
Games Are Meant To Be Played With Brains!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wei Huo ordered the Rhinoceros to stay where it was and walked into the ruins with Wei Sha. Wei Sha was growing fast. Her intelligence was high, and that was why she could understand him quickly. On top of that, her Attack stat was increasing steadily after going through systematic training.

"Listen, training is like sailing against the current. You must forge ahead or the boat will be driven back. If doing 100 pushups a day cannot satisfy you, do 200. If 200 aren't enough, then do 400. This is how you can improve your capabilities quickly!" Wei Huo taught Wei Sha patiently.

Wei Sha asked, "Big Divine Man, did you become this strong after training this vigorously?"

"Cough!" Wei Huo was drinking water and almost choked on it. He sat upright and said with a straight face, "Of course, I've been pushing my limits. Every time I succeeded, my capabilities grew immensely!"