
Amber-happily ever after

So sorry I haven't been updating, I got my phone taken away but here is the last chapter of fit out, hoped you guys liked this book and comment down below if you want me to write more stories like this. Love you all 💕💓

I hear my phone ding and I walk over, grab my phone and see: "Good morning baby girl." I roll my eyes and type in: "Good morning you." I see her typing and she types in: "You ready to go to school, I'm outside." I grab my converse, put them on and head downstairs. "Hi Nicole, how are you?" asks Violet. "I'm doing good-". She says as I interrupt her saying: "I'm here, I'm here!" Violet crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow and I say: "What, let's go." She shakes her head and says: "First say sorry to Mrs.Lakinte, then we can go." My mom's eyebrow raise and she smiles, crossing her arms and looking at me, waiting. I roll my eyes, sigh and say in a mumbling and quiet way; "I'm sorry. We going now?!" Violet shrugs and says: "Sassy, but it will do, come on out the door." Violet opens the door for me I walk outside the door, but before I can get out she tugs me back inside by my back packet and clears her throat. I sigh and say: "What now?!" My mom chuckles and says: "You forgot your hug." Violet nods and tugs me violently back to my mom. I fall a little and try to catch myself and then I give my mom a side hug. My mom embraces me in a full hug and I pull my other arm around her. She lets go of me and I look to Violet and say, a bit frustrated: "Now can we go?!" Violet nods and heads out the door,I run over and grab the door before it closes on my face, I hear my mom chuckle as I walk out the door and hop on the motorcycle. The engine roars to life,I grab a hold of Violet and just before we take off she says: "One day I'm gonna teach you how to drive this." I laugh and say: "Yeah in your dreams." We both laugh as she takes off into the road. I mean it would be pretty cool to learn how to drive the motorcycle, but for now let's just enjoy the ride and not have a death wish. We pull up to the parking lot and park the motorcycle, I get off and we walk to the school hand in hand. "So your motorcycle got a name?" I asks jokingly. We both laugh and she says: "Beatricess." We both laugh again and almost fall. We skip the rest of the way, I give Violet a quick peck on the cheek and head into engilsih, I sit down ahead of Fiona and she gives me a tap on the shoulder, I spin around in my chair, turning towards her and ask with a sigh: "Yes?!" She scratches her neck and says: " Me and Phoenix are back together-." "Congrats." I say as I turn back around,towards the front of the classroom. She taps me on the back and says: "You didn't let me finish." I sigh and turn back around, to face her and she says: "I'm sorry for being so harsh to you, I was lashing all of my anger out on you and I forgive you for saying: I was stupid and blind and I forgive you for not telling me about You and Violet." I nod and turn my back, back around. "Don't you have something to say?" She asks, I turn my head towards her and I shake my head and turn back. I hear can her sigh, behind me, as the teacher walks in. I go from english, to math, to art, to lunch, I meet Violet at her locker as she pulls up I ask: "Guess what, Fiona said to me in engilsh?!" She looks at me and then opens her locker in silence. "She said: Me and Phoenix are back together and I'm sorry for being so harsh to you, I forgive you for not telling me about you and Violet and I forgive you for being mean to me. Isn't she so annoying?!" I ask Violet chuckles as she puts her books in her locker and grabs her lunch money and says: "Maybe you should forgive her, she sounds hopeless without you." We both laugh as Violet closes her locker and I say: "You might even say pathetic." Violet raises her eyebrow and I ask: "What too far?!" She nods and chuckles and says: "In all seriousness maybe you should forgive her." I chuckle a bit as we get in line for lunch. We slowly move up in line, inch by inch, until we reach the front. "Four slices of pizza please." The cashier rings up her cash as I say: "Look at you, your diet is working." We both laugh and she says: "You know you eating two of these pieces." she says as she hands me the slices. "Oh darn I wanted sushi." I say jokingly. "We don't have sushi here, miss." The cashier says with a smirk, all three of us laugh and Violet knuckles him and walks away to a table in the middle of the cafeteria. I see Phoenix and Fiona, walk over and Phoenix says: "May we sit here?" I open my mouth to say no when Violet says: "Go ahead the more the merrier." I give Violet a glare and she winks at me, I roll my eyes and look at Phoenix's cheer outfit. "So your back on the team?" I ask. She nods and Fiona says to her: "Since you got me gift here." She hands Phoenix a necklace with a broken heart and on the middle it says P and then she points to her neck and on her neck is the other half of the heart with a F on it. "Thanks." Phoenix says as she kisses her on the lips, a couple of people look and exchange whispers. Me and Violet smile at each other and kiss, more people look and exchange whispers, by now everyone is staring at us, waiting for something to happen. I look around us and see smiles and disgusted faces on people, the gossip carrying like wildfire. Without thinking I get up on the table and yell: "Oh come on guys it's 2019 , for god's sake!" Some people shake their heads, others smile. "You know what every single person in this room has a falw no one is perfect, so stop looking down on the LGBQ+ community and stop looking down on your selves, be proud to be who you are and what you look like, I want everyone to get up, on you seat if you agree with me." Violet, Fiona and Phoenix get up. Allie gets up and says: "Come on people get up". The cheerleaders all get up and slowly everyone else gets up. "Now look around, at the people who are up. Theses are the people who aren't afraid to be who they are, these are the people you should look up too." I yell into the cafetera. The rest of the people get up and start to calp.

10 years into the future

Phoenix and Fiona's wedding

"You may now kiss the bride." Phoenix and Fiona kiss each other and the crowd cheers. Phoenix and Fiona walk down the aisle, hand in hand, towards the dining and dance floor. They grab their food and sit down next to Amber and Violet. "This wedding looks amazing and you two look stunning." Violet and Amber say usion: "Thanks". Amber picks up her glass and hits it with a fork and everyone else joins in and Phoenix and Fiona kiss. "The bride and bride now welcome you onto the dance floor for the first dance to compress." Says a female voice out of the loudspeakers. Fiona gets up and holds out her hand to Phoenix and says: "Wanna dance wifey?" Phoenix nods and says: "It would be my pleasure." Phoenix takes her hand and they head out onto the dance floor, swaying side to side to a slow song. Amber gets up and says to Violet: "Let's dance." Holding her hand out to her,Violet takes her hand and they join everyone else on the dance floor. The wedding finishes up by Phoenix and Fiona throwing the boacasess, into the crowd. Violet and Amber catch them, smile and kiss each other. And they all live happily ever after.

The end