

After 3 years of living a normal life Joseph Cooper gets challenged with new people and new things that will change reality forever.

anttdagamxr · Sci-fi
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Chapter 7 - What’s Past Is Prologue

The Future 2049

Johnny - there you are where have you been

Unknown - I had to take care of some business

Johnny - and it took you 4 hours

Unknown - relax I'm here now so let's get started, oh and happy birthday

Johnny - thanks, ok but are you sure you don't want to wait for Jayden

Unknown - no he'll be alright I'll see him after

Johnny - if you say so Joe

The Present 2023

Xavier - hey Sarah you wanted to talk

Sarah - yes I be thinking about some things lately

Xavier - oh really what about

Sarah - about me and you and how soon I'm going to be going back to Seaboard City

Xavier - oh that's right…

Sarah - so I was thinking maybe we shouldn't let this go any further

Xavier - I guess you're right

Angel - um Wally are you okay you been in here for 7 days

Wally - uh yeah I just been doing some study on my doppelganger that's all

Angel - for 7 days?

Wally - yeah there's a lot to learn about him and since he brought his parents back I might can see them since mines are gone

Angel - but aren't they gonna know that you look like their son

Wally - well his parents already know that he was Micro Knight so I can explain to them that I'm from another Earth

Angel - oh ok

Wally - you okay Xavier?

Xavier - yeah just me and Sarah had a little conversation

Wally - oh I see we'll we can talk later but what is these new upgrades in the bunker I keep getting updates about

Xavier - well you see here

Xavier - these new computers will now monitor not just the building and the city but anything outside adopt me city plus the space and atmosphere of our area and new other technology will come in as well to have everything connected in the software

Wally - wow that's awesome but what about updating things like my suits or even Joe's and Sarah's

Xavier - well now with this upgrade we'll need a component element but at this time it will shut down our servers because our system isn't strong enough to hold it yet and it's a lot I mean a lot of energy

Wally - well how long then

Xavier - I will have to say give or take 26 years

Wally - damn well I guess I'll have to figure out something else

Jayden - Joe I'm back from work

Joseph - oh hey Jayden how was your day

Jayden - it was interesting some girl gave me a free gift for serving her birthday and it's a train ticket to Seaboard City

Joseph - oh really that's where Sarah lives

Jayden - oh cool so she's going to be leaving soon

Joseph - yeah after we stop Chillbrine, but I actually been wanting to share something

Jayden - ok what is it

Joseph - I been thinking for awhile before everything started that I think it could be a great idea for us to adopt a child

Jayden - … woah that's huge

Joseph - I know and I been doing some searching on a kid name Johnny Jackson and he seems just like I was a child besides the demon part and I think he'll fit right in with us

Jayden - oh ok well um how old is he

Joseph - he just turned 5

Jayden - ok well if you believe this can work and we should do this then I'm ready to give it a shot

Joseph - awesome

Jayden - so when would you get him

Joseph - in about *feels sharp pain and screams* ahhh

Jayden - you okay what's wrong

Joseph - I'm not sure *feels huge pain and screams again* Ahhhhh *gets teleported*

Jayden - what the Joe!

Joseph - what the hell just happened *hears talking and then peaks out curtain*

Dr.John - Alright Jayden Orion you are good to go and I just have to check at the desk to see when's your next appointment

Jayden (past) - Ok thanks so much Dr.John me and my boyfriend are so happy I'm not crippled anymore

Dr.John - I know it's a miracle

Joseph (past) - What's a miracle?

Jayden (past) - I'm fully healed of my treatments and I'm fully cleared of appointments for 3 months

Joseph (past) - that's awesome *walks out with Dr.John and Jayden*

Joseph - *comes out of hiding* wait I remember this, that means I'm in the past …

Joseph - *follows outside*

Joseph - wasn't it snowing this day? *continues to follow them*

Joseph - wait where's Wally he's suppose to be talking to my past self

Jayden (past) - I'm so happy I can walk again and not in a wheelchair

Joseph (past) - me too, so now you can start applying for jobs

Jayden (past) - oh yeah that's a great idea

Joseph - oh no the timeline must be changing and if that happens then I never become flame again and everything up to the point where I disappeared would have never happened

Joseph (past) - let's go

Joseph - I have to fix the timeline *runs to them*

Joseph (past) - *hears running and turns around* …

Jayden (past) - um why am I looking at another you

Joseph (past) - I don't know

Joseph - look I'm you from the future and I suddenly got sent to this day but the events that are happening now aren't happening the same as I lived it and I need your help to fix it

Joseph (past) - oh woah that's crazy

Jayden (past) - I know right

Joseph (past) - well what should be happening now

Joseph - um Wally he comes and talks to me well you

Joseph (past) - Wally why?

