
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Scarlet Heart

Wrote this Becuase I felt my favorite character in three houses didn't get enough love, that being said, this story is about female byleth and Ingrid Galatea, how thier relationship develops and ultimately blossoms.

Buraisu_9009 · Video Games
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Crimson Flower A Scarlet Heart

There are many thoughts and feelings that arise from the flames of war, a sense of victory, a passion for fighting, a feeling of appreciation and honor towards one's comrades, but, there is one feeling that while it sometimes spoken about, it's rarely ever focused on, and that is regret.

Edelgard set out to bring unity and peace to all of fodlan by destroying the "corrupt" church of serios and then taking on the agarthans otherwise known as "Those who Slither in the Dark". Alongside her throughout all of this was Byleth, her instructor, her strategist and of course her dearest friend. Many could say without exaggeration that it was in no small part to byleths efforts and kind nature that many former allies and students of garrag Mach, even after it was initially attacked and it seemed like byleth had fallen, they swore loyalty to edelgard and her cause. Why? Because byleth believed in her, and her vision. Banners, kingdoms, place of birth, I didn't matter, all that mattered in the end was doing what you felt was right. This is what byleth strove to teach her students, and it stuck.

Many in garrag Mach were shocked that over the course of one year, how much the black eagle house numbers swelled, not that the other houses were bare mind you, plenty of students were smaller houses and territories still made up thier numbers, but, any student worth talking about instantly wanted to be under the tutelage of the former mercenary, it was quite the interesting little ordeal.

But, this tale is about one of those students in particular, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, last heir of the Galatea bloodline, or at least, the last with a crest. Ever since she arrived at garrag Mach, Ingrid had only one goal in mind, she strove to train hard as a knight, and learn the tactics and strategies that would allow her to someday serve as a knight of the kingdom. But, her family however had other ideas, her father count Galatea had an alternator motive for sending Ingrid to the officers academy, he was hoping that there she'd be able to find a suitable husband and family to marry into so that House Galatea might be saved from ruin.

While she herself held her family and home in high regard, Ingrid could never shake off the thrist that her dream of being a knight had given her. She believed that this would all be so simple when she met Glenn, it was true love she thought, a partner that not only would meet her fathers needs, but also, someone who encouraged her to chase her dreams no matter what others thought of her. The day she lost him during the Tragedy of Duscar was one of the greatest pains she ever had to endure, it was an ache in her heart that she hadn't felt since she had lost her own mother. There were no words for it, it was simply an emptiness, a void in the soul that couldn't ever hope to be filled.

Ingrid carried this pain for years and into the academy, but, when she met her, something very unexpected happened. It was simply a normal day, the blue lions were training, with Sylvan "helping" her with her Lance technique. But, she was soon brought out of her stance by a the sight of her, blue haired woman walking through the field and up to her and the others.

"Um Ingrid, you still in there" Sylvan jabbed at her waving his hand in front of her face.

"Argh Sylvain enough, I'm fine" She then stood up straight as the stranger walked up to them

"I assume your Ingrid and Sylvain correct? Dimitri insisted I meet you both, my name is Byleth, I'm going to be teaching here soon so, I thought I best introduce myself formally " Ingrid was quite taken aback by how this woman carried herself, this was the person that had saved Dimitri and the other house leaders in the woods the other day, she had heard his highness tell the tale. She tried to introduce herself back but, Sylvain, interjected.

"Sylvain Jose Gautier, at your service lady byleth, and if you'd allow me, I'd like to thank you for saving our crowned prince personally~" Ingrid wasted little time in grabbing the young man's ear and pulling him back.

"Argh Sylvain could you please try and treat one woman you meet with some more dignity. My apologies for my friend miss. Oh, but, I mustn't forget my own manners, I am Ingrid Brandl Galatea, and on behalf of all of us in the blue lions, Thank you for saving his highness". She even added a small curtsy to the former mercenary. Byleth didn't show much emotion towards them but, simply shook her head. "There's no need to be so formal Ingrid, and your welcome, I'm just glad everyone made it out. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to meet with the other houses" byleth then took her leave from the both of them.

Sylvain nudged Ingrid. "Cmon Ingrid admit it, I saw that look when she walked over, your just into her as I was" Ingrid didn't bother dignifing him with a response instead getting back to her training. But, what she didn't say instead showed in her mannerisms, that meeting had done something to Ingrid she hadn't expected, byleth had surprised her and not simply by just her manners or lack of emotion, but, simply her appearance as well. She was taken aback as soon as she laid eyes of her, her mere presence seems to radiant a sense of strength, Ingrid had never felt something like that before, at least, not since Glenn.

That night Ingrid laid on her bed in deep thought. She couldn't understand it, what was it about byleth that she couldn't get out if her mind. Yes she was impressed by her and she was beautiful and looked rather strong, some of these details caused Ingrid ro blush abit at recalling it but, even then. Why was she blushing? She had met plenty of women who had similar qualities as byleth, so why was her thoughts so focused on her. She rolled over and began to wonder.

"What is it about you? Why I am I feeling like this?" Ingrid wasn't one for flights of fancy nor did she believe in love at first sight or anything but, even she had to admit, even if she couldn't place her feelings, she hoped to see more of byleth, perhaps she'd be assigned to the blue lions, the possibility was there after all. Ingrid couldn't focus on such things now though, instead she pushed the thoughts into the back of her mind and went to sleep.

Unfortunately, Ingrid wouldn't get her wished as instead the new professor was asided to the Black Eagle house instead. She was abit disappointed but, that didn't mean she wouldn't ever see the woman, she still hoped to train with her perhaps.

A few weeks would come and go, the three houses would go on thier respective missions until one afternoon while Ingrid was in the training hall doing her usual routine she received a message from her father. It was the same old story, another potential suitor.

"Argh father you never relent..." however, She was soon taken out of her thoughts when byleth appeared behind her.

"Ms Galatea?" Ingrid whipped around surprised she didn't hear the professor coming. "Oh professor byleth hello, um, did you need something? And please just Ingrid is fine"

"Very well, by the way, what do you have there?" Ingrid didn't want to go into detail about her father and the whole suitor situation so she tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh this? It was just some scrap I have no use for so I was going to throw it away, always keep your spaces clean and tidy, you would do well to remember that as well professor" however what byleth said next caught the young knight quite off guard. "Is that so? Well if you don't mind, could you help me tidy my room sometime".

Ingrid did not expect to hear that and it caused the feelings from weeks past come flooding back. She should she say, was the professor teasing or serious, she was so hard to read with that blank expression, so Ingrid felt she simply should go with her gut. "I'm more than happy to help professor, but, I wouldn't want the others getting the wrong impression, me being alone in your room in all". Even though Ingrid told herself she most likely imagined it, she swore she saw the slightest smile form on the professors face. But, she soon shook herself out of her trance and changed the subject. "Anyway, I need to throw this away, always need to keep your spaces clean. My father taught me to always keep my spaces Immaculate, and to only ever use what you need in nothing extra, and to downsize when necessary, so it all goes hand in hand I suppose " Ingrid at this point knew she was rambling but hoped the professor didn't notice.

