
Fists of Fate: Smashing DESTINY.

"Who is a Knight?" Yeah, I'm asking you. "You got your answer? Now picture it." If your answer was just limited to armor and plain old swords, then the New World Alliance, or just the Alliance, isn't the place for you. In the never-ending quest for dominance between devilkind and humanity, just the flimsy sword and horse you imagined won't cut it, I'm afraid. If you thought you had tough luck on your side on the battlefield with your sword and heavy armor, just turn Michio's way. Yep, he's doing it all by himself, no weapons, and hardly a decent amount of magic to boot. At least you had the imagination to picture all this, and that counts for something. So now what are you going to do? Stand there and get killed? I didn't think so. In fact, there's only one thing left to do. Join Michio and watch him become the strongest knight there ever was. Smashing through everything, even fate itself, with those two fists of his. In a world where magic is king and knights are more than just armor and swords, Michio's journey defies convention and embraces the extraordinary. With unwavering determination and an unorthodox approach to battle, he challenges destiny itself. Join him on a quest where strength is redefined, and the impossible becomes possible. In the New World Alliance, Michio is not just a knight; he's a force of nature.

yunkowrites · Fantasy
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10 Chs

2. Departures and New Beginnings

A week had passed, and the town was buzzing with activity. Michio strolled through the streets with his two companions, Nana and a fellow young man of their age. As they walked, their voices carried through the air.

"Wait, what?! You're leaving, to where, for what, and why?!" Michio exclaimed, his surprise evident.

Nana, covering her ears for a moment, sighed. "This is why I didn't want to tell you; you're just gonna rant on and on. Anyway, since Emile's break is over, I'll be leaving with him to stay in Alvarez with Dad."

Michio rested his arm on the other boy's shoulder, trying to ease the situation. "Well, who needs you anyway? We'll manage, just us guys, right Rafa?"

Rafa shifted uncomfortably, removing Michio's hand from his shoulder. "Well... Actually..."

Michio sensed the truth before Rafa could speak it. "Oh, you're leaving too, aren't you?"

Rafa reluctantly confirmed, "Yeah, I'll be setting off myself with Old Man Pomzo to go learn an extra in my Bo-"

"Bojutsu, right?" Michio interrupted, his voice laden with sadness. "Yeah, Emile told me about that one. Hey, it's only for a couple of months, right?" He forced a smile, masking his disappointment.

Nana chimed in, "Sorry, but we'll be away for at least three years. But hey, it'll be over before we all know it, right guys?" She forced some laughter, signaling Rafa to join in.

Rafa added, "Yeah, before we all know it, we'll be standing right here laughing this off, you know?"

Michio, trying to hide his feelings, calmly turned away and began to walk away but stopped, raised his head without turning back, and said, "When do you guys set out?"

Nana replied, "I leave tomorrow morning, and Rafa sets out tonight."

Michio sighed, "Hey, don't sweat it. You're gonna get stronger, right? You better not be lying because I'm gonna do the same. I'm not gonna lose to you guys. Got it? Alright, be safe out there." He started walking again and stopped, saying, "Hey, Nana..."

Nana, who was beginning to tear up, replied, "I'm here."

Michio smiled and teased her, "What happened to goofball and meathead? Hey, Rafa..."

Rafa, holding back tears, replied, "Yeah, what?"

Michio requested, "Tell Pom-Pom that he better bring me back some cool fighting equipment on his way."

Rafa grumbled, "Damn it, whatever."

Before Michio left, he stretched out his clenched fist, and they all bumped their fists together. Michio said, "Promise me one thing. That you'd all get back in time for us to be knights... together, got that?"

Nana and Rafa nodded, "You bet ya!"

As Michio walked away, Nana pulled them into a big hug. They could feel that Michio was hurting the most but trying to brush it off. After they let go, Michio walked a distance, turned his head, smiled at them, and lifted his right fist, muttering to himself, "You better come back stronger or I won't forgive you."

With that, he walked home without another word, his hands in his pockets.

