
Fire and Ice: Entangled with the Mafia Twins

Laura moves into a new apartment and immediately gets close to her new neighbor Ezra. Things begin to get odd when Ezra tells her he is going back to his hometown, but Laura meets him again at an infamous, criminal l neighborhood in their city. They hook up and Laura finds out he is a gangster. But nothing is as it seems and one day She finally learns that Ezra has a twin brother Elias and he is the gangster she got involved with. Things start to get even more complicated when Laura’s dark past she had been running from catches up to her and dangerous people start coming after her if it wasn’t enough, she gets stuck between the twin brothers who have been on bad terms for years. It becomes a dilemma when Laura realizes that she is unable to choose between the brothers and she is slowly falling for both of them.

Winteryuri · Urban
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


"It is not all that bad, right?" Laura looked at June when she came to visit her. 

She didn't really seek approval, but she didn't want June to think it was a disgusting hole either. June came from quite a wealthy family, always wearing designer clothes and living in luxury so this was definitely not something she would really like.

"Well, the furniture is pretty outdated and the bathroom and kitchen could use reconstruction, you could talk to your landlord about it," June replied.

"Maybe after a while," Laura shrugged and then jokes: "Hey, there are no rats or cockroaches, so that is a win."

"If there were, I'd drag you out of here to live with me," June said seriously.

"We talked about this, I don't want to use you, I am glad I have my own place," Laura protested. June was very generous to those who she loved, she has offered Laura numerous times to move in with her in the apartment her parents got for her when she went to college.

 It wasn't anything luxurious but it was nice and spacious. June often gave Laura expensive gifts too since she was younger than her and she also couldn't afford to buy anything like that by herself , she had few designer clothes and some jewelry that would definitely be worth stealing if someone broke in here.

"No, but it is not really that bad," June smiled slightly: "It is yours now and that is important, maybe you will manage to get a better job too."

"I am quite content in the supermarket," Laura shrugged: "The salary is decent and it's not time consuming. Although I might find a job in one of the strip clubs here."

"I can't even tell if you're joking or not," June sighed: "Come on, let's go out, I am hungry."

The neighborhood wasn't definitely pretty, but there were lots of local shops and family restaurants that served delicious and cheap foods.

 It took them a while to find something that June would approve of, but finally they walked into a cozy looking restaurant with only one old lady behind the small bar counter.

They sat down and the woman rushed to them, bowing deeply as she handed them the menu.

"But seriously, about the job, wouldn't it be better to get something closer to your place?" June asked when they ordered and had drinks while they were waiting for food.

"It is not that far, there is a bus stop not far from my place that goes straight to the supermarket, it is only like a twenty minute ride," Laura shrugged, taking a big gulp of her drink. She didn't have a car, of course, she just saved enough to get her own apartment, but maybe that was the next step.

They started talking about random things , June did most of the talking as always, but that was what Laura loved about her. 

They spent at least twenty minutes talking about a guy that June was going out with the other day and even when their meals arrived, they continued talking with full mouths.

The restaurant was completely empty, there were only a few tables, but they were currently the only customers. Laura has noticed in the few days of living in the new apartment that this neighborhood usually wakes up very late. 

Now it was only seven in the evening and the streets were almost abandoned, most people around here were probably eating later.

A bell at the door announced a newcomer and neither of them really paid it any mind. " Oh Ezra, dear, what can I get you tonight?" the old owner asked with a smile in her voice.

"The usual, grandma Pam," a quiet, soft voice replied and for some reason, that made Laura turn to the counter.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw a guy standing with his back to them. He looked a little bit older than she was and tall, his hair was brown and jaw sharp and eyes big and he was smiling gently at the old woman. 

For some reason, he immediately caught her attention.

"Well, looks like guys around this neighborhood are hot," she said as she bit her lip before she looked away from the stranger.

"The bad ones are always hot," June smirked, checking the guy out as well.

"What makes you think he is a bad guy? Seems normal to me."

"He lives here, most people here are bad guys."

"I live here too, I am not an angel, but I am not a bad guy," Laura reminded her: "He looks pretty nice if you ask me."

"Maybe you could ask him to show you around, tell him you just moved in here," June grinned: 

"Or should I talk to him myself?"

"I saw him first, he's mine!" Laura protested.

"Well, looks like he's not," June pointed out and Laura turned just in time to see the guy taking take-out in a bag, handing over a few banknotes and leaving with a smile and bow directed at the owner.

"Damn it," Laura grumbled. She definitely wasn't going to run after the guy, she wasn't that desperate, even though the stranger was handsome and it's been a while since Laura got laid.

"Don't worry, babe, you are gonna meet lots of guys like him, the new neighborhood has its perks, it's new meat," June winked at her.