
Chapter 7 Temptation (Mature content)

My unit was on the third floor of the building and so I usually didn't use the lift. As I led Josh upstairs, I could hear loud footsteps following us.

"Wait, wait for me…", we both heard Phil calling out to us. It was normal for Phil to come by our place often. He even slept over at time if he felt like not going home. We had a sofa bed for him in the living room to sleep at night.

I turned to unlock the door when he back-hugged me. I nearly stumbled from the force.

"Ewww..," I tried closing my nose and yelled at him. "You smell Phil! So sweaty. Don't you dare rub your sweats on my t-shirt." I tried to give him a kick. "And get off me you asshole!" I yelled at him again.

"But I want to stick with you, my baby," he tried to hug me tightly, whining in loud voice. I was about to try a backflip on him when Josh cleared his throat in loud "Ahem".

Phil and I both looked at him. The way he cleared his throat was rather suspicious but at least it made Phil lose his grip on me and look at Josh.

"Oh hey, Josh! Fancy seeing you here," Phil extended his hand towards Josh.

"I was dropping Sophie off and she offered me some food," Josh said shaking Phil's hand. He didn't mention how his stomach was grumbling so loudly.

"Did she now?" Phil raised his eyes sending me a curious look. "But don't expect too much," he said to Josh. "Her food taste so-so." I heard him say as I opened the door and went in.

"Then no food for you Phil," I told him as they followed me in.

"Don't say that sweetheart…what I meant was your food tastes awesome!!" I looked at him cursing.

Betts had left a post-it saying she was going to Martin's place and stay there over the weekend.

"Please make yourself comfortable," I said to Josh and then turned to Phil. "I am going to cook instant noodles with egg. Do you want some?" I asked him.

"Yes please. I will have a quick shower while you prepare that," he said and went to the bathroom picking up some of his clothes that he had left last time. He went in and a few minutes later, we heard the shower running.

I turned and saw Josh looking at me in a weird way.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I took out the noodles from the cupboard.

"You guys are dating?" He asked me as he came closer.

I smiled at him. This was what people normally asked me whenever they see Phil and I interacting. I expected him to ask us at one point but not this soon.

"No," I answered him. "We are good friends. We have known each other since we were in high school although we went to different high schools. You know how it is- friend's friend. Don't you have any friends from opposite gender like that?"

"No, not really," he answered.

"With your personality and face, I thought you would have lots of girls as friends."

"I do but not girl friend but girlfriends," he winked at me, coming more closer. I focused on cutting the spring onions to add to the noodles while the water boiled. I knew his flirty nature was surfacing again.

"That's good for you then," I said without looking at him. I added the noodle to the water. He was about to say something when the noise of water running in the bathroom stopped. Phil must have finished showering.

I looked up at Josh. Our eyes met. I don't know what he wanted but there was confusion…curiosity in the way he was looking at me. Why? I wondered. What does he want? He was a stranger-someone I just met yesterday. I didn't know him, neither did he know me. So what was this?

I didn't believe in first sight first love. And I am sure neither did he. We didn't even pay much attention to each other when we met yesterday. So, no, there was no first sight first love.

But did he make my heart flutter a bit? Yes, definitely.

"Is the noodle ready?" Phil shouted as he closed the bathroom door.

Josh walked a bit away from me as Phil walked in, without breaking his stare away from me.

"Two minutes," I said breaking the staring contest with Josh.

"I have set up a blind date for you," Phil announced as we were having the noodles.

"Really? With whom?" I was cautious because Phil had a knack of setting up dates with weird combination of people; someone completely opposite of what I prefer.

"It's Alex, you know the tall guy with chemistry and health specialisation," he replied slurping the noodles.

Oh I remembered him too well, I thought to myself. He was definitely a good catch for a date.

"How did you make him agree?" I asked Phil. I couldn't hide my excitement.

"He doesn't know it's you," Phil replied.

"What does that mean?" I cursed at him furiously.

"It's supposed to be a blind date, so of course he doesn't know it's you, idiot," he said as he rolled his eyes at me. "Tomorrow at 6. Just Grill & Bar. I thought it would be good for you if you had a date in a familiar place."

Well, not bad, I thought to myself.

"Great!" I agreed and happily continued to eat my noodles. After quickly finishing his food, Phil rushed out saying he had a Friday night get together with someone.

"You can join us if you want," he said as he put on his shoes. "We will be at the bar, alright?"

"Okay, if I feel like I will drop by," I said as he closed the door and left.

But when the door closed, the silence was overbearing. Josh had stopped eating. So I couldn't hear any noise of the fork hitting the bowl.

I think I should just ask him to leave if he was done. It was a mistake inviting him in. I got up to put mine and Phil's empty bowl in the sink.

"Are you really going to the date?" Josh asked me as he stood behind me. I could feel the heat coming from his body.

"Whether I go or not has nothing to do with you," I snapped at him. But I couldn't turn and look at him.

"No, it doesn't," he said as he slowly pressed his body on my back. And every part of my body responded to it. "But I am interested," he said as he put his face on my shoulder; his voice tingling on my ear. My ears turned red.

He was playing with me; tempting me.

I could feel something hard pressing on my back. And when I realised what it was, I gasped. Damn! He was hard. And the temptation seem to much for me too handle.

He pressed harder. He knew I could feel him but he didn't care. What did he want?

"Stop it!" I couldn't hold it any longer. I pushed him as I turned to look at him. "What are you doing? What do you want?"

I questioned him. But he was unfazed. He still had that mischievous smirk on his face.

"It's not what I want, Sophie," he as he leaned towards me again. "It's what YOU want."

Surprised, I looked at him.

"Weren't you excited hearing me having sex with a girl?" He continued. "I could see it all on your face. I left the door open a bit so that you could hear it more. Does it excite you? Do you want to see how it feels?" He said as he licked his lips, his eyes roaming all over me. "Don't worry, we are all adults here," he continued as he slowly pulled my hand and put it in between his legs; making me feel just how hard he was.

I let out a gasp…

"It definitely excites you, doesn't it? Do you want to try?" He whispered in my ears, leading my hand to move up and down feeling his hardness.

Yes, this temptation was too much to handle and I knew even then just how costly it would be.

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