
Flame of Desire

To live, you must have the desire to, but what does it mean to desire something? Is it to achieve what can not be reached, to grab on to ideals long past, or is it simply to be recognized for who you are? Whatever it is, if you were given a second chance to achieve it after failing, would you? One such person is given this chance but will he find what he is looking for? As time heal every single one of his wounds, it will surely make many more, too, because if his great flame is truly burning, should it not spread? This is on royal road (The first novel/book I have ever written so feel free to criticize it and its grammar in the comments, could use all the help I could get) (Also please do keep in mind I do this for a hobby and stress relief, so don't expect updates too often.)

ToKindleAFlame · Fantasy
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Fire sparks, but has the Flame been Lit?

I wake up again for, like, the 3rd time today. My body was throbbing as if I was going through growing pains again. From what I can tell, I was pretty sure I was lying flat on the ground like a pancake so, I attempted to get to my feet.


The second I got to my feet, I fell over backward to just hit my head on some giant ass rock that was conveniently there. Although my head made contact with it, instead of per se, me hitting my head against it causing me to fall unconscious, it split it in half, and my head hit the hard ground. It didn't hurt too much, or at all for that matter; it was more just irritating.

But why had I fallen over in the first place? It wasn't that I had tripped, that was for sure; it felt more like I had lost all sense of balance.

Wait...I am in a brand new body, that is taller, has a new set of extra frontal baggage, and therefore has a different center of gravity!



How long does that take, babies!? Ten months!? Eleven!!? Twelve!!!? Fuck, I don't have the time for that, or well, maybe I do, but that not the point! I don't want to spend twelve years learning how to walk like a tiny, stinky crotch goblin.

Wait, I already have experience knowing how to walk; that should shorten the learning time, right!? Yep, yep!

Hold up for a moment there. Would have a new body means new vocal cords? Does that mean I have to relearn to talk to!?

No, pause. I already screamed at my grievances earlier, so that does mean I can still talk. However, language through, unless everyone here is speaking English, any type of communication will result in failure.

I sigh and get up onto my feet, promptly falling over again. Well, I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose.

I continued to try to stand up till the sun finally went down, so I assumed about 11-12 hours.

After all, I have no idea who long the day and night cycles are on this planet.

After about 6-7 more hours, I could finally stand without tipping over, but then I realized that there was another mountain I would have to climb, walking.

And now I stand here, 12 hours later at last able to walk. I was at last able to walk with the help of this beautiful, broken rock after an entire day of looking stupid, but never mind that. Now that priority number one is over, time to get to priority number two, that book I can create out of nowhere.

So, he said to think of a name? What name should I bestow such a legendary item, Beowulf, E.N.D, The Bible? Although I want an original name, it doesn't feel right to copy others' titles because it sounds good and that I'm in another world. After roughly 15 minutes, I finally thought of something that sounded good in my head, so I held out my hand to prepare to manifest it out of the air.

"Come Illos"

I expected something like lightning striking down upon my hand and a book emerging, but reality is often disappointing, or god's just spiteful because Illos just fell out of the sky to hit me on the head. Following that experience, I picked the book off the ground and opened it. Words then formed on the first page like someone was typing them out, eventually creating.

[Hello! I am Illos, your gift from the creator, now please complete the custom preferences before we can begin.]

[Would you like your status page basis to be the weakest organism or the average human?]

"Please make the average human the basis," I say.

While having the basis being the weakest being would give me an accurate scale, I do not need to know the status of things weaker than humans as they will not be a treat.

[Thank you for your time, Illos is now able to be used to full capacity]

So, if I remember correctly, Ajay said to think of something, and it will appear on it? Okay, time to find out how strong I am then.

I started to think of myself, not the previous me but the current me, and slowly words began to form on the page. They looked as if someone on a computer was typing them out, so it took a little bit for the page to be filled, but once it did fill, I got a good look at my parameters.

[Unkown] [Female: Primordial Human]

[Age: 19]



[Strength: B+]

[Defense: B]

[Constitution: B+]

[Mana: C]

[Luck: D-]

[Skills: B-]

Huh, I thought it would higher than that. You know, being 1000 times stronger than a human or something like that. And what the hell are my skills? Better yet, how good B ranked stats?

[E ranked strength is the average human from your previous world]

Well, that was helpful. So what are skills, and which ones do I have?

