
Fire Tornado!

Kagaki is a twenty-three-year-old boy with psychic powers. He moves up the Guild's career ladder and becomes stronger to become a strong support for his beloved sisters Fubuki and Tatsumaki. His world is full of different Monsters and Evil Spirits that prey on ordinary people. He is not a Bald Cape, however, the dangers of the Divine Level are still looming on the horizon

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


A cold wind blew over the injured guy with short, disheveled hair of a greenish color. Kagaki, with all his last strength, used his psychic sensors to explore the body of the unknown Hero. A wave of emerald energy spread out towards the bald man. Thankfully, he didn't pay any attention to the psi force, walking away with a calm and proud bearing straight into the sunset. After studying the nondescript Hero in the yellow jumpsuit from the inside, Kagaki was deeply impressed by what he felt. Almost every being in this universe has its own source of energy and the potential for its development. Masters of the Martial Art have been using Ki since ancient times. Many people on the verge of life and death awakened their own hearth of power, becoming real Heroes. Extreme training and hard battles help in the development of your source.

Kagaki has been developing his psychic powers since childhood and has achieved excellent results for his age. However, the bald man who had already escaped from the battlefield had a huge hearth with an infinite amount of life energy. This is the first time the guy has seen this in his entire life. Even his older sister Tatsumaki, whom he constantly praises at every opportunity, does not have such a source of power. In such a short period of time, Kagaki experienced a serious shock for the second time. His unstable mind was not able to withstand this. The guy landed gently on the broken asphalt, feeling a frenzied dizziness and nausea. For the first time in his life, he felt such mental exhaustion. Dirty black blood spurted out of his nostrils and ears in a profuse stream, creating a dark pool beneath him. The young Esper could not cope with the entire load, plunging into a life-saving and sound sleep.

While in dense unconsciousness, he saw warm childhood memories. He and Fubuki were always homeschooled. Little geniuses easily and on the fly grasped all school subjects. Tatsumaki, on the other hand, was five years older than them. She often told them an interesting and scary story from her life. At an early age, in the laboratory of scientists, she was attacked by a terrible Monster. The little girl didn't have enough strength to run away or deal with him. If it wasn't for the Blast that appeared at that time, which is now the first Hero in the Association, Tatsumaki would definitely have died. The man dealt with the monster without any problems and gave the girl a huge motivation to gain strength in order to protect her only two relatives. After those events, Kagaki's older sister changed her mindset to the core, completely devoting herself to developing her psychic talent.

Distancing himself from pleasant memories, the guy floated in a dark space with a depressing expression on his face. He's not the kind of person who would give up his life for strangers. However, at that moment, Kagaki felt the true heroism that was circulating through his veins. Who knew that by delaying that time, he would shorten his own. "Senseless self-deprecation!" the boy exclaimed to himself, remembering the faces of his sisters. He can't die here and now! He can't disgrace his big sister! While in the prison of the mind, Esper fought his inner demons without sparing himself. Suddenly, a bright red sphere appeared in the gloomy and desolate area. In the fight for his life, Kagaki summoned a light warmth that slowly restored his body to the outside world, surprising the nervous and sweaty faces of the doctors. They kept him going all day, fearing that if they didn't make it, they'd get the full benefit of one emotional relative.

"Brother! Brother! Fubuki exclaimed tearfully, gently tugging at the boy's shoulders. Kagaki's mind began to clear a little, but still. With his misty eyes, he surveyed the beautiful, tear-stained face. Summoning all his strength, the boy raised his right hand and wiped the trail of salty tears with his palm. The girl in front of him had dark green hair cut into a square. She had a curvy and attractive body, which was accentuated by a sexy black dress.

- Wow. I'm healthy, " Kagaki stated in a weak and surprised voice. He checked his source of psi energy, then felt a shiver run through his bandaged body. All of his Psychic Power had disappeared without a trace. "That's the heat! Precisely! Apparently, I lost all my energy reserve, spending it on the treatment of particularly serious injuries! " - the guy thought, not knowing what to feel. He survived, but for an unknown time lost all his strength. He was lying in a white hospital room. The acrid smell of medicine was everywhere.

- Doctors are so useless! I'm very glad that you're awake, but tell me, Kagaki, why did you even climb up on a Giant Monster of Demonic Threat?! Fubuki asked indignantly, starting to slowly get up from her sitting position. It is precisely because of such actions, the right hand of the guy exhausted and fell with her face on the breast of the fifth size. Feeling the softness, he involuntarily clenched his hand. "Damn it! She's my sister!", Kagaki worried, looking at the red, embarrassed Fubuki, who was looking at the guy with her green eyes, which were full of awkwardness and threat.

- I accidentally, little sister! I'm definitely not a pervert! Esper replied as calmly as possible, trying to justify himself properly. The girl quickly moved to the corner of the ward, releasing an emerald glow of psychic powers. "It's not my fault. The usual situation. Nothing like that, Kagaki thought, trying to suppress his excitement. He is no longer a teenager to naturally get drunk from just touching a woman's breasts. However, somewhere deep inside himself, he is well aware that everything is different now. In fact, Fubuki's erotic body has been beckoning to him since his teenage years.

