
Fire Tornado!

Kagaki is a twenty-three-year-old boy with psychic powers. He moves up the Guild's career ladder and becomes stronger to become a strong support for his beloved sisters Fubuki and Tatsumaki. His world is full of different Monsters and Evil Spirits that prey on ordinary people. He is not a Bald Cape, however, the dangers of the Divine Level are still looming on the horizon

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


A tall young man with light green short hair walked through the gray streets of B City. He wore glasses with black plastic frames, behind which his emerald eyes glittered. His elegant and handsome appearance attracted the attention of many passers-by who were hurrying about their evening business. This person was dressed in a dark business-style jacket, under which was a white T-shirt with a black tie. An aura of unusual power swirled around him, which served as a warning sign for thieves and maniacs, who often looked for their victims, looking at ordinary people. The guy walked with calm steps, looking at the navigator, in his clamshell phone. He was in a great mood. He felt that this day was going to be just fine.

All megacities on the continent were designated by the letters of the English alphabet, without any exception. City B did not stand out in any particular way. The most ordinary town with Monsters and Spirits swarming everywhere. In it, as in every corner of the world, there is a division of the well-known Association of Heroes, where the real defenders of the peace of every resident officially work. People with superpowers are divided into four ranks: C, B, A, and the strongest individuals in the organization-S. Suddenly, the phone vibrated loudly, distracting the young man from his work. The green-eyed guy was forced to stop near one of the skyscrapers and answer the call of his sister. He leaned against the wall, pressing the button and putting the phone to his ear.

"Kagaki, I have advanced to the first rank of rank B!" a muffled female voice came from the speaker, filled with joy and pride. No unnecessary greetings. The girl immediately began to tell important news for her.

"Congratulations, Fubuki, but I'm a little busy, since you understand the seriousness of the Esper Guild's assignments. Then we'll talk, " the main character answered his sister in a calm voice, then brazenly hung up the phone. He didn't let her finish, because he was afraid that her chatter would make him fail in his mission.

Kagaki is a twenty-three-year-old boy who is an Esper who fights evil spirits with his psychic powers. He and Fubuki are twins who spent their entire childhood with Tatsumaki's older sister. They admired her, having set themselves the main goal in life: to surpass and defeat her. All three members of the family have passed on a huge talent for Telekinesis, which each uses for different purposes.

Kagaki put the phone in his pocket and closed his eyes. The navigator helps you find the approximate area, but not the exact coordinates. "It's time to finish the task and become an Elite Fighter of the Esper Guild!"the main character exclaimed to himself. A wave of invisible psychic energy spread out in all directions. The guy sharpened all his senses, releasing the Esper force in order to use the sensorics and find his target. Fortunately, everything went without any problems. About a kilometer away, a ghostly creature flashed by, moving through the muddy alleys and stopping near a ruined building.

Kagaki didn't hesitate. He wrapped the psi energy around his body, floating above the ground. Moving with the speed of the wind, the guy checked with his scan of the area. A minute later, he heard several panicked voices shouting for help. A few office workers stood and shivered in front of the two-meter-tall ghost that was located near the ruined stone two-story building. Right. A real evil spirit! "Koichi was right. He's a Tiger-level threat!" The named guy was in the same team with him and received all the information, then sending it to Kagaki. The soul that was unable to accept his death, becomes the vicious creature that hates the whole world. They don't have a body of their own. They are invulnerable to physical objects and pose a great danger to the common people.

"Don't worry, I, an Esper from the Guild, came here to rest an evil spirit," the main character announced in a calm and bored tone, turning all the attention of the evil ghost to himself. An emerald glow spread across his fingers, gathering into ten mini-arrows. The lenses of his glasses flashed with a menacing light.

The workers, seeing a chance to escape, made every effort to get away from the future battlefield. By the way, they didn't say any words of thanks, causing Kagaki to grin involuntarily. The evil spirit had the ephemeral appearance of a large, beefy man. "Hmm. Probably, he fell under a random attack and died, after being angry at his fate, " the guy reflected, completely unafraid of his opponent. The ghost in front of him is officially his twentieth opponent registered with the Guild.

After the global war, the whole world changed. Real Monsters began to appear in populated areas. They killed thousands and thousands of inhabitants, destroying all the buildings with their powerful huge fists. Heroes came out to defend the whole settlement, who called their achievements and salvation-a simple hobby. People gained superpowers and fought against unknown creatures. Three years ago, the Association of Heroes was built, with the help of which the fight and rescue became the official work in this world. A little later, the Esper Guild was created, which is designed to destroy and rest the ghostly creatures. Any psychic with sufficient potential could enter it. Kagaki had entered there exactly a year ago and was rapidly advancing to the next rank – Elite Fighter. More and more deaths spawn more angry ghosts. An endless vicious circle has spread in this world!

