
let go

" I'm ready to let go "

when we say those words

it hurts a lot

coz it's not just something that you would say

just to simply got yourself out of a toxic relationship

you sort things out

before you decide to let go

it takes time

it takes a lot thinking if you're going to make a best decision

or you're just screw your self more.

but the thing after you decide that you were ready go

to leave

it's hard to say those words

because of the memories and all of the good times

you spent with those people who make a place to your heart

its so fucking hard to say goodbye

than to say hello


there were time that you gotta ask yourself

hi ow can I ever leave this place

i wanna go out of here

coz I no longer recognize myself

i was pressured to be an adult

when I'm still in my teenage years

i focused on doing things perfectly just to please people around me

but guess what

I ended up forgetting who i was

so that is why

i need to leave

in order for me to survive

i needed to let go

for me to move forward