
Fish out of water [not BL]

“It’s Duke Raymond, oh my god he looks so handsome in white!!” a lady exclaimed. Just hearing this warning bell Eloise, peered to the right. A beautiful man dressed completely in white tux walked confidently into the ballroom. His black eyes wandered amongst the crowd, searching for a certain someone. {‘Why is he here!!’} Eloise bit her lips anxiously. {‘Either way, lets run before he catches me,’} she pulled up her fluffy ruffle skirt to her knees and ran like the wind. All of a sudden she felt her skirt being pulled from behind. “How audacious of you to pull a lady’s skirt,” she shouted and pulled without taking a glance back. “My, my, I think I stepped on a cockroach, what shall I do? Shall I roast it for tainting my shoes or should I chop its head off,” a hoarse voice jokingly said from behind. {‘Shit, I’m dead,’} she glanced back in slow motion. “This..... My lord, can you let go of my skirt,” she pointed to his foot that was firmly stepping on the bottom of her skirt. “Why not, I am just expressing my emotions to the lady who expressed ardent feeling to me in her letters,” he said with a smug smirk. The crowd gasped. “She wrote him a love letter!! That shameless wrench,” some lady shouted out loud. Hearing this, Eloise’s eyelid twitched, “sir... no, Lord, I think you misunderstood. I was only expressing my heartfelt gratitude with my ‘thank you’ letter,” she enunciated each word. The duke chuckled. “Oh is that so,” he strode closer having a tight grip on her skirt, “are the words bat-shit-bastard, ring a bell. I read it in your letter,” Eloise gritted her teeth, {‘so you plan to use my word against me, huh? We’ll see who wins,’} she stepped to his side, showing her back to the entire crowd. “MY LORD! Where are you touching me?!” Suddenly she shouted, gasping her bosom. “How audacious of you. I RESPECTED YOU SIR!! How could you do this,” she screamed and ran away while he was frozen in shock. The entire ball room was in disarray. “Lord Raymond is a pervert!!”

Lullabybao · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Chapter 49 - Jealousy


 The conservatory hall was at the third floor by the deck. A hall connecting both the hull of the ship and a huge hall that can host at least few thousands of people.

At least that was what she had heard from Odette.

The previous ball she attended was low-key and was on the fourth floor in a small hall.

"Nervous?" Dom whispered leaning close to her.

Eloise scoffed. "I'm nervous for your foot. Poor guy, you are going to be limping by the end of the night,"

"Ha-ha, are you that bad at dancing? How on earth did you manage to dance with the duke?"

"I have no clue how…"

She let out a loud sigh. she was completely unprepared for that dance last time. first of all, she was a woman from the twenty-first century and she only know how to drunk dance in bars. plus, they had a different dance for different music scores. It was quite hard to keep up.

Even she had no clue how the duke managed to finish the dance with her without wincing or groaning in pain.

Just thinking about dancing on that floor again brought out a small sense of anxiety.

Leaning down, she got close to his ears. "Are you sure about the dance part? We can sneak out to the balcony and drink fruit punch. It's more fun that way. I swear." She grinned mischievously.

Dom's face flushed slightly at this. "Well… we can have one dance and then sneak out as you proposed. But simple wine won't do. We need to have something with a punch to it. What about whiskey? Or brandy?"

Eloise thought about it for a second. she had no liking for strong drinks. "How about champagne?"

"I don't think they have that in our storage… but I can ask people if they have it in their private collection."

Eloise shook her head. "Not necessary. let's go with brandy."

"Good choice." He happily pulled her over to the conservatory hall.

Many people crowded by the entrance of the hall some sighing with regret for not having an invite. Some prepping their hair one last time before they make a grand entrance.

As soon as they noticed Eloise and Dom, they all froze. their eyes literally went as wide as saucers.

Eloise frowned slightly. 'That is a very dramatic reaction? Do I look that weird?' she consciously touched her hair.

Odette had simply tied up her hair with a cute pink ribbon. The lower parts were curled up and a few bits of hair was let down, framing her small face.

Dom griped her hand and grinned widely. "Your hair is fine."

"Then why are they all looking that way? Look, they are all bowing," she clung to his arm in a slight hint of fear.

This was a situation she had never faced before.

The chattering crowd had gone silent, and they were all bowing down low.

Some girls even lowered the top of their dresses exposing their ample bosom. Occasionally they would glance up and smile graciously.

Eloise was petrified by this reaction. 'Mama Mia, did I turn these girls crooked? Wow…...' she then looked at Dom. 'or is it him? Nah, I don't think so. He is handsome but not handsome enough to make girls react that way. If it was the duke, I would accept this reaction.'

Her eyes narrowed slightly. 'the duke is handsome, but he is gay...tsk tsk, us woman folks have missed out on a gem like him,'

One brave lady stepped up and bowed slightly to them. "I-it's been an honor to have you in our presence your…"

"Which way is the food at?!" Dom silenced her with a playful smile on his face.

"I-it's this way your…"

"Come! the buffet is this way. Lest snatch the best brandy," he happily pulled her in.

