
Fire and Ice: Entangled with the Mafia Twins

Laura moves into a new apartment and immediately gets close to her new neighbor Ezra. Things begin to get odd when Ezra tells her he is going back to his hometown, but Laura meets him again at an infamous, criminal l neighborhood in their city. They hook up and Laura finds out he is a gangster. But nothing is as it seems and one day She finally learns that Ezra has a twin brother Elias and he is the gangster she got involved with. Things start to get even more complicated when Laura’s dark past she had been running from catches up to her and dangerous people start coming after her if it wasn’t enough, she gets stuck between the twin brothers who have been on bad terms for years. It becomes a dilemma when Laura realizes that she is unable to choose between the brothers and she is slowly falling for both of them.

Winteryuri · Urban
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Laura was getting quite impatient because Ezra still hadn't returned home.

She realized that she didn't even have his phone number which was outrageous, considering that they've already had sex three times and she didn't want to go up to the Hellhole to not seem clingy because she knew that was something that could deter lots of people at the beginning of a relationship.

She had no idea if there even was a beginning or if it was all just sex for the older man, but she had a feeling that Ezra was really into her so chances of something bigger blooming between them were high.

She went on with her life, looking for a job, but he didn't really find anything. Either it was just straight up boring or with a terrible salary or she wasn't qualified enough.

Maybe she should go to college or take some lessons to obtain a certificate of some sort, but that was something she needed money for and if she was being honest, she didn't even know what she liked to do that much to actually want to learn more and put money in it.

Finally, she didn't even know how many days it's been since they last saw each other, Ezra came back.

Laura was slightly disappointed because the elder didn't come to knock on her door and see her, but he didn't want to push it. She knew Ezra had a roommate that she hadn't seen for a while, so maybe he just wanted to catch up with him.

He knew that Ezra was back only because she briefly saw him just when he walked up the stairs to their floor and the man was just opening the door and slipping in the apartment.

Laura was slightly taken aback because Ezra was back to brunette, but she supposed the black was just temporary color and it washed

off or something.

It was still strange to see him like that since she got used to the black hair, usually pushed to one side so his undercut was revealed, now the brown locks were just falling in his face, it almost looked like Ezra here had a different persona from the Ezra up there in the Hellhole.

Two days after Ezra got back, Laura was just lazily chilling on her bed, watching a drama, when there was a knock on the door.

Her heart immediately sped up because there weren't many options of who this might be, apart from June, there was only one person that had been to her apartment.

She was keeping herself clean in case some opportunity came, even though her hair was messy right now and she wasn't wearing any make-up.

She didn't let it deter her though, if it was Ezra behind that door, she was sure as hell going to let him in.

"Hi, you're back," she got out, slightly breathless, when she finally opened the door and revealed her neighbor.

"Yeah, it took a while, I had lots of catching up to do, but I thought I better visit my neighbor. Can I come in?" Ezra smiled with a soft look in his face, looking at the younger as if he wanted to remember her face, almost like he forgot what she looked like.

"Sure, of course, come in," Laura grinned, stepping back to let the other enter.

As soon as he closed the door behind Ezra, she just couldn't hold herself back. Shs quite literally jumped at him and kissed him, hard.