"Your father sounds like a good man"

"Yes he's, a good person. I don't mean to be rude professor but, is there a reason you came to see me?" Byleth again. Without showing even a hint of a emotion replied. "I was wondering if you'd like to spar with me"

Ingrid again was taken aback. "Oh um of course, I'd be happy to but, why me exactly?" She wasn't complaining of course but, was still curious.

"Felix and Sylvain passed by me and said you were wanting to spar for awhile now, and since we were in different houses you had left it alone, so I thought I'd just come find you and ask."

Ah that explained it.

"I see. Well I'll just get rid of this trash and then I'll be glad to spar with you're then tossed the piece of paper in trash bin. "What was it you were throwing away?"

"Oh just a scrap of paper, it was already written on so useless for note Taking, and couldn't use to clean my Lance either so I tossed it. Anyway, are you ready?" She asked getting into her stance, her Lance held at the ready. Byleth nodded and grabbed her sword and stood ready.

The two sparred for hours and into the night, Ingrid was amazed at byleths skills, how she glided across the training arena, not to mention her stamina. At first Ingrid thought she would have to be careful not to hurt the professor since she had a longer weapon but, that worry was quickly shoved to the side. She considered it an honor to go up against a warrior of such skill and prowess. By the time they finished Ingrid was winded, she had fought with all she had and she could barely breath. Byleth however seemed unfazed and walked up to her offering her hand, Ingrid accepted as the professor pulled her to her feet.

"Your quite skilled Ingrid, I can tell you have alot of potential, but, I would work more of your long attacks, thier were plenty of openings to where I could've seriously hurt you If I wanted to."

Ingrid nodded and bowed to byleth. "Argh thank you for this professor, I'll continue to work hard" byleth nodded and began to walk away. "See that you do, I look forward to next time" Ingrid stopped for a moment. "Next time?" "Yes, is that a problem ".

"No, no I was just surprised is all, But, wouldn't it be a problem to meet to train with someone else outside your house?" It was here was Ingrid began to feel her legs shake, as byleth gave her one of her very rare smiles. "I'm here now aren't i?"

Ingrid didn't know what to say, her cheeks were red as she looked away and nodded. "I'll look forward to it then!" She blurted out as the professor left. Ingrid sat down on a nearby bench and just shook her head. "Argh what is going on with me, what is it about her that's doing this?"

A few days later and Ingrid still couldn't shake the feelings that were running through her mind. It had started effecting her more, even her training was suffering because of it. It was driving her mad. She couldn't understand why she was feeling such things, but, what frustrated her most of all is what they actually were? Was it mere fascination? Fatuation? A childish crush? She didn't know and the thoughts of her father and own dream didn't help matters.

However, something did help bring her out of her emotional rut if o ly for a moment, after professor hannamen had dismissed the blue lions house and the students made thier way out, Ingrid noticed something, Sylvain and Felix weren't present. At first she thought that maybe they were sick or out on a mission, when Mercedes walked up to her desk she stopped her.

"Mercedes please wait a moment" the elder girl did so and smiled at her friend. "Of course Ingrid, are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine but, I was wondering, I didn't see Sylvain or Felix in class today, do you know why?"

"Oh you hadn't heard yet? They both transferred to the Black Eagle house, Felix wanted to learn more about professor byleths sword technique as for Sylvain well" She shrugged, Ingrid indeed knew why but was still surprised.

"I didn't know students could even switch houses?"

"Nor did I but, from what Felix told me, a student can change houses so long as the student and professor agree to the transfer, in all honesty, I thought about transferring myself."

Ingrid nods and this simply caused her mind to race again, this however caught Mercedes attention. "Ingrid, are you sure your well, you look rather flustered"

The last thing Ingrid wanted to do was talk about the matter but, at the same time, she was beginning to think if she didn't talk it over with someone then she was going to go mad, and Mercedes may be the best person to turn to for this. "In all honesty Mercedes, could we perhaps meet in your room, there's something I'd like to discuss privately if you'll allow me"

The girl smiled and nodded. "Of course Ingrid, your always welcome, I'll make us some tea and we can talk about what's troubling you". Thus she did just that as soon enough the two were seated in Mercedes courters with two cups of tea prepared. "Here you go Ingrid, I hope you still like mint".

She smiled and gladly took it. "It's my favorite, thank you Mercedes ". "Your welcome, so what has you so troubled Ingrid, I don't believe I've ever seen you like this?"

Ingrid sighed as she slowly took a sip of the tea to calm her nerves and then put it aside. "Mercedes before I start please promise me that what's discussed won't leave this room, this isn't easy for me to talk about ". Mercedes nodded and put a hand on Ingrid. "I give you my word". Ingrid leaned back against the wall and then began. "It has to do with professor byleth, I don't know iw what it is but, I feel so strange around her and I can't decipher what this feeling is. At first I thought it was purely admiration, after all, she's a representation of what I strive to be, a strong and capable warrior who is dedicated to her goal. But, that doesn't explain the other things. My chest gets tight, I can't think straight and even having trouble sleeping...

Mercedes listened intently and she began to think that she perhaps knew the answer. "Ingrid I don't mean to presume anything but, do you think perhaps you have a crush on the professor?"

Ingrid blushed and was about to push back against her friends statement but, as she thought about it, she simply rubbed her head in frustration. "I don't know Mercie, I thought that could be the case but, I just... I haven't fallen for anyone since..Glenn. "What I feel when I'm around the professor is similar but, not the same and the sides, I've never been with another woman, I don't think I'd even know what to do. The sides, it wouldn't be right, I'm a student and she's our professor, it be wrong.

Mercedes sat up straight. "Perhaps, but, I will say this much Ingrid, if you do nothing about what you feel, they will only grow to the point where you can no longer handle them. I know this personally.

Ingrid was surprised and looked abit taken aback. "Mercedes are you saying youve"? She simply nodded and smiled as she recounted her encounter. "Do you remember the ashen wolves, the fourth house underneath the church that Dimitri and the house leaders helped? Well one of them, Constance is an old friend of mine, we were separated for years and I thought I'd never see her again. Luckily the goddess brought us back together and I knew that I would only have one chance, so I reconnected with her and simply told her how I felt. She accepted me and were quite happy now. But, for your situation Ingrid, I know your dream has always been the most important thing to you, and I believe your also, letting your sense of duty and past, collide with your present feelings. I don't mean to speak out of line but, perhaps the best thing you can do is confront that which has you so mixed up"

Ingrid listened to her friends tale and was still abit surprised but, at the same time, it was a relief to have someone who had dealt with similar feelings but, still, she still hesitant. "Ever so, she's still a teacher and I'm a student, I don't want to bring her any unwanted trouble "

Mercedes put a hand on her friends shoulder. "Then maybe you can start small, what about joining the professors class, along with me and the others, try just being her student and go step by step "

"Your joining the black eagles as well, why?"

Mercedes smiled. "Simple, constance joined them and I'd like to remain close to her so I decided to join as well, plus I'd like to stay with my friends."

Ingrid nodded and sipped some more of her tea. It wasn't a terrible idea, after all, maybe learning under the professor would help get someone her emotions under control, and byleth had helped her with her training before, it be alot similar if she was in the same class. "Alright, I'll ask the professor if I can switch"

"Great, we can both go ask later, but, for now, let's finish this before it gets cold okay, I'd hate for Annie's work to go to waste".