"Shut up!" I'll forgive you if you join my Blizzard Group. Tatsumaki is too strong, and you know it. Only together can we defeat and surpass her! Esper said solemnly that she was the leader of the entire B Class. All her righteous anger had passed quickly enough, but she couldn't really stay mad at him for long. Brother and sister have the same goal: to become more powerful than their older relative. However, both of them took a different disjoint path. Fubuki decided to form a team and defeat Tatsumaki with a joint combined force. Kagaki, on the other hand, always liked to rely on himself. That's right, he chose the path of developing his own abilities.

- No,no, no. My beloved little sister, let me remind you: I have pyrokinesis, which just blows my mind. What team? What close friends? You and Koichi are enough for me – " the guy firmly refused without further delay, remembering something. He didn't have time to go to the Esper Guild to confirm the completed task under the twentieth number. "I hope I don't have to go to some megalopolis again to rest an Evil Spirit. All of my psychic energy is completely used up," Kagaki mused in frustration, not understanding how his luck worked.

"All right. I got it We can do it without you! Fubuki said, proudly lifting her nose. After her face was very gloomy, – it is a pity that the elder sister was unable to come today to you. Eh, she's the second-ranked S-class Hero, so she has so many important things to do every week – " the creator of the Blizzard Group sighed sadly. She is absolutely sure that Tatsumaki was terribly worried about her brother, not being able to fly to him.

"I'm not offended by her," Kagaki smiled with a gentle smile, then continued with a serious face – " Sister, tell me, do you know the killer of that Armored Monster?" – What is it? " he asked, thinking of that mysterious Hero. Bald is an all-powerful being? It's possible. It has an infinite source of life force.

- Huh? Hmm. According to the official data of the Association, it was King Hero Class S who destroyed the Demonic Threat, " Fubuki said, looking thoughtfully out of the window of the destroyed city B. Yes, right now they were in the middle of that very metropolis. Kagaki was very surprised. King is the seventh Hero in the ranking. He is recognized by all as the strongest man on earth. The guy saw every photo of a popular person of the Association. First, King has slicked-back blond hair. Secondly, he also has three scars on his face. The young man who had slain the Colossus with a single blow had an inconspicuous appearance and a bald head.

– Are you sure?" Stop, stop. This can't be happening. A Demonic Threat? Nonsense, he was the most natural Dragon Monster! Kagaki said in a firm voice, perfectly understanding and knowing the entire gradation. That Titan destroyed more than half of B City. It left a long trail of destruction in its wake.

"I don't know. I think it's just that the Giant didn't pose much of a global threat. In any case, I have to scold you! King came and dealt with the problem, but you almost became a cripple! - Fubuki began to get excited, starting to explain the whole failure of the guy on the shelves. Kagaki, on the other hand, listened intently, knowing that she was really just taking care of him. He learned a big lesson from the whole situation. Kagaki will no longer hold back his fiery side, devoting all of his next training sessions to it.

After a few hours of heart-to-heart conversations, his sister was forced to turn away for another assignment. Monsters do not slumber, sometimes literally appearing out of thin air. "Yeah. I will be released only in a few days" - the guy sighed with sadness, not wanting to be in a solitary room. However, before he could get bored, Koichi burst into his room with dark circles under his eyes and a bag of fruit in his hands. The electrician put the bag on the nightstand and began to pull the Kagaki from side to side, smiling a happy smile. The Green-eyed Esper, on the other hand, could not resist his actions, still being exhausted. After five seconds of loud gnashing of teeth, Koichi finally bothered to stop bothering him.

- Whoa! Buddy, my intuition is a real curse. I really sincerely apologize to you, Emperor of the most Unfavorable Outcomes – " the yellow-haired young man walked away and bowed sarcastically. In the first month of their acquaintance, the two members of the Guild were constantly cold towards each other. However, after six months, everything changed. Jokes, taunts, and practical jokes. All this was always welcome in their communication.

"Shut up." Unlike you, I don't work as a battery in a pathetic amusement park where little girls in pink tights have fun, " Kagaki replied, coming straight in from the trumps. Listening to their conversations, it is hard to believe that they have graduated from high school and are wealthy adults.

"No!" No! A lie! It was only once! I needed money urgently! Koichi excused himself abruptly, retreating at a slow pace. This time, he definitely lost. The guy with the electrokinesis was wearing a black jacket with yellow stripes. Unexpectedly for Kagaki, he pulled out a large apple from his pocket and threw it in his direction, instantly slamming the door.

- Ha-ha-ha. Everything is as usual. Made one mistake and is already running from the battlefield with his tail between his legs – " the emerald-eyed guy laughed, shaking his head. Unlike him, Koichi always retreats for the first second, carefully planning an unexpected escape plan. If it wasn't for his pride, Kagaki would have gone to ask for his apprenticeship. "Yeah. Of course," he chuckled.

In the following days, Kagaki drank various medicines and tried to wake up his hearth with psychic energy. The yellow-haired guy once again visited his ward, telling a couple of new news. It turns out that the Guild still managed to count him a mission. It remains only to approach them and achieve a promotion to an Elite fighter. By the way, an interesting fact at everyone's leisure, Koichi will also get promoted, because he actually worked with him in the same team.