Joseph - he talks to you about a new threat of villains and that you need to come back as Flame

Joseph (past) - what no I have a life now I'm not ready to give it up

Joseph - yes I know we said the same thing but if you don't come back a lot of bad things will happen to some new friends and Sarah

Joseph (past) - Sarah well ok if that's true then I guess I have to go

Jayden (past) - wait your telling me your the fire hero Flame I use to see on the news

Joseph - yes we are and we sorry we didn't tell you but we were so happy with are normal life but right now we need to go before I get erase from existence if certain things don't happen today

Joseph (past) - ok we should go, Jayden I see you later I hope

Jayden (past) - uh ok

Joseph - you will

Joseph (past) - so what's this place

Joseph - the bunker basically the new tech labs

Joseph (past) - oh

Joseph - *enters code and goes in*

Xavier - *goes to door* INTRUDER ALERT!

Wally - *runs in* wait he's no intruder that's Joe aka Flame

Xavier - Flame omg no way I used to see you on the news all the time huge fan man

Joseph - thanks again…

Wally - wait there's two of you

Joseph (past) - yeah he's me from the future

Wally - wait why did you time travel here are we all gonna die in the future or something

Joseph - well no I hope not but if I don't fix these events then we might

Xavier - …

Wally - what events

Joseph - ok we'll I didn't time travel on purpose I was in my time in the future and i suddenly came here but things aren't happen the same as they did this day

Wally - well what's happening differently

Joseph - first you, you came to me and told me about a threat and that I needed to come back as Flame and me and you found out he's not just one person it's a team of villains, Candyman then later on Rockstar,Bear Claw and Time Jerker and their boss a man name Chillbrine

Wally - ok wow but some of those people are locked up and who is Chillbrine

Joseph - I don't know even in my time in the future we still haven't caught him or figured out his identity

Wally - ok we'll maybe we can find and stop them now

Joseph - but if we do that the timeline will change serious changes since if not happening like it did in my time

Xavier - wait I think I know what's going on

Wally - what?

Xavier - he's not in the past of his timeline he's in alternate one

Joseph - … that would make sense because if there's no villain in the first place then you never become Flame, you Wally never betray me, you Xavier and your sister never help stop the rogues and Sarah never stays in adopt me

Joseph (past) - wait Sarah stayed longer?

Joseph - yes she been helping my team stop these guys and we stopped them all but Chillbrine

Xavier - even tho you in a alternate timeline maybe Chillbrine still exist here

Wally - yeah probably we just have to find him

Joseph (past) - yea so where did your team find him and his team

Joseph - it was the cave but then he changed to I know exactly where to go *leaves*

Joseph (past) - ok we'll hopefully he comes back

Flame - *flies in Sky Castle*

Flame - hey who are you

New Herobrine - *turns around*

Flame - um you are?

New Herobrine - well isn't this neat I finally got to meet him the man who ruined everything

Flame - um I'm sorry I'm not following

New Herobrine - well let's see if this can jog your memory, a man who was wronged by gods and takes his revenges and comes to this earth destroys it but one lucky person survives somehow and then he takes him on a fight and now he's grandchild comes for revenge on him

Flame - wait your Herobrine's grandchild…

New Herobrine - I am and I been waiting for this for a long time, to end your existence and finish what my grandad started

Flame - no your never gonna get the chance to do that, wait it was you, you brought me here to this alternate timeline

New Herobrine - um no I didn't but it doesn't matter because I been planning out something for months and it's already set in motion and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Flame - we'll see about that *fires up*

New Herobrine - *shoots cosmic beam at him*

Flame - *gets teleported*

Joseph - where am I now and why do I look like this *looks around*

Herobrine - excuse me sir but no one should be in this area

Joseph - … you how are you here I killed you

Herobrine - um what do you mean

Joseph - it means how are you here when I *stops and sees little me*

Herobrine - you know that kid or something cause your starring pretty hard at him

Joseph - kinda of

Herobrine - well your not going to know him for longer after I bring this world to its needs