Ingrid laughed but agreed and continued to finish her tea. Layer that day the two girls asked the professor if they could join the black eagles, byleth didn't seem to mind and agreed.

As time went on Ingrid began to see byleth in a different light. She saw how the professor comforted ashe after lanotos rebellion, how she organized the students to protect the holy tomb during the attack of the church, helped sylvain with his brother, even when she didn't have to, she went out if her way to encourage and help the students that weren't even in her class, it was no wonder why the students were wanting to join her class. She also, saw how much of a bond many if them had with the professor, especially edelgard. She didn't know quite what to make of the imperial princess at first, she seemed like she always had something going on in her mind, even though she could be abit cold for her liking, she seemed to get along fine with the royal.

Overall Ingrid fell into her own place among the black eagles, but, the biggest test came when the three houses met at Gronder Field for the battle of the Eagle and Lion.

Ingrid had been looking forward to this battle, she felt it would be the first true test of her skills. After all, during this time leading up to the battle, she had been hard at work trying to sharpen her skills as a Wyvernn Rider, just as her mother had been. Luckily for her, byleth too had an affinity with flying tactics and took Ingrid under her wing and taught her everything she knew. This is secretly what Ingrid hoped for, to be able to get some one on one time with the professor. Though nothing happened between them, Ingrid appreciated her new professors guidance and wisdom, if anything, it made her appreciate her even more. Yet this feeling, or feelings she had for the professor just wouldn't stop, if anything, they'd only grown stronger. Was what Mercedes told her true? Did she truly have a crush or perhaps even, falling in love with byleth?

She honestly didn't know. But, she had to push such thoughts aside as once again, during one of her training sessions she had received yet another letter from her father. "Argh, father just never relents, why can't he just stop this foolishness!" She had been so caught up in her own emotions that she didn't notice byleth once again walk up behind her.

"Oh professor, my apologies I didn't see you come in". "You don't have to apologize Ingrid, but, I couldn't help but, overhear you, you received a letter from your fsther?"

"Oh yes, I was just about to toss it" byleth however didn't budge and asked a question. "Would it be alright if I see what It says before you do so?"

Ingrid was abit surprised but, didn't see any point of hiding things from byleth. "I suppose thiers no harm is letting you, go ahead"

Byleth read over the letter and Ingrid began to watch as byleths face began to show just the slightest hints of emotion, it looked like, anger. She was angry at her father?

"I can't believe he would use his only daughter in such a way! Your not some prize to be won or some object to sell to the highest bidder..." byleth was indeed angry and this once again, took Ingrid back. She had never seem the professor so upset, and to think it was because of her. "I... thank you professor, your sentiment means alot to me. But, do not judge my father to harshly. You see, my house, house Galatea as never been very well off. We look over poor land in the kingdom, and it's never provided much, it's only thanks to the royal family that we retained our noble status. Since I'm the only child with a crest, my father believes I am the last hope for our family, if I married into another noble house, then our financial woes would be over.."

Byleth heard Ingrid out but, still didn't approve of the counts methods, there was more than one way to make money, and you didn't have to literally sell your own child to do it.

"I can see things from your viewpoint Ingrid but, this is unacceptable, your a strong person for willing to give up your own happiness for the sake of others but, I cannot condone this and I intend to make that stance known. Excuse me." And with that byleth left leaving Ingrid shocked.

To think byleth, the ashen demon as some called her, whom rarely if ever showed emotion to anyone, became so enraged at her situation, Ingrid couldn't help but, be flustered and abit concerned. This isn't what she thought would happen but, at the same time, she was happy that it did, she just hoped byleth didn't do anything rash.

Finally the battle of the Eagle and Lion came Ingrid flourished on the field of battle, now a fully certified Wyvern Rider she quickly dealt with the blue lions Pegasus knights and along with the professor who also, rode a Wyvern of her own, and the fellow black eagles carved out a victory in the grand battle. Ingrid was elated at the victory, this was the best she had felt in months. She quickly was brought into an embrace by Mercedes and Sylvain along with Dorothea and the others. Byleth also, congratulated all of them with a smile alongside edelgard, a sight and memory Ingrid would not soon forget.

However, as the next few months came and went, Ingrid found herself growing closer and closer with her new classmates, particularly Dorothea and byleth, as both had helped her deal with another potential suitor, who turned out to be a kidnapper of all things. This caused byleth to send a rather, um, heated letter to the count, and in return, Ingrid had received the Heros Relic Luin as an Apology from her father, stating that he hoped it would protect her while he couldn't. Even though she had her misgivings with her father, she thanked him nonetheless. But, it also, through this ordeal that she began to see just how much not only her teacher, but, her new classmates cared about her. For when she needed help, the black eagles didn't even ask questions, it was simply where and when. A few of them she barely knew and yet it didn't matter, they protected her as if she were thier own kin, even Bernadette whom Ingrid thought was deathly afraid of her after she kicked down the girls door when she skipped out on training. This overall feeling of union just felt nice, she felt like she belonged.

But, the biggest test for Ingrid, as well as her emotions came when the announcement of the ball and dance Competition. Ingrid prayed to the goddess repeatedly over and over that the professor wouldn't ask her to participate, not that she was a bad dancer, but, she just wasn't suited for that sort of thing. But, to her horror, byleth did indeed ask her to represent the black eagles in the competition. She was at first angry but, only accepted because it was byleth asking, that and the promise that she would train her to be perfect, along with Dorothea and Mercedes whom also, had alot of experience, though there's was more how to look rather than the act of dancing. The next week of rehearsals were probably the hardest training Ingrid ever had to endure, but, like any other kind of training, she swore to see it through, and it would prove to be worth it as byleth even danced with her once to help her with her foot placement. Ingrid blushed profusely when she did so but was grateful for her help"

Finally, the day if the competition came, and Ingrid, along with Hilda from the Golden deer, and dedue surprisingly from the blue lions entered the dance hall. One by one the three did thier routine and after all was said and done, the judges voted with Ingrid coming out the winner. To say she was surprised would've been an understandment but, Ingrid smiled and thanks the judges and took the reward. It was also, here was mannuela offered to give Ingrid special training that would allow her to use her dancing skills in combat. Ingrid was abit Co fused at the offer but. Accepted.

Thus, Ingrid mastered this new "Dancer" specialization. She didn't know own if she would trade in her Wyvern for it but, was happy to have an extra skill.

Then the night if the ball came and Ingrid couldn't escape the duo of Dorothea and Mercedes constantly wanting to "doll her up" as the firmer songstress put it, she even once asked byleth permission to hide in her room so that the Teo would leave her alone, to which she agreed amusingly.

But, that night while the rest of the students and staff enjoyed the party, Ingrid instead enjoyed the spread of exotic foods and even decided to take abit to go as she made her way up to the goddess tower so that she could eat in peace. She rarely had any moments to herself and she wasn't going to waste it.

"Ahh I can't eat another bite, so full" and yet for the third time in a row, Ingrid didn't notice her professor walking up behind her.

"Oh professor um, what are you doing here?! I came here to stu...I mean have some me time"

Byleth saw the empty plates of food and then back up to Ingrid and put a hand on her hip. "I followed you up here actually"

"So you saw the food, everything?... argh so embarrassing, perhaps thiers a rock I crawl under."

"Were you waiting for someone?"

