
First Love Or First Kiss

Before, I believed in First Love, but my First Love was defeated with a First Kiss. And only the First Kiss can change everything. "It's not something you see ... It's just how you feel it" ****** Paula and Bryan were walking side by side, holding hands and talking about their future. Paula doesn't get tired of looking at the face of her lover, her first love. How happy it is to be Paula, because her 5 years of waiting have been answered. Yes, she was the first to love Bryan, before Bryan loved Paula.  They were currently standing in a place where there weren't too many people. Only some of the students passed by or sat on benches that were quite far from them. And the lonely atmosphere makes one not free to see Paula and Bryan interactions. That's why he chose to stand behind a tree far from the school garden. Luckily this tree is fat, so its body is perfectly covered behind the tree. Whereas now Paula and Bryan were staring at each other. Seeing the love that radiated from each other's eyes, their distance slowly drew closer. Paula could feel Bryan warm breath on her face. Paula closed her eyes, making Bryan excited to finally get permission, kissing her lips for the first time. Had enough, he could no longer see the scene before him. If she can't control and know herself where she is for Paula. It was confirmed he had come out of his hiding place and beat Bryan to death. He turned around, left his hiding place with all the pain in his heart. After the kiss was released, Bryan smiled at his lover's face which was like boiled crab. Really adorable, thought Bryan. Bryan gently rubbed Paula lips, "you blushed with your first kiss". Deg!  Suddenly Paula gasped at the words of a boyfriend, nervousness overwhelmed him because Paula was confused about what to answer. "Hmm... Yeah first kiss", Paula was unsure of her own answer, because... 'The first kiss was taken by him' thought Paula.  _______________ In another place, "for a heart that has been wounded, it still leaves a dark wound. Which is dark and so dark, that it dropped me into darkness without light" he said. "I didn't expect it to be you ... Sadboy, hahaha" said someone who suddenly appeared beside him. "Why are you here?" he asked irritably. I swear he really hates the figure of the dedemit who likes to interfere in his affairs. "I know, what are you feeling right now. So, there's nothing wrong with sharing your story with me, right?" After all he is including his best friend, even though sometimes annoying. He sighed for a moment, "you know the saying, if love is blind?" instead of answering a question from his best friend, he asked back. "Yes, I know. And you know, if friendship is more valuable than love?" "So with that, he is also my friend who is trapped in a situation like this" he said angrily. What the .... "For what reason, why is your life so poor? My solution is to try to kill yourself. How can you know that your fate won't be like this again," he said, smiling mocking his friend's suffering. "And my life is going to end too" he said, glancing sarcastically at his humble friend. "If it's like that you don't agree, why don't you try to find a replacement for your heart? That can be your light." I swear he had cursed in his heart, all his best friend's advice was really useless. "I'm tired of being friends with pain, to be precise afraid. Because, pain like this makes my life helplessly destroyed" he said for a moment, "therefore I find it difficult to give this heart to anyone, even if he is someone I love."

Ifara_Lee · Teen
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5 Chs


The students in this class are laughing together seeing Yovi and Reza's behavior that look like idiots. Yovi tunes to Dj through his cellphone, while Reza is cool dancing, he feels like he is in a night club.

Reza is getting crazy, he attracts a girl in his class who is known to be naughty to sit on his lap. The girl is Flora Gabriella. Then Reza kissed Flora so brutally, without caring about her surroundings that were getting more and more excited. Likewise with Yovi, he started flirting with the women in his class to have fun.

Instantly everyone fell silent when they saw the Dnakes gang leader who was standing in the doorway. Reza turned to the doorway and found Bryan who was staring at him sharply, then Reza pushed Flora from the top of his lap roughly. Flora, who was annoyed at being treated like that, walked back to her seat with a shirtless state. Flora didn't care about the hungry gazes of the men. What a child today!

"Where's Kevin?" Bryan asked as he walked into the classroom.

They were silent no one dared to answer. But Reza took a deep breath, and replied, "Kevin didn't come to school today."


In the afternoon, where the school children have already returned home. Unlike a girl who doesn't go straight home, she stops by the city library instead. Who else is a girl who likes to stop by the library if not, Paula the genius. When Paula was about to find a biology book, Paula accidentally saw someone who was in the same school as her. Even though the person was not wearing the Pelita High School uniform, Paula could still recognize him.

