

Hey seems like we all don't know the real meaning of love and many are desperate to know what does it mean. Well there was this girl, a senior highschool student who doesn't even care about love. I mean yeah as a teen she has a lot of crush. But doesn't want to enter a romantic relationship, a commitment with someone. kinda rare at this age tho. But suddenly the bulb on her brain popped up and the light on it turned on maybe because of the shock and the synthesis of her neurons....aww nvm that...back to the story...the light turned on coming up with an idea,"why don't I try to date? do online dating since I know in myself that I am an introvert person...hmmm... HELL YEAH!!.

*red speaking*

urgh.. tiring day. But atleast my final exama are already done so I can rest for the rest of the days that I will be here at my apartment. I want to take a rest amd I just want to sleep but I don't fucking know how!!! maybe it is because of the brain ehancer I took a while ago before the last exam.... FUCK!.. someone HELP MEEEE!!!!!!! *screaming at her room*

(karen knocking the door)

-bitch shut up you are not the only one in this place-


[OH yeah I forgot to tell you guys that the protagonist of this story is Red. A cute , intelligent I believe, humble, kind but sadly she is an introvert person. She is living with her bestfriend which is karen in an apartment near their university. And also they are veterinary students that is why it is not surprising that they have 5 cats ( it is all red's cat) , 2 parrot fish (also red's pet) , 4 doggoooooo(which is karen's pet). and yeap that is all let us get back to the stowryyyy.