
chapter four

It was almost time. Whoever was left behind, came together to wait for the Ciaron sol. We couldn't look at it directly when the moon cast it shadow over the sun. We would go blind, many have. We watch the stone floor. We wait. And wait. In silence. In hope that maybe it wouldn't happen. But it always did, without fail.

As we look to the ground we see the light fade. The shadow of the moon was upon us. The war can begin. And it did. Even tho the battle was still a distance away. We could see hews of red and orange. The bridge between worlds has opened. There is nothing we can do here but wait. Tend to fallen soldiers who return.

The air felt still. Now we wait to see who returns.

Days pass. No sign. Not even the wounded came, which a lot of people thought it was a good thing, but I knew it was far from that. My heart wanted to believe that we were winning the war, but my mind and every other part of me knew it must be the complete opposite. I could see the same thought across my mothers face as she rubbed her fingers on her temples, eyes closed but I could see her struggling I could see she was searching something far beyond her closed eyes, with a gasp she opened her eyes and as if knowing I was looking she looked back at me. Fear was on her face. She rose quickly and rushed to me. " Come with me now" she grabbed my arm and pulled me away "what's going on moth-"

" We don't have much time hurry" she cut me off as we reached our home " we must get you out of here".

This made me stop in my track and tho I was thin and light I was still able to stand my ground.

" Mother, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?" I pulled my arm away and from her and crossed it with the other on my chest. " what did you do back there?" I continued to ask questions.  She hesitated for a moment " come inside I will talk as we prepare" she walked in first and started to move quickly. " we already packed, just in case mother" I  reminded her.

" I know but I wasn't prepared for this. I could only see so far" she scolded but to herself.

" im confused  what do you mean?" She looked at me then as if debating with herself. She sighed " We are decedents from Vanir, yes we are from the human realm but you see the gods liked to wander through all the realms loving many people. Well sometimes that meant pregnancy, despite all the tales of them being loyal and all-knowing, they were also selfish and didn't care who they hurt"  she must have seen my face trying to puzzle it all together" we are descendants of the Vanir" she finally confessed after what seemed like forever. My mouth gaped open " The gods?" She nodded to answer me. " she gave me a half-smile " our family on my side comes from Freyja, she had many gifts and with her blood that flows in our veins we can bare powers. I " she paused and grabbed some books and packed them in a satchel "I got the part of her that can see parts of the future, a seidr it's called".

Now it started to make sense why she was acting very scared

" what did you see?"

" Death" is all she said

" what?" I almost whispered

" Everyone, I see everyone's death here, they won and they are coming to claim more" she tied the satchel up and almost shoved it into my hands.

" We need to gather the people and then must leave"

I don't know what my mother expected when we started to gather the people to leave, nearly no one wanted to come. They didn't wanna believe her. " we will not abandon our husbands and sons" one said " you are a coward," others said but though it all she didn't falter.

She turned to me and nodded

"It's time, let's go"

"But the others"

"Have made their choice" she said regrettably

Mother opens portal but gets shot by a black arrow. She closes the portal before she reaches it.