
Chapter 12

“Sammo told me there was an explosion. Something to do with Jake trying to make drugs or something.”

“Yeah, he’d got some stupid idea about making more money, but I guess he didn’t know what he was doing. I was in the room next door when I heard a really loud bang. I went in to see what I could do. It was horrible. They were screaming and carrying on. I got some of the stuff on my hands, and it bloody hurt.”

“You know Jake died, don’t you?”

“Yeah, one of the policemen who interviewed me told me. Can’t say I’m sorry. Jake was an evil bastard.”

I’d never heard Mark swear before, but I couldn’t help agreeing with him.

“When are they letting you out?”

“I don’t know. They’ll have to find somewhere for me to go. Can’t go back to Jake’s. The Council has boarded it up, and with these hands…” He looked down at his bandages.