
First Term: Survival

*Excerpt* “I’m not going anywhere.” Sky said cutting him off as she gave him a cold, rage-filled smile. The male also smiled back; his grey eyes filled with delight. “Then I challenge you.” He said. Sky pulled her fans from their belt. “Fine. Dain Caellustria is the witness. I’ll get him and meet you at-” “Why go anywhere?” The male asked conversationally as Sky felt air moving above her head. She jumped to her right as a blade of air slammed into the ground. She dodged again as a yellow gray bolt of air flew at her. Left, right, back, down, over, she moved. She knew she couldn’t keep this up though. Unfurling her fans, she ran at him, dodging as she closed the distance. A big, blue-gray cloud appeared in her path and seeing it, Sky hesitated a second too long. One of the smaller darts bit into her left side. She was too angry to feel it, even though it tore deep into her flesh. The cloud started moving for her. As quickly as she could, she spoke the words for the magic shield spell. It exploded into being around her just in time. The cloud hit it and a violent wave of magical energy ricocheted back at the male. He doubled over as it slammed him into the wall. This was her chance! Sky surged forward breaking her shield spell and sliced at him with her fans. He grinned and spun, a sword flashing into existence in his hand. Hastily, Sky twisted to the side. The male’s thrust went past her. He swung sideways at her. Sky blocked with her right fan while she struck for his neck with her left. She felt a pop in her right wrist as the male jerked back out of her reach. Spinning forward with her fan blades out, Sky pressed him back. She kept up a furious string of attacks but everyone she made he countered at the last second. Then she realized it. He was toying with her. Seeing the expression on her face change, the male smiled and began attacking in earnest. It was all Sky could do to block. As she spun to the left to avoid his sword, a dagger that she hadn’t seen traced fire down her back as it cut her deeply. Sky staggered panting as she tried to catch her breath. “You know, you’re pretty good.” The male jeered. Sky looked at him. He was smiling again but it didn’t reach his eyes. They looked like death. “You’re just no match for me...

SandiBell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
100 Chs


"-she has been here this whole time?" Chancellor Draekkon's voice demanded loudly from somewhere nearby.

"Yes, she hasn't even regained consciousness yet." A male voice, like warm caramel, replied.

Another voice that sounded like Rage said, "What about that cur? He's her accomplice."

"Aven Gothego was in class until two and then he was in a public challenge with Bacho Stonen. Surely, now you must realize that it's not them, Chancellor." Vaeryn's clear voice said in crisp tones.

Rage snarled, "And what are you doing to stop it?" There was a long pause.

"Rage is right, Vaeryn. I warned you last time. You have not found the culprit so you and your committee will be having mandatory meetings every evening for two hours until the culprit is caught. Things will get worse if I am not given a responsible party soon."

"Very well, Sir." Vaeryn said.

Angry footfalls retreated. The flap in the doorway was lifted and another breathtakingly virile male entered the long, tented room where Sky was lying.

Sky sat up and looked around. The tented room consisted of eight beds evenly spaced in a line. Seven of these were full including Ro's. Three of the beds were occupied by her classmates. The other three were filled with creatures. Sky looked back at the flap as it opened again. Vaeryn entered the room.

He saw Sky and smiling slightly, said, "Good evening, Skylar. I have come to escort you back to your rooms."

"I don't want to trouble you." Sky replied frowning.

"It's no trouble. Is she ready to go?" Vaeryn asked turning to the handsome male. The male walked over to Sky and put a hand on her forehead. Sky felt warmth seep through her body as she tried to ignore the fluttering in her stomach at this male's nearness.

"Yes." He said to Vaeryn in a familiar, caramel-like voice. Then he turned to Sky, "I saw your fight. You were quite good." Sky flushed. "You just need more experience. That-" Vaeryn cleared his throat. The male looked at him again with drawn brows.

Vaeryn ignored him and said to Sky, "I should get you back to your rooms."

"Thank you for your help." Sky said to the male as she stood up from the bed. She expected him to move back but he didn't. Instead he gazed down at her with a small smile. "Excuse me." Sky's mouth tightened as he gestured for her to walk past, still not moving back. Vaeryn grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Sky blushed with embarrassment as she brushed up against the male's hard chest. Vaeryn glared at him as he pulled Sky from the tent.

On the way back to her rooms, Vaeryn informed her that another body had been found. This time it was a female. Sky grimaced.

When they got back to her rooms and the door closed behind them, he asked how she knew Aven had been infected. Sky explained how she'd seen the purple-blackness in his eyes and veins. Vaeryn looked at her for a long minute, then asked about what happened on Clayden in the Student Government Room. Sky told him of the blue and yellow auras around Syn, what the High Officiant had wanted from her, and how she'd made her escape to her rooms. Vaeryn gave her a searching look and asked if anything happened after she returned to her rooms. Sky considered telling him about the liquid light feeling but didn't. She didn't want to sound crazy. Slowly, Vaeryn informed her that shortly after she'd made her escape the floor above the Student Government Room had collapsed. No one had escaped but her. The members of the Student Government were not dead, but they had been seriously injured.

Sky opened her mouth to explain about the liquid light, but Vaeryn had already left. Sky sighed and went to her practice room to work on the magic for the week.

Week 9 Alontil Night

Sky stared at the list in front of her. It was incomprehensible all of a sudden. She rubbed her dry, bloodshot eyes and the list came into focus again. The timekeeper on the wall read 2:13 am. She'd been studying for hours and knew she had to get to bed, but the list was so long. It had twelve spells on it. Half of them were all versions of the same spell, explosion, Ka, but still, even seven new spells on top of the four she had to learn for the week was a heavy workload. She needed to learn at least two a day. Today, she wanted to learn three. Already she knew two, Suspension and Wither, Loi and Ylix respectively.

She was working on the third, Domu, sleep, when a boom came from the direction of her living room. Half-curious and half-fearing attack, Sky went to investigate. As she neared the living room the boom came again. This time it was followed by a crack. Then the boom repeated. Boom, crack, boom, louder crack. Sky watched the front door as it shuddered and a large crack in its center grew bigger. Boom, then splintering. Sky threw herself behind the sofa as the door broke inward.

So again, What is this liquid light? Will they find out Sky caused the collapse? Keep reading to find out!

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