1 Finn & Nancy - CHAPTER 1 THE BOX

*Nancy's phone starts ringing*

"Hey Nan, what's up."

"Hey, Finn," Nancy groans.

"You're still sleeping?"

"Yeah, I slept pretty late yesterday because I was playing video games and jamming to music, but I fell asleep unknowingly," Nancy explains.

"oh ok, then Nan you can go back to sleep-"

"No Finn, I'll get up since I'm awake, could you come over in 10 minutes?"

"Yeah, sure!" Finn exclaims

10 minutes later, Finn reaches Nancy's house.

"Hey, Nancy! Someones at the door," Mrs.Wilson yells.



Nancy goes downstairs to meet Finn.


"Hey, Finn, what's up. Nice day outside, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Nan, oh by the way Noah put up a garage sale in his front yard, he has so many cool things, OH he even brought this REALLY cool Beyblade to school. maybe if I search I could find one"

"WOW Finn, that sounds AMAZING, hold on I need my jacket since its a bit cold outside."


Finn and Nancy make their way to Noah's garage sale in the cold weather.


"OH hello there, Finn and Nancy. Long time no see. Where have you guys been all this time? Great to see you guys at my garage sale today!" Noah exclaims.

"We have been home all week. It's frigid outside, and we didn't have the mood." Finn says.

"you guys are lazy dudes. Anyways, check out the garage sale, I took out some of the really cool stuff I had, but I don't use them much. Have fun!" Noah exclaims.

"OH, YESS!!" Nancy yells in excitement.

"I see some cool stuff over there. See you later, Noah," Finn says in a thrill.


Finn finds some cool stuff, and so did Nancy, but what Finn finds is going to make them 'THE ADVENTURERS OF IMAGINATION.' It's going to take them to the COOLEST, WILDEST, OR HORRIFYING places. It depends upon fate!


"OH MY GOD NANCY! I found that Beyblade of Noah's I was talking about, this is so COOL, Nan."

"hmm, I'm trying to find some cool things, what's this I see here- NO WAAAYYY FINN you WON'T believe what I just found! A CHERRY BULLET ALBUM. THIS IS INSANEEEE. Noah? Are you a CHERRY BULLET fan?" Nancy asks breathlessly.

"well yeah kinda. I found it in a random store down the street, so I bought it." Noah said.

"Nan look! I found a box" Finn chuckles. "looks pretty cool to me, pretty dusty tho"

"what's so cool about the box, Finn. We are NOT paying a whole dollar for a dusty box. Are you nuts?" Nancy says in disappointment.

"NANCY! It's not about THE BOX; it's about what's INSIDE the box," whined Finn.

"FINEE whatever," Nancy says reluctantly. "Finn, how about we go back home now, it is getting pretty dark out here."


"hmm...ill give you the CB album for 2 dollars since you are a FAN, NAN." Noah giggled.

"Haha, I see what you did there, Noah." Nancy giggled along.

"And...and WHAT ABOUT THE BOX, and BEYBLADE?" Finn asks without patience.

"You're lucky you found the Beyblade before anyone else, Finn! That's one of my favorites. I'll give that for a dollar-" Noah exclaimed.

"AND WHAT ABOUT THE BOX?" Finn says impatiently.

"There was some pretty cool stuff in there, but I didn't really know how it worked. It has been lying around in the basement for about a year now, so I decided ill just put it up here. Find out the way it works, Finn and Nan. You guys are smart dudes. It looks fun. I'll give this for free since it's you guys." said Noah.

"WOW REALLY? AWESOME!" said Finn eagerly.

"That will be 3 dollars," said Noah.


Finn gives one dollar for the Beyblade, and Nancy gives 2 dollars for the album.


"cool, see ya soon, Noah. Thanks for the fantastic goodies!" Nancy adds in.


Finn and Nancy make their way back to Nancy's house in the cold weather. Finn was so eager to see what was in the box, and Nancy wanted to check out the Cherry Bullet album.

