
Chapter 19

“Does she, erm, know about, I mean does she know how we met?”

I decided I’d always be honest with Mark, unless the information would unnecessarily cause him pain. I reached up and, cupping Mark’s chin, turned his head to face me. Kissing him, I said, “Yes she knows what you used to do for a living. But as you’ve seen for yourself, she’s a good person. I promise she’s fine about it all. If you ever need to talk to someone, and you’re not comfortable about telling me, then think about talking to Mary. Although she might look the gossipy type, she’s the most loyal friend I’ve ever known.”

He hugged me.

“Mary will make a play of trying to get the dirt on you, but it’ll all be in fun. She wouldn’t hurt anyone. She might get a bit protective over me, but it won’t be long before she takes you under her wing, too.”

“She sounds like a really good friend.”

“The best,” I said. “She’s got a boyfriend, but he’s on some kind of university field trip and won’t be back until the New Year.”