
Finesse || gxg

Wren was the best in the business. Nothing was safe from her light fingers. Rest assured, though, most couldn't afford her services, so most were safe. For a pretty penny, Wren could be hired to lift just about anything, there was very little she wouldn't touch. Drugs and heavy objects, mostly. If it could be tucked into her pouch or under her arm, she would do it. At every turn, though, she found herself face-to-face with the obnoxious, self-righteous Cloud. A reformed thief, Cloud used her skills to counter folks like Wren. As soon as a corporation got word that their secrets were at risk, they would hire Cloud, and Wren would have to put on a show to get past her. Colour Wren surprised when she showed up to a meeting for a new job, only to find Cloud waiting in the office already. She wants nothing more than to leave, but the payout was too good, and the risks too great to say no to. Even if it meant working with Cloud for the greater good.

HollandWeathers · LGBT+
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Note From the Author

This novel along with all my other works is available exclusively on Wattpad.