

Kai was the number one player in a vr game called "Primordial lands" the game was noted to be the most realistic game during it's time

Kai was known as The King of Flames and one year ago he found the last boss and dicide to grind for one year before fighting it and after all that he realized he had over did when he one-shot the boss

After defeating the final boss a pop up came, Kai expected it to be a congratulations for beating the game but instead it said "

[You have proven to be worthy of becoming the ] [next Primordial Of Fire do you accept Yes or No"]

Kai thought that he had triggered a hidden quest by one shoting the Final Boss and press yes after thar a new screen appeared say

Rebirth in










After the count down Kai vision went black then he found himself in a room of fire and spotted someone or something and it said you will be my successor after that it point at him a red mark appeared on Kai's Back.

Kai vision once again but this time he was in a bedroom, also after looking around for a while he

that he was reincarnated in another world of swords, magic, monsters, king and kingdom in the body of a 8 year old noble boy who was also named Kai

Kai was part of the Slade noble household and was a low class noble, Kai former self as the trash of the family his talent in magic was the lowest grade, he only had fire affinity and on top of that he body wasn't suited for for swordminship so he was just a waste that could do nothing and his own parents did not care about.

After the pain was gone Kai saw A black screen with fire drawing at the bottom with red text saying " Host please chose two cheat "

after that the screen showed five different


[Progenitor Sun Fire Dragon Bloodline]

[Fire Copy Lv1]

[Fire Body Lv1]

[Fire Domain Lv1]

[Flame ConquerorLv1]

After see the Kai thought of been like one of those protagonist in novel and look at his options

[Progenitor Sun Fire Dragon Bloodline:]

The first Dragon was the Primordial Sun Fire Dragon this is the form that the Fire Primordial took for his beast form

+ 250% Fire Damage

+ 250% Burn rate

+Sun Fire Magic Lv1

+ Mythic Immortal Grade Talent

[Flame Copy Lv1:]

this title allows you to copy any magic spell you see into the fire version of the spell

[Fire Body Lv1:]

Allow the user to turn into a state of fire increasing all fire magic capabilities

+ 150%

[Fire Domain Lv1:]

Create a area where you are in control this skill has Two different Stages And the range can be increased

[While in domain]

+ 300% Fire control

+ 100% Fire Damage

[Fire Conqueror Lv1]

While in this state the use power become increase over all

+ 250% Fire Damage

+ 200% Fire Control

+ 50% All Stats

Kai Considered all his options and his thoughts were around the line of this, Option one 100% for obvious reasons, options two and three were to basic for a cheat, and now it was between options four and five were the and after much thinking he chose the Progenitor Sun Fire Dragon Bloodline, and the Fire Conqueror.

After choosing his cheats Kai realize according to the bodies pass Host he was in the middle of running away due to all the miss treatment but, his route was blocked by guards outside his window take longer than but for kai he could probably easily break pass the gaurds if his cheats truely worked but this raised a question did Kai want to run away because with his new talent he would be praised as the saving grace of the family but Kai