
Fists of Fate: Smashing DESTINY.

"Who is a Knight?" Yeah, I'm asking you. "You got your answer? Now picture it." If your answer was just limited to armor and plain old swords, then the New World Alliance, or just the Alliance, isn't the place for you. In the never-ending quest for dominance between devilkind and humanity, just the flimsy sword and horse you imagined won't cut it, I'm afraid. If you thought you had tough luck on your side on the battlefield with your sword and heavy armor, just turn Michio's way. Yep, he's doing it all by himself, no weapons, and hardly a decent amount of magic to boot. At least you had the imagination to picture all this, and that counts for something. So now what are you going to do? Stand there and get killed? I didn't think so. In fact, there's only one thing left to do. Join Michio and watch him become the strongest knight there ever was. Smashing through everything, even fate itself, with those two fists of his. In a world where magic is king and knights are more than just armor and swords, Michio's journey defies convention and embraces the extraordinary. With unwavering determination and an unorthodox approach to battle, he challenges destiny itself. Join him on a quest where strength is redefined, and the impossible becomes possible. In the New World Alliance, Michio is not just a knight; he's a force of nature.

yunkowrites · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Graceful Rejection

@Ganban Academy For Prospective Warriors

Rafa's POV

It's been like 7 months since that thing went down at the Emporium. Things are pretty much back to normal now. The academy actually filled old man Pomzo in on it and they decided to give me a whole week off to "get better".

I stared over at the chalkboard in our class.

Teach was rambling on about something gracefully like always. He prided himself on doing things as gracefully as possible, and honestly, even if I was staring right at him, I wouldn't be able to tell you what he was talking about even if my life depended on it.

While I was checking things out, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. There was this leaf desperately holding onto its branch, getting tossed around by the wind. It wasn't like the leaf had any shot at survival, but I preferred focusing on that rather than whatever Teach was blabbering about.

I don't know why, but a part of me kind of wanted the leaf to win. So, with my head in my left hand and my elbow propping it up, I just sat there watching as the leaf continued to rustle until...

I heard a little tear noise and then a loud crunch. I glanced over and saw two random students strolling around on campus, laughing their heads off. What a bunch of idiots.

"Like that's my leaf!" I muttered rather angrily, or at least I thought I did.

I wasn't really paying attention, but I wasn't so clueless that I wouldn't notice that the entire class had gone silent and was looking at me. You know how you can just sense it sometimes?

"Your leaf, Mr. Rafa? Would you care to clarify?" Teach looked tougher than a cup of Monday morning coffee.

Gotta think fast! Need to come up with something, ummm.... okay, got it!

"Yeah, yeah," I sat up straight, "I was just telling my buddy Bojin here," I tucked the confused Bojin under my arm, "about how I believe(leaf) what you said is true, haha,-- you buying it?"

The whole class went silent again. Then there was a titter , then a giggle until the whole class suddenly burst into laughter. Bojin especially, and even Himari (Alcea) with her palms covering her mouth.

Oh man not Alcea too, Earth swallow me now. I melted under my seat to avoid the shame.

"Well, if that's the case. Be sure to pack what you need and have the class meet in front of the academy. You are the class representative after all".

After Teach left, I was stuck in the classroom with the other hyenas. They kept laughing until everyone finally left. I let out a big sigh and closed the door as I left.

Teach led us outside and then stopped to tell us.

"As I'm sure you are all aware, the highly anticipated Knight Selection Exams are rapidly approaching. In just a matter of slightly over three months, each and every one of you will come face to face with an immense challenge that will undoubtedly be the biggest obstacle you have encountered thus far in your journey."

"If you were to go and disgrace yourselves, the academy, and especially me, all the time you have spent here for the past three years would be completely worthless. In order to prevent this from happening, regular classes will be suspended for the upcoming three months."

"Finally some good news" I said cheekily.

This time no one laughed, everyone was dead serious, and who could blame them. For them this was everything. Teach just ignored me and carried on.

"As our land Gamban is one of the world's superpowers, we are entitled to three seeding spots in the tournament and the Academy reserves the right to nominate there. teeth--"

"Come on Sensei, just tell us already". Sully said with his usual sullen look. His name wasn't actually Sully but he was such a wet blanket that everyone in the class called him that.

But this time, it wasn't just Sully. We all wanted to know if we made it into the seed or not. I mean, come on, three years for just three people seemed pretty tough. Teach adjusted his glasses on his pointy nose and kept going.