Ingrid blushed abit at the question, as she knew the significance of the goddess tower but, tries to brush it off. "Who me? No no of course not, I was trying to walk off all that food I just ate. Honestly I just came here to have some privacy. But, now that your here, that makes it abit less private"

However, byleth seemed or kinda looked happy as she spoke again. "So it's just the Two of us here?"

"Um yes, it's just the two of us" Ingrid blushed as the words left her mouth. "Does that concern you professor, I'm more than happy to return to the reception hall"

"Not at all Ingrid, I'm in no hurry" She says as she looks up at the sky. "It's a beautiful night isn't it"

Ingrid turned her gaze skyward and couldn't help but, smile. "It truly is." The Two fell into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company. "This is, really nice professor, I hope we can do it again sometime". Byleth looked over and gave her a smile. "You know you can just call me byleth Ingrid".

Ingrid smiled back and nodded. "Alright then byleth, we should do this again"

"Indeed we should". The two stayed together and watched the night sky for awhile longer before returning to the party.

Later that night as the festivities came to close the entirety of the black eagles along with byleth met back up in the entrance hall and vowed that they would all come together again during the millennium festival, for a class reunion of sorts. Everyone was quite happy with the idea Ingrid included, overall the day had been filled with a mixture of events but, nothing could prepare anyone for what came next.


It was just another routine mission, some students had been cornered by a horde of monsters, and the black eagles, along with the blade breaker, Jeralt were sent to assist. It had all go e so well, the monsters were killed with minimal to no effort, and the students were brought to safety but, then time stood still. Jeralt, the blade breaker, the knight of seiros and most importantly, byleths own father, was struck down, deceived by the disguised Kronya, an assassin who masquerade as the student Monica. Ingrid along with the rest if the black eagles watched on in horror as the villain escaped with the help of another strange man as byleth held her dead father in her arms. The sky tore open as rain poured down on them all, Ingrid wanted to run over to byleth but, was stopped by Sylvain, who gave her a sad look, silently saying not to.

The coming days were filled with grief and sadness, as the funeral for jeralt came and went, after which byleth exiled herself to her quarters and refused to see anyone. Everyone had understood, while some believed that she would bounce back rather quickly, one of which being edelgard. Ingrid cursed the princess under her breath, losing someone dear to you isn't something you just merely get over. For days the same pattern happened. Byleth would only do the bare minimum she had to as to not let her students down, and then return to her room. The entire feeling of garrag Mach had changed, Ingrid herself would find herself training hard in the training grounds simply trying to get her mind off of things. She secretly blamed herself for not seeing through Monica or Krnoyas deception, if she had, jeralt may still be alive and byleth wouldn't be in turmoil.

Ingrid just continued her motions, each movement only amplified by her rage, until she was interuppted by Felix, who blocked her Lance with his sword.

"Felix?! What are you doing?" The young man simply gave her one of his trademark glares. "The better question is what do you think your doing, your form is completely off, your acting like a wild animal"

Ingrid was in no mood to deal with Felix's scolding and merely withdrew her Lance and scuffed. "It's of no concern of yours, and my form has not faltered in the slightest". Felix however wasn't buying this for a moment, he had known Ingrid his entire life and he knew fully well when something was bothering her. Thus he struck at her and managed to get to foot sweep her easily. Ingrid, enraged and growing more and more angry snapped at him and swung at him. "What the he'll is the matter with you!" "You should ask yourself the same! Look at you, this is not how a knight should act". That made Ingrid snap as she lunged at Felix and swung with every bit of anger she held in her heart, Lance met blade with each strike, the clack and sparks of metal slashing against each other filled the training grounds.

"Don't you dare tell me how to act!" She screamed as she lunged at Felix again who managed to easily dodge as she elbowed her in the back causing her to fall to the ground, but, she stood by up and attacked him again this time delivering a swift kick to his rips, causing him to stumble. But, now the match went from a sparring match to a brawl as Felix blocked Ingrids punches, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "What is the matter with you, what are you hiding?!"

Ingrid finally pinned Felix to the ground, a mixture of anger and sadness adorned her face as she looked down at him.. "i failed! If I just used my training I could've seen through kronyas deception, I know I couldve!" Felix flipped her over and grunted. "We were all fooled Ingrid, you can't blame yourself for something that is not your responsibility!" She shoved him off and glared at him. "It is my responsibility, it's been my responsibility since I became apart of the black eagles, I swore I'd protect everyone and I failed that duty!" She turned around, not able to face Felix as tears began to freely flow down her cheeks. Felix couldn't understand why Ingrid was so distraught, of course they were all mortified over what had happened, no one could've predicted it. Everyone had some guilt, constantly questioning if they could've done something different. Felix wasn't new to losing people, but, he hadn't seen Ingrid like this since she lost Glenn, he wondered, did she?

"Ingrid.. listen to me. You can't blame yourself for this, we all failed, this was something no one could've known, this is not solely your responsibility". Ingrid however, quickly fired back. "Yes, it is" She said clinching her fists.

"Why?! Why are you suddenly the sole protector of everyone, tell me!" He yelled frustrated as Ingrid finally turned around and screamed at him.


There it was, three simple words and with them Ingrid crumbled to the ground, now freely weeping, causing Felix who was now abit taken aback to walk over and place a hand on her shoulder. "I... I love her felix.. and I failed her. I failed to keep both her and jeralt safe. If I just been stronger and didn't have my head in the clouds I could've seen Monica for what she was..."

Felix now understood. This was the situation with Glenn all over again. Ingrid had held herself responsible for Glenn's demise at first, believing that if she had merely stepped up or done something then he would've stayed or not have gone off to Duscar. Now here she was again, blaming herself not for the death of someone, but, a failure to act. But, the problem was thier was no action to take, no one k ew of Monica's deception, there was no way to know. But, then Felix fully thought over what she had said, she loved her? The professor?

I mean he always had suspected something was going on, what with the countless hours Ingrid spent with her learning the basics of Wyvern riding or the training sessions in the grounds but, he had figured it was simply her wanting to learn all she could, he didn't even think Ingrid wanted love after Glenn, especially with another woman and yet, here they were.

Felix simply sat there, Ingrid crying in his arms, he didn't know what to do. His warrior side told him to just move on, to not show weakness and that she should do the same but, he knew better. For all the knightly bravado she put out, Ingrid was still a tender soul at heart, a strong and driven one, but, still tender. He made Ingrid look him in the eye and spoke slowly.

"You need to listen. I know what's going through your mind, you may say or think I don't but, I do. What happened was a tragedy but, this isn't like last time. We all are to blame, not just you, all of us, and right now, the person that you care about is still here and thier suffering not because of you, but, because of the dastard that did this and you k ow now that I'll be ready and waiting to cut that fiends head from her shoulders when the time comes. But, for right now, the best way you can atone for what happened, and to also, heal yourself is train, train harder than you ever ha e before so when that time comes your ready as well. But, for now" he heads her to her feet and points to the door

"I think there's somewhere else you need to be"

Ingrid looks to her friend and the over to the door, her tears dried some and as if on Instinct she rushes towards the doors and out of sight. Ingrid runs as fast as her legs can carry her to byleths courters and puts her ear to the door, and she hears, weeping. She tries the door but, it's locked. She wastes no time and kicks the door open causing the byleth to look up shocked, grabbing her sword in defense only to see Ingrid standing there in the doorway.

