
Still trying to understand

Previously, I thought it was a delusion of my senses. But slowly the senses came back to me. it was a cold floor under me. shocked in some kind of sticky fluid. I always have phone with me because my roommate sometimes opens the door middle of the night to go to the washroom and just then a thought came to my mind and it was about me being kidnapped. I completely woke up. nothing can be seen and i feel like the phone is with me. "kidnapper leaves the phone with the victim?" I thought. This question made me think maybe the hostel students are pulling a prank. "even if it's a prank,why am I in this kind of place?" Just like that my thoughts were coming and going. i tried to call my roommate or anyone who can be awake. no one was picking it up i couldn't reach a single person.it was a thought cyclone in the mind and I thought I should now try to find where i am.It's unlikely that someone kidnapped me for money. if this was a bad person then something should have happened already. Whatever happened I had to find out now. plus I have to school tomorrow. suddenly the wetness is gone. Its completely dry now. I suddenly felt a little better. I still walked a little. there is a, phone. I took it close and tried to call someone . To my surprise it was still working. I called my roommate. she picked it up and started to scold me. She said she was scolded because I was not in the classroom. but it should not be morning. It was still 2 am in the morning. how can she say that it's already class time???