
Fire Meets Fate

Enya Anders has been training all of her life to become the Zeta warrior for the Blood Moon Pack. Her family has held the position in the pack for generations, and one day it will be her turn. She has a notorious reputation to live up to. Her determination to be the best drives her to achieve all of her goals. The entire pack supports Enya as she proves herself time and time again that she has earned her place in the highest ranking of wolves. The future Alpha of the pack, Erik Kingston, could not be more proud of her. But he has been keeping a secret from her. She will not be the packs Zeta, she will be their Luna. She is his mate. Enya is blind to Erik's love of her, he has hidden it from her so well for years. She is also blind to the fact that she is a hybrid. Another secret kept from her, this one for all of her life. But on her 18th birthday everything will change. She will shift for the first time and the secret kept from her will come to light. ***** "Why do you always stand so far away from me?", I question him. "I thought you had questions about shifting?", he crosses his arms over his broad chest. "Answer the question Erik.", I demand crossing my arms defiantly. He sighs and hangs his head, "E, I don't know what you want me to say." I uncross my arms and advance on him. "I want you to tell me how you could dance so close to me earlier but feel the need to keep your distance the rest of the night?" He is backed against a bookshelf now and I'm only a few inches from his face. My focus shifts from my heart to his without me trying. I hear how rapid his heart is beating. My gaze travels down his neck landing on his chest. His breath is coming in quick and I can smell his arousal. I don't even realize it, but my hands are on his chest now. "Erik...", my eyes hold a question in them. I can't help but to dart my eyes back and forth. Eyes, lips, eyes, lips. Without warning Erik grabs my hands pushing me off him and turning me to have my back against the bookshelf. He is in control again and I am at his mercy. His eyes darken as my arousal wraps around us. His lips come crashing down on mine. I feel the hunger in his demanding lips. He releases my hands only to place his right hand over my throat while his left drops to my hip. He grips me harshly and I savor the feeling. My hands cling to the sleeves of his shirt as I try to mold my body to his. His tongue licks my bottom lip asking for permission, I moan my approval and his tongue dances with mine. His grasp on my hip loosens and he moves his hand to my ass. My left hand travels down his arm to the hand wrapped around my throat. My fingers close around his wrist. He breaks away and searches my eyes. He is looking for fear, his forehead is pressed to mine, I can see his apprehension. He doesn't want to hurt me. I hold his gaze steadily, my fingers grip his wrist tighter as I press his hand harder against my throat. He groans before taking my lips again. My body feels electric from his touch, not even in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine my first kiss to feel like this. He drinks me in like I am a fresh spring and he is a parched beast. "I knew you'd taste like strawberries.", he groans in my mouth.

Kayleigh_A_2021 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


Erik POV

I rush out of the library behind Lukas, I don't dare look at Enya again. I already lost control twice with her tonight.

First that dance, I hadn't allowed myself to really be near her or feel her in so many years. The way her gaze pleaded with mine, I couldn't refuse her. And when she brought me in the library I knew it wasn't to ask about shifting.

If she was going to ask anyone questions it would be her mom, or even Kate. Not me. But again, I couldn't refuse her. When she lashed out at me for keeping my distance the rest of the party, my heart started racing.

She's never been mad at me like that before. I could hear the pain in her voice. Her eyes showed it too, I was the reason for that pain, it splintered my soul. When her hands touched me, I was a goner.

My body acted on instinct kissing her. She was so sweet and mouth watering. Her body taught and reactive to my touch. When she tightened my grip on her throat I nearly came.

Luke's timing was upsetting, but also perfect. I had to get out of there, if I saw her ocean orbs one more time I was going to take her against that bookshelf.

'I need to be patient. She will be mine soon.'

'Ours!', Finn growls.

'Calm down mutt, you know what I mean.'

He retreats to the back of my mind, but his tail is wagging. He's more than excited to see Enya shift and meet her wolf. The other half of our mate bond.

I run upstairs to change into my shifting clothes.

My heart is still pounding, it's almost time.

After changing I find Kai and Luke in the crowd and make my way to them. We clasp hands and embrace for a moment.

I can see the mischievous glint in Luke's eyes. I give him a look meant to say "Not a fucking word.", but apparently that just makes him laugh in my face.

"What's so funny Luke?", Kai asks.

"Nothing man...", he laughs, "It's nothing. Ignore me.", he covers his mouth to hold back this chuckling.