"I..Ingrid, what are you...." She's quickly silenced by Ingrid rushing over to her and wrapping her in embrace. There was no words, no lectures, just, the two of them. Byleth dropped her blade and slowly returned the embrace as her own tears began to freely flow.

For hours byleth and Ingrid simply stayed in her room, byleth showing more emotion then she ever had before, weeping over the loss of her father, and Ingrid, who was now also, crying not just for jeralt, but, the fact she had failed her mentor. By the time the moon shined across the sky and the tears had ceased, byleth leaned against Ingrids shoulder. There wasn't any words spoken for a long while but, byleth decided to break the silence. "Thank you, ingrid".

"For what?"

"For being here... even if it was, forceful. I just. I feel lost, I've always been with him, whenever I needed guidance or was ever alone he was always there. Now I don't k ow what to do"...

Ingrid didn't know what to say, but, she knew full well the pain of losing someone dear. She didn't want to overstep and held byleths hand, which got the girls attention, causing her to look at Ingrid. "I can't ever hope to replace what you've lost byleth but, I promise you, no matter what happens, I will always be here to support you, no matter what" byleth didn't know what say to that, but, she could see how serious and genuine Ingrid was being. She didn't realize how much she cared, or maybe she did and just chose to ignore it but, right now it didnt matter. She laced her fingers with ingrids and leaned on her shoulder. "Thank you, for everything. I.. I needed this" Ingrid simply nodded as the two stayed like that for the rest of the night.

As the month progressed, wounds slowly began to heal, it was a grim atmosphere in the monastery to be sure and byleth still wasn't as active as she used to be but, getting out little by little. Ingrid, following the advice of Felix began training harder and harder than she had previously, she wouldn't allow byleth to be harmed again. She also, apologized to her friend for her outburst but, he simply shrugged it off, stating that she could prove she was sorry by continuing her training and not letting her form slip. He also, promised not to tell anyone about her feelings for byleth, although after word spread about her kicking her door down, it was becoming abit more clear, to the students anyway, that thier relationship was abit more than student and teacher, thought no one ever said as much out of respect.

It was also, during this time Ingrid and byleth began spending more time together, sharing meals, training, or simply going for rides on thier Wyverns. Even if it was something as simple as sorting through the library or cleaning the training area, Ingrid did all she could to help byleth, and the professor appreciated it. She was still hurting inside, but, she knew that she had to remain strong not just for herself but, also her students.

But, at last the day of retribution came, when the woman that killed Jeralt had been sighted within the Sealed Forest just outside of Garrag Mach. Upon being told to gear up Ingrid and the others wasted no time in preparing, they would fight for thier professor and avenge Jeralt. Though it was also, during this time that something interesting happened, students even from other houses offered thier support, wanting to fight with byleth and the black eagles, even though it wasn't thier fight. Byleth accepted the support so long as they didn't get in her way or put themselves in danger.

Thus a small party of students lead by byleth entered the forest to find her parent's killer.

Just as they had predicted however, it was a trap as kronya along with a small band of mysterious soldiers jumped the group, along with a small number of demonic beasts. But, they weren't so easily intimidated, as upon her Wyvern byleth commanded her students into position as they clashed with the attackers. The mages used arcane arts to make quick work of archers, Felix, Caspar along with the other students who mastered thier blades cut through the ground forces, and of course, byketh, Ingrid, Petra, and leonie used thier aerial advantage to strike down the demonic beasts until finally only kronya remained.

Byleth wasted little time in pursuing the coward as she turned to flee, dismounting her Wyvern and chasing after her. Ingrid wanted to follow but, decided against it instead focusing on keeping the others safe, she knew in her heart this was a battle that only byleth could finish. But, she soon to regret her choice, for as she and the others caught up to byleth, they were met by Solon, the mysterious mage who months prior had revealed himself to be a spy known as Tomas, the former librarian. He used some strange spell to engulf byleth in shadow causing her to disappear and then, nothing. Byketh was gone, and kronya was laying dead on the floor.

"Speak you monster, what have you done with our professor!" Edelgard screamed at the Dark mage causing the elderly man to chuckle.

"Your friend is now lost forever in the void of zardarus, doomed to forever roam the Dark with no hope of escape."

Ingrid felt her heart drop, no... not again, did she truly lose another person she loved again?! She pushed through the others and screamed at the Solon

"Your lying, byleth wouldn't be killed so easily by some cheap trick, either you release her or so help me" Solon however found this young woman's rage to be amusing

"Believes whatever you wish but, your friend is lost. But, worry not child, your soon be joini...."

He was quickly cut off by a shining sword cutting through the fabric of reality right infrint of his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "No....its...it's not possible". But it was, byleth had freed herself as she stepped out of the rift now looking quite different. Everyone could feel it, the raw power coming from her presence, as her hair shined a bright green hue and the Sword of the Creator radiated with energy, and she would use that energy to strike the Dark mage down with no remorse, finally avenging her fathers death, and then, collapsing to the floor.

"Byleth!" The students quickly ran over to thier professor and was relieved to see her alive, Ingrid especially. "She seems to be unharmed, just passed out. We need to get her back to the monastery". Ingrid wasted little time in picking her up bridal style. "I've got her, Shiva!" Ingrid called her wyvern to her side and gently placed byleths form on the beast and began to fly back to the monastery with the rest of the group following behind.

The journey back was agonizing for Ingrid. She had thought she lost byleth, but, then by some miracle, she came back looking like something out if a legend. Upon returning to the monastery and giving byketh enough time to recover she entered her room.

"Is that you ingrid?" Byleth had grown used to Ingrids visits and upon seeing her in the door she gestured for her to enter.

Ingrid walked over to byleths bed and sat down next to her. "Byleth, what happened to you. I thought for a moment you were gone and then you, showed up like this, please tell me."

Byleth looked up to the ceiling and recounted what had happened. "There's something I've been keeping from you Ingrid, from everyone here, mostly because I felt they wouldn't believe me".

"What? What have you been hiding"

"I don't know how or why but, Sothis, the goddess sothis was inside me. She spoke to me almost every day, helping me guide you all. But, when I was shallowed by the darkness, she merged her life force with mine, granting me her power. It was because of her that I came back".

Ingrid was floored. The Goddess? The actual goddess of the church of seiros was inside byleth? And now is merged with her. How? Why? So many questions are racing through her mind but, as she began to think about it, it did explain alot. Byleths almost unnatural strength, her flawless combat skills, her uncanny way of predicting what the enemy would do, not to mention literally escaping from another realm. Ingrid didn't fully understand it all but, it didn't matter. Byleth came back and that's all that mattered.

"Ingrid?" The knight looked up at byleth. "Yes?" The professor slowly sat up and looked into ingrids eyes. "This may seem inappropriate but, there's something I need to know. You seem to care about me, more so than anyone else here. So I want you to tell me honestly. Are you in love with me?"

Ingrid knew this was going to be asked sooner or later. She thought it was pretty obvious even though she tried to hide it. But, she couldn't hide it any longer. She looked down ashamed.

"I.... yes byleth, I am. I don't know how or why it happened. I tried to fight off what I felt but, I couldn't. I thought maybe it was just a crush or some admiration but, it's not. The more time I spent with you and studied under you, my feelings only grew. Your the kind of person o strive to be, not only that but, your kind, strong, and beautiful and never make any mistakes..."