[Skills things the things that one is proficient at]

[Your skills shall now be presented here]

True Charisma C-]

[Skill gained from being very trusting and convincing with words. Moderately increases one's ability to make bonds.]

[Presence Concealment D]

[Skill gained by one being able to slip by unnoticed. Erases one's presence, can be nullified by someone with an Awareness skill of the same rank or higher.]

[Unnatural Strength B-]

[Skill gained from having far higher strength than average for an individual's race. Increase physical capabilities]

[Eye of Gehenna EX]

[Skill unable to be explained and/or identified by {Illos}]

[Re'houjn's U'nholy]

[D̸̹̺͔͙̻̀̈́̄̇̌̕͜ô̷̡̬͇͔̈́̉̂́͜S̷̥͍͍̎̿͝e̷̮̗̲̘̯͙͂̔͘ ̴̨̘̪͚̻̫̘̉͑͒̋̅͋̕Ÿ̷͎͇́̾ǫ̴͚͈̺̠̜͝Ǔ̵͚̹̻r̴̭̼̬͔͒ ̸͇̾F̴̧̨̻͍̖̼͈̈̆̇l̴̫͈̳͎͕͈̒̍̑ͅÄ̵͓̫̩̹̹͚́͌̄̂m̸͉̺̻̼̉̽E̴͕͙̜͈͝ ̶̢͚̠͈̲̱̍̊̀̽̑s̷̛̳̓̒T̴̺̞͙̤̗̘̈́̅͝i̷̫͚̇Ḷ̵̅̎̒̆̅̿ͅl̴̙̲̒̀ ̵̨̙̜̞͖̈́͑̿̔B̴͇͍͑̐̉̚u̴̬̖̒̅͂̚͝Ȓ̷͖̱͚͑̏n̸͙̮̞̘̥̮͆̓̌͗?̸̻̖̿̃͝]

So I think it is safe to assume that the first two skills were gained from my first life, but the last two are most certainly Ajay's doing. Perhaps those are my modification?

Actually, it is probably safe to say Unnatural Strength was from my first life, after I don't think an average human can take shotgun shells to the face, get up and then proceed to eat through a brick wall.

Haha, the more I look back on it, my middle school life was pretty absurd, huh?

Suddenly underneath the text for my skills, the bottom text appeared.

[Administrator's Note: Yeah, forget about the last two skills, for now, at least you won't need them for a while.]

I mean, I was pretty suspicious of those skills earlier, but now I am defiantly going to keep an eye on them.

Although right now, I should probably see if I can have some newfound questions answered.

"Administrator? Are you Ajay?"

This time the text appeared far faster than anything previous.

[No, I am not some unholy abomination that fails at every single thing they seek to achieve, I'm what would be a lieutenant if you call that thing a captain.]

"O, so that guy has people underneath him?"

[Yes, he does, it's hard to keep control of galaxies and universes by yourself]

I can see how that would be a pretty hard responsibility for one person, even if they are a god. Although Ajay never really struck me as the kind of guy to be good at managing.

[He isn't, I do all of the work.]

Wait, you can read my mind?

[I can't read your mind, but guess you could say I'm good at reading people]

Huh, really now.



[You either thought pancakes or waffles, but you look like a pancaker to me, so I'll put that as my vote.]



"You didn't have to write that out, you know?"

[But, I can, so why not?]

"That is a fair point."

I sighed and continued.

"So, where you sent to watch over me or?"

[Yes, I was to guide you for the first 12 hours after calling upon the book.]

"Really? That's great, then. Could you tell me about those two skills?"

[Odd, though you would have more to comment on your clothes or lack of them]

Wait, what? It feels like I have clot-

Immediately after thinking about it, flames spontaneously combusted out of my body. Oddly though, they didn't burn or feel hot, feeling far more akin to being right next to a heater on a cold day. After dissipating, the flames revealed a black opaque skin-tight bodysuit with heels along with a collar up cape with the insides red and outsides black. Peering down at my chest region, there was a golden star at the very top that dissipated into lines that never touched and went circuitously over my top half, fading into black when reaching my lower half.

The black heels seemed infused with the bodysuit, I don't know how that works.

"So what is this?"

I ask the book curiously.

[That is that fool's clothes he gifted you. He was too lazy to think of a design, so he made it to where your subconscious does it all for you.]

