
Unintended Consequences

I was just your average gamer nerd I loved playing wizards and spell casters and learning every bit of lore I could get my hands on I was fluent in elvish and high dwarvish from the Tolkien movies and I had studied many of the "Magical" religions of the world and even taken a few spiritual journeys and learned what my spirit animal was it happened to be a fox by the way. I was just finishing up a particularly epic hidden quest in one of my favorite online games it was called "becoming the arch magus" an epic enough achievement that few had managed to achieve first it requires a full understanding of the game lore and the magic system. As well as a full understanding of the history of the game and previous arch magister's and to top it all off you have to create a unique spell.

My epic achievement was so epic because I had added a proper new branch of magic previously unknown combining fire air and lightning plasma magic requires someone to achieve apprentice rank before becoming available and I'd created not just one but six different plasma magic spells and created the plasma magic spell type. It was a great day indeed I even earned thousands of dollars teaching my new spell tree to other players it was quite a easy way to earn money if you asked me so I went to treat myself to the local pizza place just down the street from my apartment.

I made it about halfway when I was frozen in place by a crippling pain starting at the bottoms of my feet and slowly going up through my body and I can say it was not pleasant in the least. Once the wave of pain reached my head and scalp I felt nothing at all and then I blacked out mostly and in hyper speed I watched the world slowly change around me. I watched as the area was devastated and rebuilt twice and then devastated once more and for a while it was barren and then finally plants started growing and a forest grew up around me and then the forest was gone and once again a town was built and again it was razed by fire and then as I felt the magic start to end and tingling start in my limbs a tower was erected and a village was built around it and slowly I entered the tower through the wall and into a summoning chamber right out of a video game complete with pentagrams on the floor and walls.

Now I just wanna add that I had physically aged in the time bubble I was in and I started the journey at the age of 26 I was now technically in the neighborhood of 2-3 thousand years old if not more if my calculations of what I witnessed during my trip are to be believed assuming that I hadn't imagined it all and my body sure wasn't in my prime anymore. I levitated above the summoning circle as a nearly desiccated ancient man and I could feel the magic working to maintain my status as living and I watched a young man enter and begin writing in a book before setting it down and starting to chant or that's what it looked like and then slowly I started to feel different my body had started to reverse the aging process and then I noticed that the apprentice started to slowly look older.

My first thought was what is happening here followed by me fully blacking out. I awoke to searing pain and immediately looked around my surroundings finding that I was still in the summoning circle and obviously still wherever it was that I'd been transported to. As I got my bearings I started noticing details and the first of which was the remains of whoever had summoned me here or what was left anyway as he/it/she was basically a pile of clothes covered in ashes. Apparently whatever summoning that the being used was not the right one and soon after I woke it was rather mute anyway as what looked like a wizard actor walked in and began shouting at me.

Now obviously I was confused frightened and at this point I finally had feeling in all of my limbs and I was tired so I was not in the best place mentally so naturally I started shouting back and was spewing curses from every language I knew. The wizard wannabe actually stopped talking as I was breezing through every curse I knew from elvish and Dwarvish English and goblin he actually had a surprised look on his face though I am not sure why if I had to guess it was the number of clearly different languages I knew. I was the one surprised when he started speaking elvish back so I missed the first couple of things that he said but then I realized he was asking what happened to his apprentice so I pointed at the pile of dusty clothes and said "that's what remains" he honestly looked dumbfounded as he stared at the pile.

I could have been nicer but honestly I just wanted to go home and get something to eat at this point so I said "where am I " at his near comatose self and then he sprang up and a look of understanding crossed his features and he finally said " you must be the first mage my apprentice was so enamored with" my laugh and tears afterwards was hardly shocking. You don't get pulled through time and dumped into a wizards tower and think 'I just entered Tolkien's dreams' I was just so exhausted that nothing else could effect me anymore I spent the next day simply staring off into space.

I eventually awoke from my stupefied daze and realized that I was in my own personal fantasy a world of magic and I was living it! But what did the old wizard mean when he said first mage that couldn't be true I'd never cast a spell nor really tried to use magic but he called me the first mage how could that be. As I pondered why I'd been called the first mage the only thing I could think of was that I played a mage character in my dive mmo's but that certainly didn't qualify me as a mage and knowing elvish and dwarvish just qualified me as a nerd if anything. After much soul searching and about the time my stomach started growling the old man called and said that it was meal time and to come down stairs.