Byleth had secretly always known that some of her students had crushes or maybe even unspoken feelings towards her, including Ingrid, but, she never knew her feelings ran this deep.

"I'm sorry professor, I know I shouldn't but i.." the girl was silenced by byleth leaning in and kissing her. In all honestly byleth didn't know what she was doing, it was if her body was moving on its own, her mind simply saying do it, and she did. Ingrid however, was surprised by the kiss, but, soon returned it. She had never kissed a girl before but, she liked it. After a few moments byleth slowly pulled away.

"B...byleth i..."

"It's alright ingrid...you don't have to apologize or say anything. You've done alot for me, even when I was at my lowest point you were the only person that came and sought me out. You pushed me to do better, not to mention, you inspired me just as much as I have you. Honestly, I took up Wyvern riding so I could better teach you."

Ingrid was blushing beet red. "You...you didn't need to do that"

Byleth however, took ingrids hand in hers. "Well, love makes us do crazy things doesn't it"

That immediately got ingrids attention as she looked at byleth. "You...you love me?"

"I do Ingrid. At first I thought the same as you had but, over time and as I got to know you, my perspective changed. I chose not to act on it because I didn't want to cross any lines, what with you being a student and myself a professor. But, after these past few months. My fathers death, the moments we've shared, and now this. I can't say I know what will happen next, so, I'm not going to leave this unspoken. So, yes, I do love you Ingrid Galatea, deeply."

Ingrid couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was overjoyed for one, and kissed byleth again holding her close before laying her head on byleths shoulder. "I thought my feelings would be unrequited, but, knowing you feel the same, I'm. I'm truly happy. I promise byleth, no matter what comes next, I reaffirm what I said, I will always support you and fight by your side".

Byleth smiled and hugged her now girlfriend back. "I know, and I thank you for it".


Things were seeming to look up for everyone. Ingrid especially was feeling better than she ever had. She'd finally admitted to byleth what she had felt and to her joy, she'd returned her feelings, though they both agreed that it would be for the best to keep thier relationship a secret for now, after all, they were still teacher and student, but, perhaps when the school year ended, or byleth finally left then they could explore thier bond further. However, things began to shift as in the span a few weeks, some interesting things occurred. Firstly, byleth and edelgard left garrag Mach for the capital if the empire, Enbarr. No one knew exactly why they had gone but, many assumed it was just for a other mission. However, upon thier return, byleth informed everyone that the archbishop of the church, Rhea, had asked for her and her class to come to the Holy Tomb for some sort of ceremony at the end if the month.

By this point, the rumor of byleth somehow being touched by the goddess had spread. Some believed it to be nothing but, rumor while others didn't know what to think. Many of the black eagles, including Ingrid saw byleth literally cut a rift in reality itself and step through it unharmed. Whatever the case, the month itself seemed to be looking overly peaceful.

Ingrid during this time began to relax abit. She seemed, more at peace, still prone to train and be diligent in her studies, but, not so worked up as she usually was, everyone noticed this, including Felix, of course he already knew why it was, Ingrid might have kept it quiet but, the joy on her face was evident.

During a sparring match one afternoon, the two friends were going at it with all they had, although this was abit different. By this time, Felix had passed his certification to become a swordmaster, though it was no challenge for someone of his skill, and Ingrid herself had passed her course to excel as a wyvernn rider and was keen to test her skills. She had asked Dimitri to oversee them as byleth was occupied giving a seminar.

"Alright, Felix, Ingrid, are you both prepared?" Ingrid saddled Shiva and took to the air holding Luin firm in her hands. "I'm prepared your highness ", Felix however, not wanting to talk to Dimitri simply grunted and nodded his head. Dimitri then rose his Lance in the air, and then down. "BEGIN!"

the two went at it like thier lives depended on it, with Ingrid soaring in aiming straight for Felix's chest plate, but he ducks out of the way and goes to slash at Ingrid but, she parrys it with her Lance. Trying a different tactic she orders Shiva to climb high into thr air, and once at the right altitude she divebomb Felix. Unsure what she was doing, he readied himself ready to dodge her attack, but, just as it seemed to duo were to clash with the swordsman, the Wyvern immediately reversed upwards and Ingrid dismounted landing a clean kick to Felix's chest causing him to collapse to the ground before putting luin to his neck. "Do you yield felix?" She asks smiling down at him". He was abit ticked off but, he had to admit, he didn't see that coming, thus he nodded as Ingrid helped him to his feet.

"Don't get over confident, you merely caught me off guard, I'll be ready for it next time" he tried to sound upset but, the smile on his face betrayed him. Dimitri walked over and Congratulated the two, or tried as Felix soon walked away.

Ingrid shook her head, hoping one day that the two would be able to mend thier relationship. "You did quite well Ingrid, that duel went rather quickly, I've never seen that tactic used before, where did you learn it?"

"Oh, it was actually my mother who came up with it, it was her signature move of sorts, she named it the "Dragons Talon", I've attempted it in the past but, never was strong enough to pull it off, it requires alot of precision. In all honestly, I don't think I would've mastered it without the professors instruction".

"You truly have excelled under her tutelage. I will admit was abit saddened and surprised when so many of the blue lions switched houses but, now I can definitely see as to why you all did so, the results don't lie."

Ingrid felt a tad saddened and rubbed her shoulder and bowed. "I'm sorry your highness, we didn't mean to upset you".

"Think nothing of it Ingrid, it's not as if you left the academy, we course see one another every day, and I of course still have plenty of heads to keep charge of". He said in a humorous tone. "Though now that I think about it, you've been acting different lately"

"Oh how so?" She asked as Shiva landed next to her, letting her lean against her.

"If you don't mind my saying so, you just seem more, relaxed, more confident as well. If I'm allowed to ask, what's lifted your spirits so?"

Ingrid looked abit standoffish. "Do I require a reason?"

"No I suppose not, I meant no offense, I was simply curious".

Ingrid was wondering weather or not she should tell Dimitri the truth but, she left terrible at the thought of lying to him, she thought at this point he would've known but, for all his good qualities, he was abit clueless at times.

"If I tell you Dimitri, do you promise not to tell a soul".

This caught him off guard, Ingrid rarely called him by his name anymore, it was always usually your highness, so he knew this was important.

"You have my solemn word"

"To be completely honest, it's because, I've. I've fallen in love. With someone".

Dimitri was surprised by this, he didn't think Ingrid would ever open her heart to someone after what had happened to Glenn, but, he was overjoyed to hear this nonetheless.

"That's wonderful Ingrid, is it someone I know, it's not Sylvain is it?"

He joked which caused Ingrid to blushed and have quite the surprised look on her face. "What?! Goddess no. Absolutely not".

"Alright I apologize, but, being serious for a moment, who is it?"

Ingrid took a deep breath and rubbed Luin with her thumb as she spoke. "It's. It's Byleth"

Dimitri was surprised. "The professor?

Ingrid however looked resolved. "Yes the professor, I understand you may have misgivings about it Dimitri but, I know that this isn't some fleeting Infaution or crush. I haven't felt like this fir someone since... since Glenn."

Dimitri looked abit solemn at hearing his friends name but, let Ingrid continue.

