal blood who doesn't even know about there own royal clan hahahaha"

Jako shouts "stop it!"

Advait makes a comical weird face and says in mind..

"Huh? What in the world is happening here?"

Malika still makes fun of him "hahahah royal blood! Hahaha"

Jako makes an embarrassing face.

Rozark commands "enough!" He then further says "can't believe all of you are fooling around during such a important meeting. Where is he?"

Malika knew who emperor Rozark is talking about she replies while playing with her long brown hair "talking about him.. huh.. he is always.." Everyone at the same time said.. "Late!" Advait says in mind says "seriously what is happening here!"

Ryan and his friends were outside the golden palace. They were looking at the palace from near distance

Ryan says "did we did right thing?"

Ramya says "what do you mean?"

Ryan says "I mean when that human kid said that he is red angel owner it seems like he didn't knew about what that means right."

Kalyan says "Ryan we did right thing. Look we are being praised by our parents too coz we were the ones who informed them that he was in the pillar ground."

Ramya says "he may be good now but when he will learn to use his powers he will not!"

In the golden palace..

Jako continues saying "the thing with the ownership of an angel soul means you and that angel is one. Nothing can separate you two. It also means you and the Angel share same soul as your soul is connected with it."

Jako says "the angels are immortal! So we can't kill them. But a human isn't. If we kill the owner of the angel, the angel also vanishes from existence!"

"in short.."

In the normal world..

Parat says "Ronnie i think you get it what i am saying that panda is acting weird since Advait has left!" Ronnie says "also Advait's mom hasn't called me nor my mom." Sameer also says "yes whenever Aa..Advait gets lost or just goes wherever without telling his mom legit searches the wh..wh..whole society!"

Arjun asks "where does he go? He got lost?"

Ronnie replies "you probably weren't there coz of your karate but long time back he got lost in an amusement park" Arjun surprising ly says "what!"

Arun also finds something off "this is why something is off right Parat"

Parat replies "yes"

Parat sees Jack coming "there Jack is coming"

Jack says to everyone"so you are on time. Ok let's start with warm up pushups."

All of them do pushups, and regular warm up exercises.

Jack says "i think today with exercises you should also know basic self defense too in order to fight."

Ronnie says "i wanna ask something "

Jack casually says "i know but don't worry i will go easy on you"

Ronnie then tells him "no it's about Advait. We want to know what's happening "

Jack replies "he is training in Sokura Lok u will be also soon sent there.."

Parat asks "when?"

Arun:" Don't change the topic we all know that you are hiding something from us, the moment your rival or friend came here."

Arun:"tell us what's the matter?"

Jack:"e..even if i tell you now you won't be able to do anything."

Ronnie shouts at him "what does that suppose to mean?"

In Sokura Lok..

Advait says "so in order to erase that angel I have to die!"

Juvraj tells him "we decided to tell you about it so that u know and understand why are we doing this."

Rozark says "first of all you are a human just like other owners. U may or may not gain full control of the red demon."

Advait asks "that goes for even my friends?"

Juvraj replies "yes. They might unlock Shathriki but due to human limitations they might not gain full control of it but just as we said the angel you possess is far dangerous. If u can't take control of it the red demon will take control of your body and can destroy all the realms!"

Rozark says "we have gathered here and the reason you are still alive coz we want u to know that unfortunately you are connected to something which even you can't handle. So now here i declared the execution of red demon!"

Advait had his eyes wide open. His face was terrified by hearing it. He had left hope considering that he can't do anything and also the angel he posses is a dangerous one feared by all.

Meanwhile in the Patal lok..

Inside the Kaal Minar...

Bitoka and all the Rakshasas are praying to there idol. The idol represented there deity, Ashwasun . The deity right hand was facing upwards with 2 joint fingers, thumb bending down, and so were the little finger and the ring finger. His left hand was on his waist with the same hand sign like the right hand. His face was like a wolf, wearing a black necklace on his neck, also has long hair.