
leaving the country

when I got home I was so exhausted I sat on the sofa thinking about all the events that took place just in a day I wept bitterly on the sofa.

I tried to eat something, but I wasn't feeling so good and I vomited. I decided go to the hospital check what's wrong with me.


I went to the hospital I met a doctor his name was Doctor Richard, I explained to him how I vomited this morning and how I couldn't eat anything, he told me that I have to go for a pregnancy test because the signs that I was showing are symptoms of pregnancy.

I was shocked and I wept bitterly, I could see that he had pity on his face and said too me what's wrong ? what happened?

I explained to him everything that took place in my life starting from the part where Joshua came, how I got betrayed by my best friend Esther how I lost my virginity.

he took pity on me and did the test and it showed a positive sign that I was pregnant.

I cried so much he asked me if I wanted to abort the baby or should keep it.

I was so conflicted I didn't know what to do I didn't know who is the father of this baby, and my graduation is in 2 weeks time God this is so difficult.

I went home feeling so sad I thought about everything but I should keep the baby while I thought about it , this little life in me is so innocent, I decide to keep the baby.

the next day at the airport I took my luggages and enter the plane.

yes I was going to start a new life with my family the one in me .I didn't tell my brother yet but I'll let them know when the time comes.