"That's cool and all but, how I take them off? I mean, it has no zipper, so the only way I can think of getting it off is ripping it."


[BRB RQ] the book wrote out seemingly rushed.

A minute passed, and then the book spat out a notification.

[Equipment has now been added, please select to view]

I select equipment, and my question's answer reveals.

[Re'houjn's Gift E-]

[Clothing attached to the skin by unknown means. Is formed from the subconscious state of the user. Provides no protection. Can be removed at will]

Well, that's slightly terrifying.

[Sorry for the inconvenience, I made sure he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.]

I guess even gods aren't even perfect.

"So back to the earlier topic of converse, my skills can you explain them?"

[Well, one of them is impossible to explain my human means and for the other, all I can say is "Close your right eye."]

As they said and closed my right eye, the world went black, which was odd. I still have my left open. Wait, did he! THAT!


[You could...put it that way?]

"I thought he said it wouldn't be detrimental to my survival!"

I mean, I guess it's not detrimental to my survival, but it is still incredibly annoying.

[It also never said it would be helpful.]

"I want to punch both of you."

[I mean, you could very well try too.]

I sigh, extremely vexed.

"Okay then, that does all my questions. Is there anything else I should know about?"

[Yes, actually. I need you to use magic real quick, if you can at all.]

Magic huh? Since I came here, I haven't felt different from my first life, and taking in what the system said about magic, I guess I should try to breathe in through my skin? I did try to do such a thing, but it didn't work whatsoever.

[No, no dumbass, mana goes in and out of your body naturally, so there is no need to try to "breath it in" merely think of something that feels like a part of you.]

Part of me? Like what? I like being warm, so a fire? Screw it, fire. Also, why did you have to call me a dumbass it's not like I know what is going on.

I imagined a flame in my hand, and it appeared, warm and floating right above my hand. Then it changed, the fire solidifying the longer it manifested until it took the appearance of a tiny Lotus Lily flower. It was odd, for the fire lily appeared to be made entirely of red-stained glass, but at the same time warm like another's embrace. I pondered for a little bit; I had thought of a fire, but what appeared was this gorgeous art piece.

Looking back over at the book resting in my left hand, I see that whoever wrote had written more.

[I see, So you have the unique ability to produce solidified fire, eh decent.]

Solidified fire? Then I wonder, would I be able to shape the form it takes?

Immediately after thinking about this, I decided to try it; after all, my first instance of magic didn't seem to do anything to my body. Instead of imaging a flame, I imagined a spear for its simplicity in design and efficiency. Surprisingly it worked first try falling to the ground after manifesting. Following that, I picked it up and ramed it straight through the rock beside me. There was resistance, but it did not shatter into a million pieces as glass would, proving its durability.

Does this mean I could put all of my useless weapons knowledge to good use? As a kid, I always wanted to be a blacksmith, but I changed it to be a graphic designer due to getting older and family problems. Does this mean all of those imaginary designs could come true?

"So, I'm going to guess this has to do with the whole 'Excretes a mixture of mana and the user's soul' part of how magic works, right?" I said.

[You would be correct; that is your unique magic or whatever you chose to call it. Now, what would you like to name your unique magic, or should I call it Solid fire?]

I definitely would not want it to be named Solid fire. So let's think...

Flacăra mea inamovibilă sounds good, although it's just some random phrase I remember from somewhere. I think it means unmoveable flame in Romanian or something of the sort.

"Please name it Flacăra mea inamovibilă"

[Uniqe magic added: name stored]

"Anything else I should know?"


"Okay then."

After experimenting, I figured out that 1. I can make any type of magic I want to exist per se water, earth, or ice, but it was far harder to do so. 2. That with Flacăra, I can make any type of weapon or tool I can think of, but it was limited to only the simple ones like swords, shields, and spears. By the time I was done experimenting, the administrator had already left; no matter how many times I had asked, I never got a response.

"Guess now the only thing left is, just to move on, huh?"

I sighed after asking the question and took a step ahead.

To whatever lay in wait next.

Ok, so took way longer to get this out then I thought It would mainly because of school. But hey! Now it's here is it not? Better late than never.

Again if you have any criticisms leave them in the comments, I know that my writing is not perfect and needs vast improvements. Also, I think I'll go and redo some of the earlier chapters.

So then, until we met again. Have a great day!

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