

Michael Marcus , the step son of a rich CEO gets abducted into an academy for the gifted amidst mass blood tests going on in the country. Full of doubts and questions, Michael unwillingly decides to join the academy being the only choice he has. He becomes a notorious troublemaker in Greywood Neville academy regardless of how special he gets treated by the academy's officials. He thinks his only gift is creating chaos and disrupting peace. His ignorance makes him give deaf ears to teachings and warnings about a powerful enemy who will bring about doomsday to the world. During one of his mischievous endeavors with his new made mind-reading friend, Michael learns that the death of his parents wasn't natural as he always knew. He is utterly shocked when he finds out that they were murdered. His character receives a complete turn over as he starts focusing on uncovering the mystery of his parents' deaths. In a journey that is riddled with romance, anger, bitter betrayals and self discovery , Michael Marcus uncovers more than one mystery...

Sam_Reigns · Urban
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12 Chs

I don't think I'm overreacting

The sound of chatter and laugh woke me up very many moments later. I took a minute to study my new surrounding and the people in it. Why am I not on my bed and instead…

" The fuck" I exclaimed loudly while jumping out of my seat. I ignored the sea of annoyed faces that were sent my way.

" What the fucking hell?" I widened my eyes. What am I doing in a fucking plane filled to the brim with teenagers? " What the bloody…" I was beginning to rant again when someone pulled me down, back to my seat.

" Why am I sitting in a plane? Crammed with teenage strangers all around?" I glared at the guy. The guy was also a teen who also appeared to be in the dark as me.

" Do you know why I'm here?" I lowered my voice but my mind was shouting

" Jeez, cool down. Don't you think you are overreacting?" he asked

" you think I'm fucking overreacting?" I grabbed his shirt's collar " You are about to know what the fuck overreacting means, did you kidnap me?" I glared

" I don't know what you are talking about " he shook his head " but you are supposed to be excited " the guy smiled nevertheless. He nodded at the happy teenagers in the plane.

"Excited?" I exclaimed " I'm excitedly angry at the person who illegally kidnapped me into a plane," I shouted

" You were kidnapped?" the guy raised his brows. He motioned me to release him from my collar hold.

I slowly released him. Maybe this was a dream, some kind of annoying dream infused by the alien tall guy, I consoled myself while relaxing back on my seat.

" This is not a dream" the guy next to me voiced out my thoughts.

Inner demons speaking, I thought to myself

I grimaced when he slapped my face.

" does it feel like a dream?" he raised his brows

" You just slapped me dude" I snapped

" You felt the pain, didn't you?"

I gulped. I definitely felt the pain when he hit me, right on my left cheek.

" Where is the plane headed?" I asked

" You seriously don't know why you are here?" he appeared a bit confused`

" Okay, so this is what happened. I was kidnapped by this tall mysterious hooded guy with a weird voice. I fall unconscious for just a minute and the next thing I know, I'm in a plane surrounded with teenagers"

" Your parents know you are here?"

" My parents are dead" I sighed " my foster dad is probably wondering where I am."

" No one knows you are here?"

" What part of kidnapping don't you understand?" I was beginning to get agitated

" Oh , right, you weren't given any papers to sign?"

This guy seemed oblivious of the fact that I was very angry because I had been kidnapped.

" yes" I whispered

" That's strange" he said " but let me explain to you . I'm Jefferson"

" I don't care who the fuck you are" I snapped

" Noted" he nodded his head " But anyway, first, you are probably the only person in this plane who has no idea of why you are here or where you are headed. Secondly, you snore louder than pigs…and you do so with your mouth open"

" That's irrelevant"

" It kind of reminded me the reason why people don't sleep with pigs. Third, we are going to Blackwood Neville academy to study how to use our powers. We aren't allowed to leave the academy until the age of twenty one as dictated by the agreement forms we signed"

I stared at him blankly for a whole minute. Powers he said, didn't he?

" I think I'm hallucinating, I'll just get back to sleep" I sighed then lay back on my seat.

" Wait" Jefferson nudged me " I read minds" he said

" I might be crazy but I'm not stupid" I rolled my eyes

" You are thinking of various ways to punch me right now" Jefferson said seriously

That caught me off-guard, I was honestly thinking of creative ways to punch a person's face. Jefferson was serious about the powers thing, he was a freaking mind reader.

" No shit" I exclaimed looking around the plane at the teenagers " all of them can do that?"

" Every individual has his or her own power" Jefferson replied

I looked at him thoughtfully.

" So I don't have mutated blood, I have a gift" I had a dumb look on my face

" Tell me what you can do" he asked excitedly rubbing the palms of his hands

" Uhm" I tried thinking of any superpower that I had. Lets try, being rude, and one that I recently developed, punching people's faces. Anyone could do that, they didn't qualify as superpowers. Other than those, I couldn't describe any other exceptional thing about me.

" I don't have any gift… it's like I said, I don't think I'm supposed to be here"

" What color did you get?" he asked thoughtfully, his eyes squinted at me

"No color " the stuff was really colorless

" Then why are you here?" he asked confused

" You get it now, do you? I'm not supposed to be here, I was kidnapped" I replied

" No, but why were you kidnapped here if your blood wielded no color"

" I keep asking myself that" I sank back on my seat. I couldn't jump off a plane, could I? That'd be the craziest thing ever.

" Make sure your seatbelts are on, the plane lands in ten minutes"