
Fire of Vengeance

Some nightmares do not halt, they keep replaying till you lose your sanity. I have no idea what else I'm gonna do at this juncture of my life. Is my life even mine? I can't feel it is. What am I gonna do to be free? Free as a bird from this shackle? I am Hailey Brown, I reside in Chicago. I lay on a bare fluffy floor warping my fragile legs and twitching like a leaf. My tummy was agonizing badly and I could feel my intestines getting devoured as if a clump of rats were gnawing them. I let out an audible sigh. It's not the first time I have been in extreme distress. My eyes bulged looking somber, my lips, parched. I heard the bars of the cell I was in, clattering. It was the jail guard. He has arrived again to invite me to go work on the field as well as with the inmates. The clattering slammed my ears and I attempted to rise to my feet I felt so dizzy that my head commenced spinning, but I still attempted to waddle frightened I was going to get whacked or dragged out forcefully. The guards in the jail are quite brutal like soldiers, a few of them have mistreated me a few times hence, the awful bruises and spots on my arms and legs. I was almost arriving at the bars and I weakly plopped to the floor conk out. Hours hastily departed. Munroe Jackson, my husband, he is running for governor. He relaxed on the bottom of his bed in only a pair of shorts. His hairy puffy chest was disclosed and his hips were as well. Samantha, my half-sister hopped on the bed in only a bra and a pant. She crawled towards Munroe giggling noisily and wrapping her smooth arms around his chest like an anaconda grasping its prey. Munroe's phone beeped noisily and he tugged it from his pants on the bed. He peeked at the screen and he saw it was one of his minions dialing and he answered the call. "What news do you have for me?" Munroe sniffed. "it is done boss, she's now six feet under." replied, the jail guard. Munroe had disbursed to a few guards in prison to have me killed. He wanted me gone so he can successfully be elected governor. Eight months after I gave birth to our daughter, Bella, I unearthed that he runs an illegal drug trafficking business and is a member of a syndicate. Not only that, he smuggles arms and grenades out of the country. Munroe comprehended I won't take that sitting down and he had me framed for possessing drugs. I had no evidence to back me in court and though I kept blurting to the judge and members of the courtroom, that Munroe is a drug lord, no one gave attention to my voice and my sentence was heightened accused of slander. The jail guards had brought me to a forest at midnight wrapped in a sack and they threw my body inside a hole which they dug and buried me alive.

bliss_glorious · Urban
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3 Chs

At the school cafeteria

It was 1:20 in the afternoon. The sun was blazingly hot. Bella was walking along the school's cafeteria bowing her head cogitating holding her lunch box. She attends Brittler High private school as well as Elise. It's one of the greatest schools in the United States.

Jake Farrow, a student of Brittler High, walked in the same direction as Bella hunching his head and tapping his phone with the sling of his school bag leaning on his arm. He stepped in front of Bella, as Bella aadva, and they bump into each other, their forehead nudged and they lose their balance and fell to the floor.

"aw." Bella let out a groan rubbing her head, she looked up to see Jake sitting on the floor. He was massaging his head.

Bella's lips parted aghast by his fascinating look. His cheeks were oval and rosy red, his hair, jet black and curly like noodles. His lips were red as strawberries.

Jake notices her on the floor, her books dispersed around and he rose to the floor and extended his hand to her, "give me your hand miss."

Bella jolted and felt butterflies in her tummy looking into his immaculate glinting eyes. She held his hand and he pulled her from the floor, "dance..., " she cleared her throat, "I mean, thanks."

Jake slowly bent picking up her books one by one. He hand them to her and she clasped them. Her lips curved into a smile, "thank you."

Bella glanced at him walking away, she yelled, "hold on!"

Jake halted and he swerved to her.

"what's your name?"

"Jake!" he screamed back.

"Jake. What a cute name." Bella muttered, her cheeks blushing.

It was 5:05 in the evening. Bella could not erase her thinking, Jake's face, or forget his charming voice. She sat on her large fluffy bed with her laptop sitting on her lap. She tapped on it and went to Google requesting pictures of Jake.

Random pictures of different men bearing the identity, of Jake, popped out on the screen. She glanced through all the pictures and she felt quite disappointed that neither of them looks like Jake.

She heaved a long sigh and contacted Facebook. Random photos of people by the name, of Jake, popped out and she looked through each of them and she felt disgruntled. In fury, she almost shut the laptop. She specked a picture of Jake down the screen and she zoomed it. Her cheeks dissolved into a pleasant smile.

She listened to the door of her bedroom opening and she glanced over her shoulder to see Elise. Elise approached her bed in a pair. of pink shorts and a tank top. She happily hopped on the bed and sat closer to Bella, "what are you watching?"

Elise gasped seeing Jake's pictures, "oh my gosh, is that Jake Farrow?"

"Jake Farrow? You know him?" Bella raised her brows.

"I haven't met him, but I heard he's in a band. He has also performed for Jay-Z's cousin on his birthday." Elise grinned from ear to ear.

"I just met him today."

"wow, you have?" Elise's eyes widened awestruck.

"yea. He attends our school."

"no way! Can you do me a favor? Introduce me to him so I can ask him to let me join his band and also send him a recording of my music. And, hopefully, we are gonna be sweethearts." Elise's cheeks blushed.

"oh, you like him?" Bella's eyes dropped.

"yea. I can't wait for when you will introduce him to me. Thank you so much, sister." Elise pecked her on her jowl and she stepped out of the room.

Bella glanced at Jake's picture and she angrily shut her laptop and stepped out of her bedroom.

Bella sat pool area staring blankly. She sank her legs into the pool. The frosty breeze blew hugging her. She heard some loud footsteps beside her and she shivered to feel startled. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Xander, one of the teenage male house helps standing besides her.

"Xander, it is you." she sighed.

Xander sat beside her, "what are you doing here all alone? Won't your dad get upset that you are not asleep yet?"

"My Papa? he arrives home late, he wouldn't know I'm not asleep."

"so, er-what's the matter?"

Bella bowed, tears forming in her eyes, "it's hard."

"what's hard?"

"I have a crush on someone and I am already fond of him. Will I not be breaking my heart if I allow my sister to be with him? How do I then my back on how I feel?"

"Why don't you tell Elise you like him?"

"I saw how happy she was when she talked about him and I don't want her to feel sad, " tears escaped her eyes, "why am I always the one to give way to Elise? She always has her way and gets anything she likes."

"Are you still upset your mum chose her to go with her to Spain even though she did not get good grades as you just cause she wants to go to Spain?" Xander raised his brows.

"I really wanna travel to Spain and explore the city. Even though I know I deserve to go, I'm gonna let Elise go instead. She likes Spain a lot."

"But you also love Spain. Can't you persuade your mum to bring you with her instead?"

"it's pointless, she already decided who to take along with her. Even though she does not celebrate my achievement, I know I did my best in my exams, " Bella tried to fight back the tears, "It's okay, Elise can go to Spain. Papa already promised to buy me a new car. And as for Jake, I'm gonna try to bring him and Elise together." tears escaped her eyes.

Xander pulled her closer, she laid her head on his chest. Xander patted her gently on her back.