
Chapter 3

The man’s smile increased. “Sure, mate, not a problem.”

After agreeing a price, I realised I’d actually committed myself, we walked the ten minutes or so to my place.

Although the temperatures were about average for early September, I thought a thin T-shirt didn’t afford adequate protection, but that I guess was his business.

Conversation was a little forced on my part. We exchanged names, and he said I could call him Jim. I doubted if that was his real name, but that was his business.

We eventually arrived at my house. I unlocked the front door and ushered him in.

The front door opened into the main room.

“First things first,” I said, getting out my money and paying Jim. I guessed it was usual to deal with such things at the beginning.

“Thanks.” Jim tucked the notes into his front jeans pocket.

“Want a drink?” I offered beer, sherry. I could have kicked myself for that last. It seemed, well, inappropriate somehow.

“Do you have anything soft?”

“Diet Coke?”