All this time Kevin had been looking for the location of the Indonesian History book, but could not find it. How would you like to meet him, if he looked for it in the city library place, which was very wide. Kevin exhaled roughly, and returned to focus on looking for the book.

"Looking for this book?"

Kevin turned to the side, saw Paula who was holding a book of Indonesian History, putting on a sweet smile. However, Kevin didn't smile at Paula at all, and returned to focus on looking for Indonesian History books. Kevin doesn't need Paula's help, he can do it alone.

"No need" muttered Kevin, making Paula's smile disappear.

"Hmm ... Alright, at first I just wanted to help. And thank you for helping me yesterday" said Paula sincerely.

Kevin didn't respond to Paula's words. For Kevin, what Paula said was of no use to him. That's why he prefers silence. Paula gradually got bored with this guy beside her. How can I not be bored, if someone continues to ignore your existence.

Suddenly Paula gets a message notification from Bryan, and Bryan is now waiting for her at the cafe in front of the city library. Geez, Paula just remembered that she already had an appointment with Bryan. Paula put the Indonesian History book near the table, then she left Kevin. Hopefully Paula doesn't keep Bryan waiting.

Kevin's eyes searched for Paula's whereabouts, after convincing Paula wasn't there. Then Kevin took the book and opened it.

For no reason, Kevin smiled thinly as he looked at the book, "now I'm the one to say thank you to you" Kevin muttered to himself. Kevin started reading the Indonesian History book. It took Kevin 25 minutes to read the book until it finished. When finished, Kevin got up from his seat.

Kevin was walking towards the city library parking lot. His steps stopped when he saw Bryan and Paula at the cafe in front. Paula, who also saw Kevin, invited him to join. Kevin wanted to approach them, but he was in a bad mood. Then Kevin continued on, without caring about Bryan and Paula's cries.

Drrt! Drrt! 

Kevin felt his cell phone vibrate in his jacket pocket. Kevin took out his cell phone, and immediately pressed the red button when he realized that it was his father calling. When he was about to turn off his cellphone, suddenly a message made Kevin stop his intention to return to the apartment.


With leisurely steps he entered this room, after he knocked on the door and heard a reply from within the room. We have to have manners, right?

Even though he was hesitant, he still convinced himself. In the room, you can see that the man is sitting with his back to him, staring out at the glass wall.

"Long time no see, dear sir Samuel!" he said with great emphasis. The man was still silent, ignoring his words. Very annoying!

"Is Mr. Samuel not feeling well, forcing a lowly person like me to come here?" he asked with a snort.

The man turned his chair to face the person standing at the table, "why didn't you pick up your phone, Kevin?" Samuel asked back, without answering his son's question. Yes, that person is Kevin, who is visiting his beloved father.

"Is that important?" again Kevin asked the question.

Samuel, who is none other than Kevin's father, sighed tiredly. He was tired of constantly arguing with his son, "when are you coming back home?" Samuel got to the point.

"I've got a place to live," Kevin hissed.

"You mean where you really live," said Samuel.

Kevin advanced towards Samuel. He raised his head so that their faces were close together, "Your words, Mr. Samuel, really clarify my position" Kevin said so coldly.

Samuel did not respond to his son's words, he only focused on staring into his son's eyes in such a close position. Indeed, those eyes are exactly the same as those of his late wife, Kiara Stevani.

Why are you so cruel Kiara, after leaving and never coming back. You left a little trace of yours only in Kevin's eyes, where the irises of both of you were bright green. And completely, Kevin looks like me, Samuel whispered to himself.

"Your eyes remind Dad of your late Mom" ​​Samuel said honestly, he could not hold back the turmoil of longing burning in his heart, when he saw Kevin's eyes.

Kevin stopped his steps towards the door. She turned towards Samuel, not forgetting to put on a sneer.

"And how good I would be away from your life, right? So you can more easily forget my late Mommy !!" Kevin said emphasizing his words. It was clear that the cold gaze had turned sharp, as if it wanted to pounce on its prey.

Kevin who can't control his emotions and can go even further. Finally decided to get out of this cursed place immediately.

After Kevin left, Samuel slumped to the floor, don't ask how Samuel feels right now. It really hurts ...

"Even though your eyes and Kevin's eyes are similar. But the eyes of both of you are very different. Your gaze is so warm that can calm you down, while Kevin's gaze is so empty that you can't touch" Samuel said regretfully.

~Next Chapter~

