

A Travel across the cosmos to find the Truth. A boy orphaned by the destruction of his homeworld. Now, he is faced with a harsh reality about the so-called cultivation and how humans are struggling to survive a world that is dominated by a higher level of civilization. Follow Bhram on his journey to explore the cause and effect of a universe.

zen001 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter-2: Luck

After Jules entered the lab he took a look at the boy and then gestured to the person behind him to come forward.

"Doctor Adam, Look into the boys' bloodline and determine which region of the start field this human is from," said Jules.

Jules was also wearing a full-body salute and it was very difficult to see his face, but a huge tail that looked like that of a croc can be seen coming out from his back. His build was taller than Phillip and Adam and his head almost touched the ceiling of the lab.

From behind him a robot with a face displaying a woman's image could be seen, this robot was as tall as Adam and was completely mechanical and had a sharp blade for her fingers.

"Adam, I hope you have been well," said the robot Paul

"Ms.Paul, it's an honor to be in your presence. I was not expecting to see you in this form" said Adam as he bowed his waist slightly.

"Hmm… the imperial palace had me send this avatar and I had instructed the commander to only activate it only under emergency. Well, I didn't expect that it will be activated for such a trivial task" said the robot as the female image on the robot shot a look towards the commander.

The commander trembled and immediately explained.

"Doctor Paul, I had no other choice we were ambushed by a symbiotic race and now we find a human traveling on an asteroid who was supposed to be dead now alive and well. I could not take any risk and had to call on the doctor."

"Hmm… it cannot be helped then; the region close to the void is an outlander zone. Let me take a blood sample from the boy, I will even check if he has come in contact with any other foreign race" said the robot and started walking up to the tank.

It placed its hand on the tank and immediately after that, a tube in the water started moving and come in contact with the boy's head.

After collecting the blood sample strange symbols started forming on the hands of the robot after the blood came in contact with one of the symbols it started emitting green light.

"Hmm… he is from a primitive civilization. I think it's a relatively new star system and from the looks of it, he has never come in contact with any foreign race through his life. I don't know how but this human with no cultivation came to space? Was his home planet destroyed? Or was he abducted? And how is it that he has no mark of injury? Commander Can you take me to the asteroid on which this human was found on"

Paul looked more and more curious regarding this boy and more and more puzzled as to how a mortal can survive the harsh space.

"Mr. Paul, I also find it strange. The bone age of the boy is close to 25 years and I'm about to read his memory. So we can see what bought him here?"

"Hmm… I didn't expect the commander to be this cautious. So be it, I'm also curious how it came to be" said, Paul.

After looking at Jules and receiving his consent, Adam placed his hand on a light screen and mumbled something.

After a couple of minutes, the light screen started displaying some images.

It showed a small village in the mountains, then an image of a woman and man looking similar to the boy in the tank.

Then the image flashed and showed a view from a tall mountain looking down to see a village surrounded by green fields and forest.

Then the image showed that he fell into a water body from the mountain he was at. Then the image showed a blank screen.

After that the image showed a frozen opaque view of the water he was in, then the image changed to a marine-type fish swallowing this ice block.

After that image was black for some time, then it changed to show lava of light bursting apart. The image changed to a planet getting destroyed by some red dots.

Then the image slowly changed to an opaque to clear space filled with stars and then it went blank and then it showed a man in a full bodysuit.

"Sigh... as I thought his planet must have been destroyed, from the looks of it. This boy is a primitive and a very lucky son of a gun at that. He survived a fall from that height and then the ice saved him from the destruction of his planet and also getting invaded by the space rays and was miraculously rescued by the ship. Should I call his kid luck or is this a conspiracy"

Adam looked at Paul and nodded his head. He also found it to be ridiculous, "Commander I suggest a thorough sweep of this area and see if there are any remains of the planet. I also suggest bringing the asteroid on which this boy was on to see if the soil samples match. If we don't find any of this I highly recommend killing this specimen and extracting its blood and bones for a clear study" said Adam.

"Why wait, I will kill him now. I don't want any future troubles and I don't have to search for this kid's home planet" said Jules as he started approaching the fluid tank.

"Commander, I hope that you can preserve the specimen until the investigation is completed. I'm very curious as to why his planet was destroyed and what kind of luck this kid must survive plants destruction. If the cause of the plant's destruction is because of the symbiotic race then we can report it to the council and maybe even have a chance to gain a profit" said Paul.

'This Paul is Wright, even if I state that I was ambushed by them I will not have any proof to prove them. If I show my crew's condition they will only say that those symbioses were rebels from their planet, but if they are involved with the destruction of a developing civilization. They will have to pay with a few limbs and if I find the reason for their invasion on the planet I might even get a little benefit' thought Jules as he looked at the boy in the tank.

He felt that this boy might be his lucky star.

Jules looked at Phillip and ordered "Collect the asteroid and track its trajectory origin. Call the vice commander and inform him to change the course of the ship toward the trajectory"

After instructing Phillip, Jules let Paul out of the lab toward the ship haul.

Adams looked at the boy in the tank and went back to the patients' ward.

The boy remained suspended in the fluid tank.