
First Meal

During lunch break

I went too meet Esther nd Mark ,we went too our usual table

we were talking,just then he entered the hall everyone was shouting

while I was trying too pick up my phone from the crowd

I saw a large hand passing it to me, I was shocked

I looked up too thank the person only too find out that it was him

like him again?

I kept looking at his handsome face ,

just then I heard his voice saying" have u seen enough"

I coughed

it was Soo embarrassing that I was caught staring at him

I said " I was not looking ok?"

I was still angry at him for wat he did during the class

Soo I got up too leave

wen he said

" did I do anything too you, because I can see u are mad at me ?"

I wanted too ignore him but dammm his voice is so sexy 😳

what are my thinking

I said "I'm not angry with u "

what did I just say ?,I was clearly angry with him

ahhhh this guy is making me goo nut

" can we have lunch together?"

I agreed

I could feel many girls eyes burning with jealousy as he went too were mark was.


He introduced himself as Joshua

I told him my name was zitah

I introduced him too Esther and mark,

he got along with mark ,I talked too Esther 😁 while from the corner of my eyes I kept looking at him 👀

until our eyes meet, he smiled

I looked away my face was hot , why is this place hot.

when lunch break was over we went too the class together 🚶.