"In truth, I don't know why or how it happened. After what happened, I had no time for such feelings, my only goal was to attain knighthood and to bring honor to my family, and to you. But, when I first met her, it was, like looking in a mirror, both seeing not only a reflection of myself and what I strove to be but, in some ways, I see aspects of Glenn in her as well."

"How so?" He asked taking a seat on a nearby bench.

"Well, she always puts others first, she's always ready and willing to help those in need even when it's not in her best interest. I've watched her time and time again risk her own life for us in the black eagles. Not to mention she's always ready and willing to guide us in our studies without question. As for me, I can relate to her. We've both lost someone dear to us, and though I've never wanted to bond over something so cryptic, the similarity is there nonetheless. But just like Glenn, she's strong, confident, and always is ready to fight for what is true. Even though she isn't a knight, I dare say she carries herself like one, and for the first time in quite along time Dimitri..." she says as she finally looks him in the sky, a small smile prominent on her face.

"I'm just. Happy, truly happy."

Dimitri was moved by ingrids words as he stood and couldn't help but, wrapped his friend in a warm embrace. "And I am deeply happy for you my friend, you deserve happiness, more than anything else in this world"

Ingrid couldn't help but, chuckle as she hugged him back, as the weather began to change, and rain began to fall on them both.

"We best get in doors, before th storm hits" he said pulling away as thunder sounded across the sky. Ingrid nodded signaling for Shiva to go back to her shelter, which the drake did immediately.

Weeks pass with little to no upset, until finally the night before the ceremony arrives and byleth can't shake a feeling of unease. She sits in her room and can't help but, feel as if something is amiss. Ever since she returned in her new gaze, Rhea has been acting rather strangely towards her, causing byleth to suspect she was up to something. She never had any reason to fully distrust Rhea, but, after what her father told her, not to mention what was said in his diary, it made her feel uneasy about the archbishop. Had she truly done sometime to her as a child? Was that why she was different from other people. What shocked byleth more than anything, is that she was beginning to feel things she had never felt before, after her fathers death, she felt overwhelming sadness. When she watched her students succeed, she felt pride, and when Ingrid.. told her og her feelings towards her, she felt, happiness.

She had felt such things before but, everything was just mute. Things were just things, events were simply events, nothing felt special, pure black and white nothing else. But, now, she was different, she was changing, and in some ways, it scared her. She knew not what would come next, and with neither jeralt or sothis now here to guide her, she felt abot lost.

She knew she'd have her students support, and her bond with edelgard was especially strong but, as odd as it sounded. The bond they shared was that if a mentor or parent would see a child. That's when her thoughts wondered to Ingrid. She can come along way since the day they first met, not only as a student but, as a person. She smiled remembering how excited she was when she passed her exam to be a Wyvern Rider, how happy she got when a new meal was served in the dining hall, not to mention how much her skills as a warrior had progressed. But, the one thing that dwelled on byleths mind is what came after all of that. If she was honest, she had never really thought about love, she wasn't against it, but, it just wasn't a priority. If anything, she learned more about love from Jeralt and his countless stories of her mother, Sitri.

Byleth felt saddened when she remembered her parents. She wished she could've told her father about how she and Ingrid had grown so close, and yet, in the ironic twist of fate, it was jeralts death that truly opened byleths eyes to ingrids affections, even if the latter hadn't yet told her how she felt but, it was in that moment, where everyone else, even edelgard decided to step away and leave byleth be, Ingrid refused, literally bursting in not out if anger or wanting to tell byleth to get over it, but, to help because she genuinely cared about her.

Byleth gazed to the side and looked at a ring sitting on her bedside table.

"One day, I hope you'll this ring to someone you love, as well as I love her".

Her fathers words, and some of the last he ever spoke to her. She picked it up and gazed at it for awhile. It was far to soon to talk about such things, after all, they had only started "dating", well, if you could call training sessions and meals on the mess hall "dates". Honestly she'd have to ask Dorothea about the best way to arrange such a thing. But, the more she thought about it, Ingrid wouldn't care about such things, much like byleth herself, she wasn't overly concerned over such trivial things, all that mattered is they were happy in each other's company, and thier feelings were real.

Byleth decided to simply get up and go for a walk, putting the ring in her coat pocket. As she left her room she found herself walking to the student dorms. Eventually, she made her way to the second floor and was carefully as to not wake anyone, after all, if anyone saw her there's no telling what rumors and gossip might spread. As she reached ingrids door, she gently knocked. After a few moments, Ingrid opened the door looking abit out of sorts. "Argh Sylvain why are y...byleth?"

Byleth looked at her for a moment, the moonlight shining off her blonde air and causing her eyes to glow. She looks, well, beautiful.

"May I come in for a moment"? A simple question. Ingrid blushed but, soon opened up the door and allowed byleth inside.

"Is everything alright byleth, you look troubled?" Byleth simply turned around and didn't say much. She didn't want to worry Ingrid, but, at the same time, she knew she didn't want to be alone, not tonight. "Would be alright if, I spent the night with you?" Ingrid was surprised and now beet red but, she could tell byleth was being genuine and simply nodded as byleth removed cloak and battle attire as she now stood in her leggings and put on a night shirt, which showed off quite a bit to Ingrid, who did her best not to watch but, couldn't help but sneak a few glances.

The two made thier way to ingrids bed and byleth cuddled up close to Ingrid. She didn't know what to do at first afraid to ruin the moment, but, she soon just let Instinct take over as she wrapped her arms around byleths waist. Byleth smiled at this and placed her forehead against ingrids looking into her eyes. "Thank you". The knight rose a brow and spoke softly. "For what?" Her answer was a kiss to her cheek before the professor, now at ease slowly drifted off to sleep. "Everything.."

Ingrid felt her heart quicken its pace but, in this moment, as if it was ever in question she now knew with the upmost certainly, this was real, and this is where she wanted to be. Here and now, if even for the briefest of moments, nothing else mattered, no titles, no battles, it was just them and that, in the eyes of the young Galatea, was all she needed.


The time had come for the ceremony in the holy tomb, the entirety of the black eagles were assembled along with Rhea. The archbishop had instructed to byleth to sit upon the throne of Sothis, in order to receive a vision from the goddess. This fact confused some of the black eagles, especially Ingrid. If what byleth had told them was true, and sothis was either merged with her or inside her mind, how could she receive a vision?

But, such questions were quickly thrown aside as edelgard, along with a small garrison of imperial troops stormed the holy tomb and edelgard ordered them to occupy the tomb. It was here where all was revealed, that edelgard had been the mysterious Flame Emperor, and that she was going to take the crest stones for herself. Everyone was shocked but, they were all quickly ordered to stop the imperial troops by any means necessary.

The holy tomb soon turned into a battle group, as the black eagles minus edelgard clashed with the imperial and thier two pet monsters. While most of the group focused on protecting the crest stones and protecting Rhea, Byleth, Ingrid, and Rapheal charged to take down edelgard and her lieutenant. Byleth ordered them to stop the imperial while she handled edelgard. Even now Ingrid could tell byleths heart wasn't in this fight, as for byleth herself, she couldn't understand why edelgard would do this, what was the purpose of it, or did she perhaps no something about the church she didn't, so many questions, no answers, it was infuriating. But soon enough, the Sword of the Creator clashed with the axe and shield of the flame Emperor, two powers locked in a terrifying struggle but, one that wouldn't last. For all edelgards power, she was no match for byleth.