Joseph - … you here to destroy this earth

Herobrine - yep and there's not a thing you or any of these knights can do about

Joseph - grrr *walks away*

Herobrine - hahaha

Joseph - I have to find my younger self again, wait he's going to his fifth mission to get the head of a dragon I have to make sure he stays there a little longer so he won't get killed

Young Joseph - *kills dragon and cuts off head* yes I did it now time to retrieve my award, my parents is going to be so happy

Joseph - ah there he is, the day it all happens, now time to create a distraction to keep him here a few mins

Young Joseph - *sees a firework show and walks over*

Herobrine - *kills everyone and starts an omega bomb with powers to destroy the earth*

Young Joseph - *hears scream and runs back to kingdom*

Joseph - oh no it started *follows him*

Young Joseph - what omg noooo everyone is dead

Herobrine - *continues to attack*

Young Joseph - grrr

Joseph - He needs help *grabs device on ground and throws it near younger me* hopefully he sees it

Herobrine - *blasts at child*

Young Joseph - *gets hit to ground and sees devices and picks up*

Young Joseph - what is this *gets teleported from device*

Joseph - *looks at scanner* *sees it says sent to Pizza City Beach* … I always wonder how did I suddenly get to Pizza City and it was from me all along it's a time circle *gets teleported*

Joseph - ok this is starting to get annoying, where am I now

Joseph (past) - Joe your back what happened

Joseph - nothing that I can tell you but we need to find Herobrine

Joseph (past) - Herobrine?, how is he alive

Joseph - it's not Herobrine it's his grandson he's come for revenge and we need to find him

Joseph (past) - ok how

Joseph - well before I disappeared he mention that he's been planning something for months so I just gotta see another that changed from my timeline, and I know just the place

Joseph (past) - Sarah

Sarah (past) - Dad wait Dad's?

Joseph - I'm from the future and we need your help

Joseph (past) - yeah he is and we do

Sarah (past) - oh ok

Joseph - now let's suit up

Flame (past) - you think he's in here

Flame - yes in my time this is where Chillbrine was

Flame (past) - oh ok

New Herobrine - ah, you found me and brought yourself and your daughter now I can kill them for my revenge

Flame - no you won't be killing anyone

New Herobrine - you can your little friends won't be able to stop anything because it's all set into motion and I figure since you killed my grandpa that I kill someone that you care for so as a little surprise *brings Jayden in*

Flame (past) - NOOO

She-Flame (past) - oh no

Flame - …

New Herobrine - haha now any of you guys try and stop my machine I will kill him straight

Flame - you might of got us but I'm not from this timeline so if you do kill him I will fix it back and he'll be alive again

New Herobrine - yeah and then your timeline will have something worse happen so go ahead and try that

Flame (past) - *pulls Joe aside*

Flame (past) - I'm not gonna let Jayden die so either we do something or I'm gonna handle this fool by myself

Flame - no we can't just yet and Jayden is not gonna die

Flame (past) - how are you sure

Flame - because I'm gonna do this

Flame - hey, you win ok just take me and let him go

New Herobrine - you think ima give up my plan to destroy two demons that killed my grandpa in both timelines and their loved ones, yeah your clearly mistaking

Flame (past) - ok screw this *jumps up and attacks*

Flame - Joe No!

New Herobrine - *dodges attack and grabs and throws back*

Flame - Frak come on Sarah

She-Flame (past) - *flames up and shoots*

Flame - *charges*

New Herobrine - *creates sonic burst*

Flame - *falls*

She-Flame (past) - *falls*

New Herobrine - *kills Jayden*

She-Flame (past) - …

Flame - damn it

Flame (past) - *runs in*

Flame (past) - NOOO *gets super angry and turns into demon form*

New Herobrine - now that's more like it, COME AT ME

Flame (past) - *charges and shoots fire burst at him and smacks down*

New Herobrine - grahhh

Flame (past) - *picks him up and brings out sword to kill him*

Flame - no Joe you can't kill him that will bring a serious affect to the timeline that we might can't fix


Flame - I know but I can fix it

Flame (past) - WHAT IF YOU CAN'T

Flame - I don't know if I can but I swear on both our lives I will make sure this timeline won't set in

Flame (past) - wait you said I can't kill him but his machine can

Flame - no Joe don't

Flame (past) - *grabs him too machine*

Flame - NOOO *runs at Joe but gets blasted back by a unknown force*

Flame - ahhh

Mystery Monster - your the final glitch in the time stream that i'm going to get rid of

Flame - …