Later that evening, on a route leading out of town, an old black man with a bent back and a staff walked with Rafa, who carried two heavy traveling bags on his back.

Pomzo asked, "So... how was it, Rafa-boy? Did he take it well?"

Rafa replied, looking back at the town gate, "Let's just say the town's in good hands."

"Nonsense, of course it is! So help the fools that mess with it!" Pomzo sniggered as they continued walking. 

Pomzo suggested they take the local train, but Rafa insisted on walking.

Rafa sighed, fell to the ground, and reluctantly agreed to take the train. 

After sharing a moment of laughter,Pomzo transformed into a young version of himself but due to his old age he couldn't keep it up for as long as he would have liked . He returned to his back-creaking elderly form and they continued on their journey.

The next morning, in Nana's house, Emile waited impatiently at the front door while Nana struggled to pack her belongings.

Nana grumbled as she sat on her overstuffed suitcase, "There's no way I'm leaving these behind, so you better budge."

Emile, eager to get going, shouted " Why all this stuff! Father is willing to change your wardrobe so just pack essentials!" 

"B-but But "

"But nothing! Now get off that suitcase and let's go. Remember Aunt Karen said we should pass by and pick up some stuff."

Nana chuckled , " You went bothering her for sweets again."

Emile went bright red and turned away.

Nana being the little demon she was continued , " Anything baked is like a Genjutsu to you. How'd you even become a Knight anyway?".

She teased Emile about his love for treats, and they eventually headed out, ready for their journey to Alvarez.

At Michio's residence, Emile rang the doorbell. He knows Michio would always try and throw a punch so he always stretches out a fist. 

To his surprise, his hand was caught, twisted, and pulled behind his back. He winced in pain and found himself face to face with Melanie, a young woman about his age, clad in armor with long black hair.

Melanie scolded him, "Don't try that on my brother again, got it, Yellow Cupcake?"

Emile nodded, trying to hide his discomfort. Melanie let go of him, and Emile massaged his arm.

Melanie laughed a bit and turned her attention to Nana, playfully holding her cheeks and remarking, "Aww, your sis is so cute. Makes me wonder where you came out of ."

Emile just ignored her and sighed , " Nana this is Melanie expert in kyujutsu and jujutsu , she's gonna be your trainer in Alvarez. "

" That all on the card?" Mel questioned.

" Youre not better than me in kenjutsu so I'm not adding that." Emile snapped .

Despite the rough start, they soon set off on a friendly note. Nana couldn't help but wonder how this beautiful strong woman was Birdbrain's sister.

As the trio prepared to leave, Karen, Michio's mother, handed them baskets filled with pastries, made by Melanie. The aroma was irresistible.

Emile , hesitant at first, couldn't contain his excitement, and as he bit into a cupcake, he was transported to a world of delicious delight. 

Nana and Melanie exchanged playful banter about Emile's eating habits, and their journey to Alvarez officially began.

Michio, on the other hand, stood atop the town's highest mountain, watching as they departed. He shouted his well-wishes, and they waved back. 

As night fell, Michio returned home to begin his training, knowing that his friends were embarking on their own adventures, and that someday they would reunite as knights, stronger than ever.

The bond between Michio and his friends was unbreakable, forged through years of doing everything together, their own team. As he prepared for the challenging path that lay ahead, he knew that he would need every bit of the strength and resilience he had witnessed in his friends.

After all he knew it took guts to leave your home and everything you know behind for three whole years.

Little did he know that Nana, Emile, and Rafa were embarking on their own journey of growth and discovery, facing their own trials and tribulations in the distant city of Alvarez and for Rafa the earth city of Ganban. The fates of these young warriors were bound together, even as they walked separate paths, each wi

th the goal of becoming knights, ready to defend their home and stand proudly beside one another once more.

Everyone loves cupcakes, no?

As Emile indulged his sweet tooth, Melanie teased, and Nana brought her mischief to Alvarez, Michio had training on his plate. Wondering what flavor their adventures will be? Stay tuned for more knighthood chaos!

yunkowritescreators' thoughts