As byleth striked and caused edelgard to stumble back, she didn't strike her down, she simply sheath her blade. Edelgard then asked byleth a question, after everything they been through and everything they knew of one another, what would byleth choose?

But, when Rhea ordered byleth to kill edelgard and Hubert, in quite a dark and twisted manner.

"Professor, kill them now, the goddess demands it. Make these monsters pay!"

byleth said nothing, instead turning around and pointing her blade at Rhea in defense of edelgard. "The only monster I see here is you Rhea, I won't allow you to harm my students..." byleth immediately signaled for the rest of the students to follow, and while some were unsure, they all complied and stood with byleth. The situation was unclear right now, but, they knew edelgard, she wouldn't have done this without good reason and that reason, was soon show to all as Rhea transformed into a colossal dragon. "So, the Immaculate One finally shows itself, how quaint" Hubert mocks.

"You now all see why I've struck against the church, these monsters have controlled us from the shadows for millennia, twisting everything for thier own ends, and allowing even worst demons to take root, including the ones who killed your fsther professor..." edelgard couldn't help but, day those last words with regret.

Byleth didn't care though, now her fears were realized and true was laid bare. Rhea truly was a monster, and her father was right to fear her.

Soon however, Hubert at edelgards order warped them all out of the holy tomb and to safety.

Everyone was brought to imperial fort some distance away from garrag Mach and everyone was brought up on the situation, and edelgard explained everything, from Rhea's deception, to why she masqueraded as the Flame Emperor, it wasn't to cause harm, it was to get close to the dark forces that Rhea had allowed to roam free as to find the best way to stop them. Edelgard even pleaded for her teachers forgiveness at her inaction to stop kronya when she able, if she had known thier plans she would've killed her. Byleth was abit hurt at the deception but, as far as she was concerned, her fathers killer was dead, and now they were going to take care of the rest in time.

The next two weeks were spent with the now newly formed Black Eagle Division of the imperial army prepared to take the fight to garrag Mach.

Many of the students were conflicted about fighting the church, it would mean fighting former allies, people they had spent an entire year, side by side with, not everyone couldve been apart of Rhea's plot could they? In truth, many only stayed because they trusted in the professors judgment, the fact was, she chose to fight for edelgards cause because she believed in her, and thus, the rest would follow suit.

But behind closed doors, after another long day of training and preparing, Ingrid sought out byleth in the yard. She looked abit distant. Ingrid put a hand on byleths shoulder. "Byleth, are you alright.. truly alright?"

Byleth had fought in many battles over her life, raiders, monsters, even corrupt officials it wasn't new to her, but this, this wasn't just a simple battle and she knew it, this was going to be a War, it wouldn't just be garrag Mach, this would encompass all of fodlan. She didn't look at Ingrid but, put her hand over hers. "How can anyone be alright in a time like this..."

Ingrid too was a warrior at heart, she wasn't afraid of battle but, even she knew what was coming, she very well could be fighting against her own homeland, even Ditmitri possibly if he decided to defend Rhea. The thought saddened her but, she hardened her resolve as she turned byleth around to face her. She looked into her emerald eyes. "No one can ever be ready for war, you can prepare and then face it. I won't lie, I'm uncertain about all of this, but, I swore that I'd fight at your side, and I intend to honor that promise".

Byleth couldn't smile at this, she simply nodded and in a moment of weakness not even caring if someone saw, she lean forward and kissed Ingrid, which she returned. Byleth pulled away and leaned her head against ingrids. "Just promise me you'll keep safe, I don't want to lose anyone else" Ingrid pit a hand on her cheek and kissed once more before speaking. "I swear byleth, we will both walk away from this". It was all either one of them could hope for.


Soon enough the day came and armies marched, the sky turned a redish hue due to the flames erupting from the Great structure. The imperial army, along with the black eagles serving as its blade, made thier way through the monasteries outer grounds, the mission was simple, find and either capture or elimate Rhea, cut off the serpants head as it were. But such a task was much easier said than done. The entire might of the Knights of Serios were laid bare as they clashed with imperial troops. Pegasus knights flooded the skies and heavy armored knights stormed the grounds.

The battle was intense, with each student of the black eagles taking command of a small garrison and leading them against the knights, while the church had numbers, the empire had better tactical minds, with both byleth and edelgard on the field of battle choosing which units best to counter the knights. It was a struggle, street by street, inch by inch, it was everything they could do take the checkpoints to allow imperial reinforments to join to the charge.

Byleth along with edelgard made thier way for Rhea while Ingrid and the others took down the checkpoints and took care of any of the reinforments the knights managed to gather. It wasn't easy drawing a blade on old friends. Seteth, Flayn, Gilbert, Catherine, but such thoughts couldn't be dwelled on in the heat of battle. As Ingrid, along with Petra, Felix, and Sylvain made thier way to the western checkpoint they were met with Gilbert.

"I can't believe the heirs of the kingdom would turn thier backs on his highness, I will tell you only once, stand down and walk away, i ha e no wish to hurt you, but, I will if I must" Ingrid hated this, but, she had her duty, this was war and in war one had to steel themselves and make sacrifices for the greater good, a lesson Glenn taught her, a lesson byleth taught her.

"We don't want to fight you either Gilbert, but, we have our orders, either surrender and leave, or we will strike you diwn" Ingrid said with all the determination she could muster. Felix even backed her. "Get out our way old man, this doesn't concern you"

"I assure you Felix, it very much does" he tightened his grip on his weapons as she charged them along with his division of knights. The fighting was fierce but, the aerial advantage won out as Gilbert was quickly overwhelmed, finally being taken down by Ingrids Dragons Talon maneuver. The checkpoint was there's and Gilbert, though pained was warped away to safety by the knights.

By the time they had taken the checkpoint, the eastern checkpoint had fallen as well, as more forces soon arrived but, to everyone's horror it was too late, as the entire monastery began to crumple as the form of the Immaculate One rose form the rubble and laid waste to landscape before fleeing into the skies.

But, when Ingrid reached edelgard and the others, byleth was no where to be seen.

"Edelgard! Where's the professor, where's Byleth " but both edelgard and Hubert was speechless, and horror struck. "

"No..., no" Ingrid quickly turned around and began searching the rubble along with the others but, nothing.

After a full night of searching, there was nothing byleth was gone. Ingrid was utterly devastated. She had finally opened up again, only for the world to close her off once more.

Edelgard finally walked up to the woman who was kneeling in a pile of rubble. "Ingrid... we must escape, more soldiers will come soon"

But Ingrid said nothing, expect this. "Let them...."


"Those dastards...." she clinched her fists in anger as she quickly rose and took of luin which was now growing brightly. "They killed her, they took the woman I loved away from me".

Edelgard was stunned, Ingrid and the professor were together, but. She soon taken out of her thoughts by ingrids voice. Ingrid began to calm as she knelt before edelgard. "Your magisty, she fought for you, believed in you, and even now, so will I, buy you need to promise me, one thing, and one thing only"

Edelgard then answered. "Which is?"

She then looked I to the emperors eyes, with pure aimed rage. "That you'll let me Kill Rhea..."

To Be Continued ~