Watching Enya come down the pack steps with my mom, Becca and Ally, gave me the strongest sense of pride I have ever felt.

She wore the same red silk robe that the rest of our group wore the night of our first shifts. Her luscious crimson locks cascaded over her shoulders. She looked regal. She looked ready.

As my father addressed the pack I never took my eyes off of her. This is the moment I have been waiting 4 long years for. I was not about to miss a second of it.

There were a few times it looked as if she was talking to herself. Not out loud, but as if she was talking to her wolf. But that couldn't be possible, you don't hear your wolf until the shift is complete.

As the Moon reached over the mountains, the look on Enya's face was of pure joy. She has been waiting for this day much longer than I have.

I could see when the shift started to take hold. She jerked her head back and stared at the Moon. A slight tremor went through my heart.

'She's ok. She's just shifting, she'll be fine in a few minutes.', I tried to calm my nerves.

When her bones began to snap and she fell to the ground screaming, Luke and Kai had to hold me back from running to her side.

"Dude, just wait. She's shifting. You remember what the first time was like.", Luke reminds me.

"Be patient man, it's only a few more minutes.", Kai adds.

Nodding my head they released my shoulders. To watch your mate in pain is one of the worst feelings in the world. Especially when you are helpless to do anything to ease their pain.

I hear Enya whispering, "Moon Goddess, I am your willing servant."

My heart expands at her words.

When the moonlight started to glow around Enya and she was being lifted above the pack, I couldn't breathe.

'Finn! What the hell is happening?!'

'The Moon Goddess is blessing our mate. Be quiet and watch!', he barks at me.

'This isn't normal Finn! No one levitates when they shift!', I scream back.

'You will understand soon. Trust me. Trust our Goddess.', he purrs at me.

Enya's wolf was appearing, she was no longer screaming in pain. Her face looked peaceful, and then it was gone, replaced by her wolf's.

She slowly returned to the ground, her paws holding her steady. She was magnificent. Her fur was pure white, except for a patch of red fur that was between her golden eyes.

'I've never seen a wolf with gold eyes.'

'You've never seen a wolf like her period.', Finn states plainly.

'What do you mean?', I fire back.

'She isn't just a once in a life time wolf. She is a once in a millennium wolf.', Finn tells me.

He is jumping up and down in my mind, whining, 'MATE!', over and over.

My father orders the pack to shift. I don't have to be told twice. Finn takes me over in a split second, we're the first ones to shift. His solid black fur is a striking contrast to Enya's snow white.

Before I can approach her, she takes off into the woods.


Enya POV

Athena doesn't want to wait for the other wolves to shift, her legs need to run. She quickly mind-links Alpha James.

'Alpha, may we please run now? My legs are very restless?', she pleads with him.

'Go.', he replies with a slight nod.

Wasting no time she launches herself to the woods. Her paws are so powerful, she is practically flying through the trees. Her speed puts my human legs to shame.

The world blurs around us, she runs farther into the woods before taking a sharp right turn. It seems like she has a place in mind she is looking for.

'Where are we going Athena?'

'You'll see, you're gonna love it.', she purrs.

Trusting she knows what she's doing I go along for the ride without further questions. We're running what feels like forever when we finally come upon a break in the treeline.

I can hear the water ahead, it sounds like a lake and a waterfall. I didn't know about a waterfall on our territory.

'Athena, are we still on pack lands?", my panicked voice cracks.

She chuckles back, 'Yes, of course. You just haven't seen all of our territory.'

'And you have?', if I was in my human form my eyebrow would be cocked.

'In a way. My Mother showed me. She told me we had to come here as soon as we completed our shift.'

'Did she say why?'

'No, but I didn't question her. I never question Mother.'

As soon as we clear the opening in the trees, we come to a halt. The waterfall before us is beautifully bathed in the moonlight. I'm in awe of the view.

I can't believe I've never been here before. I wonder who in the pack knows about this place.

'Athena, can we go to the water so I can see us?'

Slowly she approaches the water's edge. She is about to look into the lake when I hear a wolf approaching fast in the woods.

We turn to face the treeline to prepare for whoever, or whatever, comes out. A second later the biggest black wolf I have ever seen appears.

He feels familiar, but I can't be sure. Sniffing the air I immediately know the scent. Redwood, fiery spices, and rain storm.

It's Erik, or rather Finn. His scent stirs me to my core, unmistakable tingles burst on my body. I know what this means. Athena wags our tail happily.

'MATE!', she shouts out.