
Phoniex-look back

Thank you all for being patient and thank you for helping me reach my 5,000 goal. I believe we can get even higher before the end of this book, let's try for 9,500. I love you all and I hope you are all enjoying FIT OUT ❤️💞.

"Wake up, sleepy head". I hear my sister say. I get up and say: "I had the strangest dream". I look down at my clothes and gasp. "It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a dream, it's for the better". I say. My sister shakes her head, sits down on the bed and says: "I have a question for you". I raise my eyebrow and she asks: "Were you happy with Fiona"? I nod and say: "But it was too much for me". "Were you happy before she came along"? She asks. "If I'm honest I wasn't happy". I say. "Since you and Fiona have been together I have never seen you happier, let's get her back". She says. I shake my head and say: "It's better this way, to fit in". "I remember when I was as happy as you were with Fiona". "Oooh storytime". I say, we both chuckle and she says: "It was with Todd bikimean, 7th grade". "But you are still with him". I say a bit confused. "Not exactly, back in the 7th grade we were both nerds, silly, cute nerds. But then 8th grade came around and when he got back, it was like he was a completely different person. He ditched the glasses, contacts, started to work out and he started thinking he was "too cool" for me". "So he basically came back a whole different person over summer break". I say and she nods and she says: "We broke up and I tried everything to get him back, I ditched my old friends, my glasses, started cheerleading and talking to the popular people. They eventually accepted me and now I'm queen bee, with todd by my side. But it wasn't worth it, Todd is now a total jackass and fitting in is harder than it looks, everyone expects you to be perfect and not to mention I miss my old friends, they were amazing and pretty cool. When I saw you go after Fiona, I thought you were making the same mistake I did. I thought you were changing yourself for her, but then I realized how happy you looked when you were with her, you two belong together." I shake my head and say: "I messed up, I can't change that". "You can win her back, get up were going to the mall, but first text her to meet you at the starlight tower at 7:00". She shakes me violently and says: "Come on, up, up, have some faith". I roll my eyes and get up as she starts to walk out. "Oh one more thing, the flyer spot it's still open". She says. "Yes, yes I'll take it"! I say. She laughs and heads out the door. I grab some clothes and quickly put them on, grab my phone, pull up Fiona and type in: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, just please come meet me at the starlight tower at 7:00". She reads it and then types: "I will see you then". I run out the door and yell: "I'm ready, let's go". "Out the door, time to go shopping". She says. We go out the door and into the uber. "Where to". The Uber guy asks. "Aeritermaie mall please". My sister says. He starts to head to the mall. "So what exactly are doing at the mall"? I ask. "To get Fiona, a present of course". She says. "With what money"? I ask. "I got it covered, but you owe me". She says jokingly. We both laugh as the car pulls up to the mall. "Ladies were here". He says. "Thank you". We say in usion as we get out of the car. She pulls out her phone and gives him a rating and money. "Inside we go". We walk inside and head for gothlenadie, Up the escalator and into the store. "Hmm". I say as we enter. "Can I help you two". Says the salesclerk. "Yes we are looking for a gift". My sister says. The sales clerk looks around at the clothes and jewelry. I spot a black jacket in the clearance section and I walk over to it. I pull it out and see a black leather jacket. "This is perfect". I say. They both look at me and the clerk says: "You sure you wouldn't like some jewelry, diamonds are a girl's best friend". I shake my head and say: "Nope this we'll be all". I walk to over to the check out stand and my sister gives the cashier her credit card. She checks it out and puts it in a bag handing it back to me. "Thanks". I say as we walk out. "Back Home"?I ask. "Nope we're getting starbucks". We walk over to the starbucks and the cashier asks: "What would you like"? "A tall, Double chocolaty chip frappe please". I say. "A grande berry refresher please". My sister pays for it and we sit down. We get our drinks a few seconds later and we sit down and my sister says: "Okay here's the plan-