
Fists of Fate: Smashing DESTINY.

"Who is a Knight?" Yeah, I'm asking you. "You got your answer? Now picture it." If your answer was just limited to armor and plain old swords, then the New World Alliance, or just the Alliance, isn't the place for you. In the never-ending quest for dominance between devilkind and humanity, just the flimsy sword and horse you imagined won't cut it, I'm afraid. If you thought you had tough luck on your side on the battlefield with your sword and heavy armor, just turn Michio's way. Yep, he's doing it all by himself, no weapons, and hardly a decent amount of magic to boot. At least you had the imagination to picture all this, and that counts for something. So now what are you going to do? Stand there and get killed? I didn't think so. In fact, there's only one thing left to do. Join Michio and watch him become the strongest knight there ever was. Smashing through everything, even fate itself, with those two fists of his. In a world where magic is king and knights are more than just armor and swords, Michio's journey defies convention and embraces the extraordinary. With unwavering determination and an unorthodox approach to battle, he challenges destiny itself. Join him on a quest where strength is redefined, and the impossible becomes possible. In the New World Alliance, Michio is not just a knight; he's a force of nature.

yunkowrites · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Nana: Nana Lyn Raiden II

"Baaa! Did it really have to be today, right now, in this sun?!" Emile trudged out of the castle gates struggling to keep up with Melanie.

"That's right! It's perfect weather for shopping!'' Unaware of his words, she turned to Emile, and for a moment she shone the brightest light he had ever seen. Emile was struck by her awe and opened her mouth, as if he had never seen her before. She stared back in confusion before she excitedly talked to herself and she quickly remembered everything she had planned.

From the way she had dressed, you would have thought she planned this day down right down to the weather itself. She had a white sleeveless summer dress on, with so many grey and sky blue wind pattern designs and a big white summer hat to match. She had those cute slippers all the ladies went to war for these days, in her favorite shade of blue. Emile couldn't help but admire her for while. The sun was doing its best to bring out her best qualities and if he didn't know better already, he would have thought they had a paid partnership.

And she smelled so nice. Like everything a breeze should be. Almost as good as cupcakes and for Emile that was saying something.

"Latch it! You're even scaring the flies" a hand pushed his mouth back shut. He turned to look at his sister and his mouth dropped even further. Was that his sister? His sister? She could look like that?

Her blonde hair flew in the air as she strolled past him. She wasn't the type to dress down often, but that was just how much influence Mel had on her protégé.

It was a more subtle look compared to his fiancée's but she made it work. A yellow dress in one of those fabrics that would burn if your iron was too hot .

A nice black little black belt right at the end of her torso with a lightning shaped buckle.

The dress was a bit longer than Mel's and had little puffy sleeves but hey you brought the horse over don't force it to drink.

The look was rounded up with brown woven hat and sandals and for accessories : a gold necklace with a lightning bolt lying on her chest.

"Are you gonna do something other than stare?!"

Emile thought he wasn't too shabby himself. A well fitting plain white tee and khaki shorts were more than enough for their impromptu shopping spree. He also had the necklace his sister made for him when she thought he was cool , and that was a long time ago. But these two made him look like any other extra walking on the street.

" Mel nee-san p-picked it out for me." Emile hardly even noticed she was talking with how low it came out. " So if there's something wrong with it blame her."

Emile just shook his head vigorously. Nothing was wrong. He thought each of their outfits had their names written all over them. Besides his perfectionist girl was on it so it wasn't like she'd make a mistake.

Before he could snap out of it , Mel grabbed both of them and started dashing into the city.

" What are you guys going on about?! Those stores aren't going to clear themselves!"

She ran and the wind blew her hair. Emile caught her hat with his right hand just in time. She laughed as she pulled them along. With how fast they were going, Nana had to press her hat down or else it would have been gone too.

"Mel nee-san slow down"

"What? I can't hear you haha the wind's in my ear"

It went on like this until they arrived at the shopping district ,everyone on empty apart from Mel herself.

"Eeeyaaa!" she shrieked in excitement. " Come on you two" .

Nana and Emile just looked at each other and sighed. Nana was one hundred percent sure this was going to be a long day.

All the male vendors seemed to know Mel and were always happy when she could make a visit. This time in addition to Mel they also got to see Nana for the first time. Of course not the first time she had been here , she patrolled these parts every now and then in her armor. Although she couldn't blame them for not being able to recognize her in these clothes, heck she could hardly recognize herself at all.