"Very well, come forward gracefully if your name is mentioned. Our three seeds for this year are-"

I checked out the rest of my friends. Some of them had their eyes closed, others were holding hands with friends, and some were even muttering prayers. Bojin and Himari were standing next to me, and I gave them a thumbs up with a smile. I took a deep breath and looked up at Teach. Alcea was holding my hand tightly, and I smiled and held Bojin's.

" Bojin of the Partial Earth Flow."

"YES SIR!" cried Bojin. I slapped him on the back as he walked to Teach's right side.

"Alcea of Nature Control."

"Y-y-ess!" She gave me a hug with tears in her eyes.

"Go wait for me" I told her as she left to stand at Teach's left side.

Alright no problem, lets get this over with.

"And finally, Kain of the Sandstorm, that is all."


As Kain strolled past me, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the sand, causing the grains beneath him to audibly crunch.

With a smug expression on his face, he briefly glanced back at me, his eyes filled with mockery, before he nonchalantly raised his mask and continued on his way.

It was none other than the new addition to our class, the one who had only joined us in our third year

precisely one week after the 'incident' had occurred.

Teach told us his family were a bunch of desert bandits in living in 'The Barren' , the outskirts of Ganban.

After they got caught, Teach and the old man brought him to the academy because they thought he had potential and didn't want him wasting away in jail.

Potential my crusty balls! Are you kidding me? This dude seriously?! He never cracked a smile, never bothered to make friends, and always acted like he was better than us just because he knew how to throw hands.

As I tilted my head down, a wave of emptiness filled me up. I started feeling queasy, and my expression turned into a blank, hollow look.

"Sir, there must be some mistake." Bojin broke the silence.

"Bojin, I want to assure you that the academy has never faltered, and I find it surprising that you are questioning its stability considering the number of years you have spent here."

Bojin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. Alcea looked at my emotionless face and then turned away to cry.

Teach turned to the rest of us

"Now, young warriors, this does not automatically mean the end of your journey. It just means that your path has widened. Along with this, from now on you will be able to attend classes taught by special instructors at the newly renovated Bojo's Emporium. ''

"Heck yes!" We're not out of it guys, come on, we'll all fight together!" one student chanted.

Bojin had his arm around my neck, and I glanced up at his big grin. Nah, Bojin, no need for that. I don't want your sympathy.

" You hear that, shorty?" He ruffled my hair up, and forced another smile, "You're not out of the count".

Bojin POV

"You know what? I've done this to him before.'' He looked at me with a scary smile,

"While we just left  him with  fake smiles, he had to watch us go on without him.''

Rafa stopped smiling and continued, "If I'm not good enough to pass, then what happens? Because the Academy obviously doesn't think I am . "

I tried to hold back my frustration.

Rafa's POV

Bojin just went quiet and clenched his fists really tight. Himari had been staring at my face the whole time with this sad look in her eyes.

So much for protecting someone better than me.

With a glance at his timepiece, Teach let out a gentle sigh and exhaled with grace. Engaging in a leisurely stretch, he delicately pressed his palms against the ground.

Astonishingly, a magnificent dome constructed from the very essence of the earth enveloped our surroundings. Serenely shutting his eyes, he inhaled profoundly, immersing himself in a moment of tranquil contemplation.

And I'm not exaggerating here, everything Teach did was that much extra.

With no more time to waste, he gracefully opened his eyes, commanding the power of Earth Release: LOCK ON!

A gentle tremor reverberated beneath our for a momen, before tranquility was swiftly restored.

"Okay everyone , brace yourselves for a graceful landing!"

We each clung tightly to something or someone dear to us. As the dome descended with a resounding impact, it gracefully parted in the middle, revealing its hidden contents. Teach gracefully dusted himself off and departed, softly whispering thoughts of refining his technique for future graceful endeavors.

"Alright students welcome to the new and improved-"

The mention of "BOJO'S DOME!" got all  the students into a frenzy.

I, on the other hand, wasn't fully over what happened a minute ago.

The emporium, which was already top notch , had recently undergone a remarkable transformation.

Notably, it has been expanded with the addition of four state-of-the-art training grounds, luxurious gyms, and the pièce de résistance - a magnificent mega arena situated prominently in its heart. This awe-inspiring space was so awesome that it appears perfectly suited to host even the most esteemed events, such as the highly anticipated KSEs.

I gave myself a light whack on the head. I was beginning to sound too much like Teach.

"Welcome my students to the next three months of your graceful lives!" - Teach exclaimed. - gracefully of course.


I heard writing in POV carries more emotional value. You guys better be crying in the comments later.

yunkowritescreators' thoughts