The Association of Heroes treats the Guild with great respect, because it understands that without Espers it is impossible to cope with evil spirits. Ghosts are invulnerable to conventional weapons and pose a huge danger in battle for C-class heroes, of which there are more than a few hundred registered. They do the usual police work, catching thieves and bandits. With real Monsters, the Heroes of B, A and S rank also cope. All the dangers in the world according to the documents are designated by several levels: Tiger-a threat that can incur great human casualties. Demonic-the threat of destroying the city or causing serious damage to it. Draconius-the threat of destruction of several cities.

- You! I want your body! The muscular evil spirit growled in a barely intelligible tone as it enlarged its right palm to an enormous size. He menacingly sent a giant hand towards the guy, wanting to grab his body tightly.

- Oh, oh. You better not offer me that unless you're a sexy ghost with a fifth breast size – " Kagaki said dismissively as he flew into the air. Evil spirits can take over someone else's body, increasing their abilities. And the stronger their carrier, the higher their destructive capabilities.

The psi-energy arrows fell from the boy's hands. They quickly flew around the ghost from all sides, not allowing him to concentrate. Kagaki nodded his head, giving his Esper forces an order, and all the sharp projectiles tore through the evil spirit's ephemeral flesh, leaving a bunch of holes in it.

"Don't you dare recover. Accept your death already, you wretched filth! The boy exclaimed with venom and disdain as he watched the abnormally fast regeneration of this Tiger-rank ghost. Behind the evil spirit was a ruined building with damaged beams that had a very sharp end.

Kagaki unleashed all of his psychic powers. His eyes shone with a monstrous emerald light, blinding and incapacitating his opponent. The ghost screeched, fully expanding in size. The ten-meter giant wanted to swat the main character like a fly, but he dodged his palms at the last moment. The guy picked up all the objects lying on the ground in his line of sight, including bars with sharp tips. The things imbued with psychic energy gained immense power, easily breaking through the ephemeral body of the huge evil spirit. Kagaki didn't stop bombarding the ghost without giving it a second to regenerate. After a minute of relentless attacks, the restless soul lost all its strength, turning into a green-colored slush.

"Surprisingly, he was close to a Demonic threat in the end –" Kagaki said calmly. He had the satisfied smile of a conqueror on his face. "It's time to become an Elite Warrior!" he thought with great satisfaction. For a whole year, the guy moved around the cities, destroying Tiger-rank ghosts. In the Esper Guild, there are three ranks: Ordinary Private, Elite Fighter, and Deputy Head. In total, this organization employs about a hundred Espers, ready at any time to mobilize their forces in order to fight with dangerous spirits.

Kagaki floated down to the ground, taking in the surroundings of the ruined street, which now clearly needed a large-scale cleanup. But that didn't bother the guy. It happened that during the battle, he broke down entire buildings, putting too much force to attack. Now, Kagaki walked with a confident gait to the center of City B to confirm to the Esper Guild that he had completed his task. There was dust all over his jacket, making him look very unpresentable. But he didn't care about other people's views. Every month, he travels to cities and saves people's lives. Most often, the common people criticize the Heroes and Espers, throwing off all their troubles on them. "Hmm. However, the poor and rich residents are constantly making a lot of donations to the Association of Heroes and the Guild " - said this fact, looking at the passing freaks with strange costumes. On the way, the guy decided to call his friend Koichi, who has electrokinesis and is well versed in technology. He stopped in front of a shop window, seeing the ridiculous creature through it. An anthropomorphic horse in a black tuxedo stood at the cash register, trying to pay for groceries. Unfortunately, because of the gold horseshoes, he could not get his wallet out, pretending to be awkward on his animal face.

"I think he has a good life, since he plows like a horse," Kagaki chuckled from his joke, telekinesis pulling out his wallet from his jacket pocket. The horse shifted its gaze to the guy, waving its hoof at him. "I see that all C-rank Heroes were born with hiccups," he thought, not knowing how to behave in such a situation. Exhaling, the guy dialed the number of his friend to share the news.

"Koichi, it was a success. I easily put the ghost to rest, and you were still worried and shouted that I would suffer a sudden failure, " Kagaki said calmly into the phone. Espers often work in teams of two. He and Koichi found a common language without much trouble, establishing a mini-squad.

– My intuition, which, by the way, has never deceived me, screams to me that you are literally finished today! Be careful! His companion replied with too much emotion. Sitting at the Esper Guild base in City B, Koichi scanned hundreds of gigabytes of information through the computers. The guy had spiky blond hair. Yellow lightning flashed in his eyes. With such a powerful force, he had no desire to fight with anyone. Koichi wastes his potential in electrokinesis by sitting in one place and charging electrical appliances. Seriously. Right now, this unique individual was holding a mobile phone in one hand, pouring electrical energy into it.

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll meet you in half an hour to relieve my tension. I still need to talk to my sister, " Kagaki said in a sarcastic tone, immediately dropping the phone so as not to listen to the curses of the chief electrician of the entire Esper Guild. He then dialed Fubuki's number, remembering the book he had recently read. Hundreds of variations of compliments were written in it, which, according to the author of this masterpiece, every girl in the world will appreciate.