Eloise glanced back at the lady. She was the one who had invited her to this ball. 'What was her name? yum... Yumi? Hmm don't know. She is the birthday girl." She slightly tugged at Dom's sleeves.

"That is the birthday girl. we have to wish her, right? Stop pulling on me." She came to a stop.

Dom looked at her utterly confused. "My presence here is already enough. Do you wish for me to wish her as well?"

"of course, you have to wish someone on their birthday. It's a special day after all." She frowningly gazed at him. "you've never wished anyone before?"

"No, people have never been brave enough to talk loudly I front of my face,"

Her eyes narrowed even more. 'What is this guy's identity? People don't talk loud in front of him, they bow to him… is he like a duke… no they didn't address him like that. and he looks too young to have inherited any position from his parents...'

"Who are you actually?"

It was better to ask the person the truth rather than speculate.

Dom just shrugged. "a person. Oh, they are starting the first dance. You know the quadrille right?"

"Qud what?" he pulled her over to the dancefloor.

Eloise nervously sweated as she held his hand. "This is a very bad decision on your part buddy. very bad decision."

"it's okay. I can protect my toes in a very easy way." Dom wound his hand around her waist and lifted her up with ease.

"eep, what are you…"

"Saving my feet." He grinned and started to dance around.

Thankfully her long skirt managed to hide this small detail. But keen eyes crowd had already caught up on this small exchange.

Fred, who was watching this took a big gulp of wine. 'The duke is not going to like this…'

He heard a loud crumbling sound to his side.

To his surprise, he saw the duke standing by him visibly trembling in rage.

Fred silently pulled him aside.

Raymond shook off the shattered glass off his hand. "What does he think he is doing? He shouldn't get close to her. He knew it! why! Why is he playing with her heart! She is a kind young lady. She shouldn't mess with the royal family. She mustn't."

Fred wordlessly stood by him.

Raymond occasionally gazed at the dance floor at the young couple happily dancing around. Eloise was actually giggling. Her slender hands were in his hands… and his hands were around her Waist.

Raymond gritted his teeth loudly. 'Unacceptable. Completely unacceptable.' He stomped over to the dance floor

"You shouldn't do that." Fred stood in his way.

"Move," he growled glaring at him deeply.

"She is human." Fred whispered ever so softly. "She deserved to be with a human."

"She deserved to be with a person who will love her and protect her wholeheartedly. she needs a loving family. Not that snake pit you call royal family. They will suck her dry and in a year, I will only see her corpse! No! I will never let her get involved with him. Ever!"

Fred garbed his arm tightly. "why are you…..You're jealous. Raymond.."

Raymond paused. Yes, he was jealous. He was burning with rage and jealousy he so wanted to cut off that hand that touched her waist. He wanted to burn his skin that touched her clothes. he wanted blood...

He softly panted holding his head.

'no… no, the beast can't come out! No… not here.'

"gods…" Fred pulled him over to a balcony and locked the doors behind them. "Wait here I'll bring you some blood."

"it's too late…" Raymond bit his own arm. The blood rage was getting out of control. he didn't just want blood. he wanted warm, fresh blood. he wanted to chomp down on someone and drink off of them. "Just go,"

Raymond glared at the calm sea outside. If things got worse, he was ready to throw himself off the board.

'Eloise should never meet the monster in me… never… even if I have to die, I will never let that happen.'

A strong smell of blood suddenly hit his senses.

Glancing back, he saw Fred with a small cut on his forearm. "Drink. It's better to fill you tunny before HE comes out."

Raymond frowned deeply. "you didn't have to."

"But I wanted to." He held up his hand close to his face.

Raymond slowly took a few sips and let go.

"Drink more."

"No," he frowned, looking at the mid night ocean. That deep hunger in him would not be just satiated by blood.

He wanted more.

He wanted Eloise.

His still heart started to pound loudly, pumping out warm blood all over his body.

Massaging his forehead, he chuckled ironically. It started with an interest in her blood and now that twisted interest had morphed into this.

'why is my heart swaying like that… she is human... she can't love me. She can't live with me forever… why do I torment myself like this.' he patted his chest. 'My dear heart… why do you pound for her.'

A soft giggle suddenly brought him out of his dazed state.

the balcony door beside theirs opened wide and Eloise and dam snuck in.

Raymond pulled Fred and was ready to run out but he couldn't move. He hid in the darkness watching her shine like a diamond.

"Did you get it?"

"Hmmm I did." Dom held up a bottle of brandy.

"Ohhh mama~" Eloise popped the bottle and sipped out of it directly. Grimacing she gave it back to him. "it's not that great."

"Really, this is the best one." Dom sipped at it.

"I bet the duke has better brandy compared to this."

Dom's mischievous smile suddenly disappeared. "What do you think of the duke?"

Eloise gazed at him with her brows raised. "He is a good man."

"No, what do you think of him as a woman?"

Eloise froze. "He…... He always looks so cold but he had a very tender heart. He is a kind man Dom. Too bad He already has a person he has given his heart to."

Dom silently nodded and walked out of there.

Stunned, Eloise gazed at the closed door. "Did he have to pee or something?"