There came a moment when a young boy, who seemed to be around the same age as her, approached her with a gift in hand. As he extended it towards her, she couldn't help but notice the faint blush creeping up his cheeks, which left her feeling slightly taken aback. It was in that moment that Emile discreetly nudged her foot with his own, as if to remind her to graciously accept the gift and express her gratitude.

Nana and Mel received an abundance of gifts, which greatly reduced their need to purchase any essential items. However, the men were not particularly thrilled to reunite with Emile, as they believed he had "stolen" their beloved Mel from them.

But he did get his moment in the spotlight. Even the older ladies were pumped to see him. They were playfully tugging on his ears, cracking up together, and planting smooches on his cheek. Back in the day, he was a real troublemaker around here, so it made the shopkeepers feel all warm and fuzzy inside to witness him transform into a responsible knight.

In the end, Emile had to lug around so much stuff that all you could see were his legs while the girls, Mel ,and Nana who was just tagging along, zoomed from one store to the next. At that moment, Nana couldn't help but ponder who the true lightning release user was.

Everything was going according to Mel's plan until....

" Help! Thief! My stuff!" one of the vendors screamed.

" Well too good to be true go get em tig-" Mel sighed.

Before she could even finish, a lightning bolt came crashing down from the sky. Her student was already zooming away in her armor.

Nana had been waiting for this moment. The whole typical good girl life just wasn't cutting it.The vendor, visibly terrified, simply pointed towards the thieves. Nana glanced over, nodded, and quickly sprinted away, leaving a trail of lightning behind her.

Now this was how you spent the afternoon.

"Look, it's Thunder Girl."

"Isn't she usually on patrol? It's best to leave this to the professionals."

"I don't know if I've heard she's good. Like generational talent is good."

"Well, she's a Raiden after all."

Now that she was in her armor, most of the people started to recognize her as the prodigy she was.

After mazing around a couple of alleys , Nana was finally on the same lane as the thief. The guy was pretty quick, like someone who can manipulate the wind or something.

Even though Nana really wanted to chase after him and grab him herself, she didn't want to drag this on. Mel was waiting for her, and she didn't want to make her worry or her brother doubt her abilities.

She came to a quick halt and got in a stance of some sort. Feet apart with her right just lagging behind her left, shoulders and back straight .

" Hey ! He's getting away" One man obviously pointed out.

The thief glanced over his shoulder and smirked to himself. Piece of cake, no chance a girl could catch up with him.

" Quiet" she said coldly. The man just shut up and watched. She took a deep breath in , closed her eyes and leaned in to her stomach a little. She stretched her left arm out and kept her right just in front of her chest.

' What is she doing some sort of ritual' the thief thought to himself.

She exhaled and the street filled with buzzing and crackling sounds. Suddenly, there was a loud bang , releasing a wild untamed bow and arrow of lightning. She opens her right eye and steadies her shot before... she says calmly

" Lightning Release : Tornitrus Bolt. 5%"

The lightning arrow lets out a loud screech and zooms right towards the thief, immobilizing him and dropping him on the ground. She walks toward the crispy man and takes the stolen goods back from him.

" I thought I toned it down more than usual. Hmmm weak is weak after all."

The street erupted into cheers and Nana lifted her fist up in the air. She was really good at this part. Mel and Emile caught up with her soon after and returned the goods to their rightful owners.

" Enough goofing around for one day. I'm heading back to the palace."

Emile and Mel mimicked her and burst into laughter before following her back.

Just before they went off. Someone weaseled their way through the now large crowd and onto the street. It was the boy who gave her the gift earlier.

" Hey! Miss Knight Sir , um sorry Madam at least let me know your name!"

Yeah the crowd all agreed. They really didn't pay to much attention to her during her patrols but after this little feat everyone wanted to at least call her by her name next time. Nana walked a few steps forward before turning back.

" Lyn Raiden. Nana Lyn Raiden."

She flicked her blonde hair back as she continued. Yep, she was really good at this.

Mel and Emile just stared at each other like they just heard her speak a different language.

The boy just looked on in awe as the crowd chanted her name.

'Lyn, huh?' His voice changed to a more sinister tone , " We shall meet again my sweet sweet Lyn." He licks his lips in that weird way and stares at the girl as she argues with her two companions.


college is hard guys

yunkowritescreators' thoughts